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Appointment: Frankender a...
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  Lazarus is Moving to Xenforo
Posted by: New Rogernomics - 06-02-2021, 06:47 PM - Forum: It & Maintenance Department - No Replies

First off I would like to say we have had a good run with myBB.

However, there are plenty of issues with myBB that have convinced me that it is time to move to something more stable and feature rich.

It is something I wanted to avoid, as I cringe at the yearly software upgrade cost i.e. $55, which will mean we do have to fundraise a little each year.

It is fair that I list those here:
- MyBB 1.8 is going to transition to 1.9 sometime late this year, or early in the next, and many of the plugins will not be compatible.
- MyBB has a very unstable text editor implementation, and it is dated. The myBB developers seem to be sticking with a clearly buggy editor or can't decide on a new one.
- MyBB crashes a lot database wise, and can't seem to handle even minor glitches with plugins, and the recent crash we had recently of the forum was not the first.
- MyBB is losing a lot of plugin developers, crucially ones that made the money scripts, and there is no dice roller plugin developer. So once the 1.9 switch is made, we lose those plugins, as the developers won't be there to update them.
- If we lose those plugins, then our opportunity to do D&D style RP or have a forum based economy dies with them.
- Forum templates will be changing, so we are going to be losing much of our theme work.

Then, the next question to be asked, is why not other free software?

- SMF is good, but then it is also fairly dated.
- phpBB doesn't really provide anything we wouldn't get with myBB, and it does not solve the editor issue.
- Tapatalk, Vanilla, etc are basic and really boring to look at. Even if they might be 'modern' in style and software.

So paid software became the best bet, and Xenforo vs IPB vs vBulletin.

These aren't necessarily better than one another. So ultimately it came down to features, modification ability, and plugins and add-ons. IPB has no dice roller plugin really on offer, let alone for free, and it charges more aka $160 vs $200. Plus there is less CSS editing flexibility.

So going forward, the old forum will remain active while we transition. No posts or accounts will be lost, as these will be moved to the new forum.

This should be completed by the weekend.

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  Shareholdership to be Revoked
Posted by: New Rogernomics - 06-02-2021, 04:48 AM - Forum: Board Meeting Room - No Replies

In accordance with Article II of the Citizenship Act, the following will have their shareholder status revoked, for holding no nation in Lazarus:

@"Karloman" (Frankish Peoples)
@"Raemynn Rexus" (United Primal Provinces)
@"United States of Canaidia" (United States of Canaidia)
@"Ladandtopia" (Ladandtopia)
@"Atagait Denral" (Aura Raider)
@"Wolfana" (Wolflandil)
@"Wolf" (The UPG)
@"temmi" (Temmi)
@"epsilonlyrae" (Luilamuin)
@"Jadter1" (Glorious Society)
@"Morozovia" (Morozovia)
@"definitely.not.better" (NoDrugCrimeTown)
@"Loftegen" (loftegen_3)
@"Imaginary" (Your Imaginary Friend)
@"Sarj" (Sarjivo)
@"winner909098#2336" (Winner909098)
@"Casetaria" (Thand Areachns)
@"SouthernKhanate" (Southern Prescott)
@"Rainbow Cat" (The Tokopiaku)
@"Chronim" (Chronim)
@"leandro#2280" (North Supreria)
@"Elven_Pizza_Angel" (Elven Pizza Angel)

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  Shareholders Status List (2021)
Posted by: New Rogernomics - 06-02-2021, 04:42 AM - Forum: Board Meeting Room - No Replies

  1. This is not a leave of absence thread.
  2. With this thread, let the Speaker know when you update nations.
Article II. Deprivation of Citizenship

(1)  Reasons to revoke citizenship shall include:

a. Having no nation residing within Lazarus.
b. Failing to follow policies established by Forum Administration.
c. Any other reasons that may be established by law.

(2)  Citizens shall be advised by the Assembly Speaker or Forum Administration each month that their citizenship shall be revoked:

a. Through posting a list of citizens on the forum stating that they may have their citizenship revoked.
b. Through private communication on the forum, discord, or by telegram.

(3) Revoking of citizenship shall occur:

a. Within 5 days of being advised that their citizenship shall be revoked.
b. Immediately or temporarily if Forum Administration considers them to be an OOC threat.

(4)  The Assembly may alternatively permit an inactivity waiver for a citizen by two-thirds vote.

Current Shareholders:

Shareholders permitted an inactivity waiver:

@"Imkihca" – Waiver

Will lose Shareholdership (No nation in Lazarus):

@"Karloman" (Frankish Peoples)
@"Raemynn Rexus" (United Primal Provinces)
@"United States of Canaidia" (United States of Canaidia)
@"Ladandtopia" (Ladandtopia)
@"Atagait Denral" (Aura Raider)
@"Wolfana" (Wolflandil)
@"Wolf" (The UPG)
@"temmi" (Temmi)
@"epsilonlyrae" (Luilamuin)
@"Jadter1" (Glorious Society)
@"Morozovia" (Morozovia)
@"definitely.not.better" (NoDrugCrimeTown)
@"Loftegen" (loftegen_3)
@"Imaginary" (Your Imaginary Friend)
@"Sarj" (Sarjivo)
@"winner909098#2336" (Winner909098)
@"Casetaria" (Thand Areachns)
@"SouthernKhanate" (Southern Prescott)
@"Rainbow Cat" (The Tokopiaku)
@"Chronim" (Chronim)
@"leandro#2280" (North Supreria)
@"Elven_Pizza_Angel" (Elven Pizza Angel)

List Updated: 06-02-21 1:00 AM EST by @"New Rogernomics"

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  Appointment: Frankender as the Director of Shareholdership
Posted by: Domais - 05-30-2021, 03:24 AM - Forum: Board Meeting Room - Replies (2)

Shareholders of Lazarus,

@"Frankender" has been appointed to serve as the Director of Shareholdership. As per Mandate 12 IV.6, this appointment is subject to a simple majority confirmation by the Shareholders of Lazarus.

The appointment announcement by Managing Director @"moe":

Quote:Hello everyone!

Thank you to all who voted for me, I hope to have a productive term next term.

I would like to appoint joWhatup as director of the regional guard. Jo has indicated that they are willing to stay on, and I am glad to have someone so experienced and knowledgeable in the role.

I would like to appoint Frankender as director of shareholdership. Frankender has served in this role before, and I'm looking forward to working with them in this upcoming term.

I hope to have a nominee for internal management and public relations for you shortly.

This thread may be used for discussion and motions regarding this appointment.

-- Domais, Acting Speaker

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  Appointment: joWhatup as the Director of the Guard
Posted by: Domais - 05-30-2021, 03:23 AM - Forum: Board Meeting Room - Replies (2)

Shareholders of Lazarus,

@"joWhatup" has been appointed to serve as the Director of the Guard. As per Mandate 12 IV.6, this appointment is subject to a simple majority confirmation by the Shareholders of Lazarus.

The appointment announcement by Managing Director @"moe":

Quote:Hello everyone!

Thank you to all who voted for me, I hope to have a productive term next term.

I would like to appoint joWhatup as director of the regional guard. Jo has indicated that they are willing to stay on, and I am glad to have someone so experienced and knowledgeable in the role.

I would like to appoint Frankender as director of shareholdership. Frankender has served in this role before, and I'm looking forward to working with them in this upcoming term.

I hope to have a nominee for internal management and public relations for you shortly.

This thread may be used for discussion and motions regarding this appointment.

-- Domais, Acting Speaker

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  Appointment: Debussy as a Member of the CLS
Posted by: Domais - 05-30-2021, 03:17 AM - Forum: Board Meeting Room - Replies (2)

Shareholders of Lazarus,

@"Debussy" has been appointed to serve on the Council on Lazarene Security. As per Mandate 12 VI.4, this appointment is subject to a simple majority confirmation by the Shareholders of Lazarus.

The appointment announcement by Delegate @"Treadwellia":

Quote:Hi everyone! I'll keep this brief. After giving this thought and reviewing the situation, I'm looking to appoint Domais as successor to Debussy as Speaker after the election is over, per Debussy's own recommendation regarding Domais's capabilities. Also I will be looking to appoint Debussy as the newest Security Auditor, when they have left the Speaker position. -- Treadwellia, Delegate of Lazarus

This thread may be used for discussion and motions regarding this appointment.

-- Domais, Acting Speaker

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  Appointment: Domais as Speaker of the Assembly
Posted by: Domais - 05-30-2021, 03:14 AM - Forum: Board Meeting Room - Replies (3)

Shareholders of Lazarus,

@"Domais" has been appointed to serve as the Speaker. As per Mandate 12 I.11, this appointment is subject to a simple majority confirmation by the Shareholders of Lazarus.

The appointment announcement by Delegate @"Treadwellia":

Quote:Hi everyone! I'll keep this brief. After giving this thought and reviewing the situation, I'm looking to appoint Domais as successor to Debussy as Speaker after the election is over, per Debussy's own recommendation regarding Domais's capabilities. Also I will be looking to appoint Debussy as the newest Security Auditor, when they have left the Speaker position. -- Treadwellia, Delegate of Lazarus

This thread may be used for discussion and motions regarding this appointment.

-- Domais, Acting Speaker

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  [Discussion] Us and the NPO
Posted by: moe - 05-29-2021, 02:59 AM - Forum: Private Discussion Area - Replies (2)

Hello everyone, seeing as there has been some discussion in relation to this in light of the NPO's condemnation being repealed, I would like to re-open the discussion on how the shareholders of Lazarus feel. 

I believe there are a few discussion points here: 

1. Ending the war with the NPO
2. Repealing/leaving the APC
3. Anything we would want in exchange from them for 1/2
4. Future diplomatic relations if the first two items are passed 
5. Proscription on NPO citizens

Personally, I think that since most of us agreed with abstaining on the SC vote, and with their condemnation being repealed, it makes sense that this would be a good opportunity to revisit our conflict and potentially ending the war and leaving the APC to re-establish some kind of neutral relationship with the NPO. However, I know last time this discussion was opened, a lot of citizens wished to see a delegate change as well, before anything was done. I feel though if the NPO hasn't been actively hostile recently and are looking to change their image, then we could start the discussions to end the war and leave the APC, but wait until we establish any kind of treaty or any agreement past neutrality.

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  Repeal: “Condemn The Pacific” Discussion
Posted by: New Rogernomics - 05-26-2021, 02:58 AM - Forum: Tabled Discussions and Proposals - Replies (1)

Repeal: “Condemn The Pacific” Discussion

I've been reviewing the text of the repeal, it reads sort of problematic: https://www.nationstates.net/page=sc

We have our initial demands: https://nslazarus.com/showthread.php?tid...87#pid4587

Quote:Furthermore, we intend to take more aggressive action against the NPO unless the following demands are met:
  • Permanent removal from office in the NPO of the leaders of the Lazarus Task Force, inclusive of Aleisyr, Pergamon, Svezjacael, Stujenske, and Feux
  • Other suspicious or undesirable nations known to the NPO to be resident in Lazarus or any off-site property are to be immediately reported to Lazarene regional staff
  • The NPO may not deploy operations within our borders, unless future Lazarene policy allows support of a legal delegacy transition
  • An official apology from the NPO for its recently revealed offences against Lazarus and other regions

[Image: wVCoBus.png]
This is the current Delegate of The Pacific.

If I was to break this down and look through the arguments for inconsistencies:
Quote:Noting that while Feux and A mean old man did infiltrate Lazarus and Osiris through puppet nations, these nations were not "notable members of the New Pacific Order" at the time of said infiltration(s), nor were they members of the NPO at all during that time period;

Unlike what the text claims, Feux was a prominent member of the NPO as far as Lazarus is concerned, and there is clear historical justification to argue this given Feux was made a key member of the New Pacific Order delegation to the Constitutional Convention made to resolve the Lazarus situation post Imki coming into the Delegacy. It does not matter whether they were "notable" either, as that is still covered under abetting a crime through inaction.

I have just checked the wayback machine and the claim made is untrue that Feux was never a member of The Pacific prior to the alleged crimes.

[Image: KDgGsf6.png]

We can infer from that alone that Feux was at least a resident in the NPO basically three months concurrently, if not a citizen of the NPO from 2014, and people could speculate on-wards from there.

You can see yourself here by looking in the 2014 snapshots: https://web.archive.org/web/201404010000...ation=feux

Whether the NPO Wiki is accurate or not, this seems to contradict that as well, several times: https://wiki.npowned.net/view/History_of...tionStates
Quote:[...]The initial burst of activity had begun to taper off slightly again when it came to pass that A Mean Old Man and Feux ascended to the Senate. Shortly after this, Milograd followed after his coup of The South Pacific which had been themed on a socialist republic[10]. Milograd was not removed from the region despite claims of intent to punish him, but instead made the head of Foreign Affairs. Not long after this, he, too, joined Krulltopia's Senate.
Quote:[...]This left Feux, A Mean Old Man, Milograd, and Karpathos with a large amount of control of the Pacific Senate. None of them were considered for the position of Regent, however, that instead falling to Elegarth and Rothinzil. Both continued the trend of refusing to take the seat from Krulltopia, and his other options for succession were deemed unwelcome. The New Pacific Order by 2014 had become characterized by contributions from long-term members such as Aleisyr, Foreign Affairs moves by Elegarth, and ambitious seeking of the Delegacy by Feux. However, activity had begun to siphon away from The Pacific after Feux couped Lazarus and took control of the region from the Imperialists.

Going back to the text itself now...
Quote:Dismissing claims that these infiltrations constituted intelligence operations conducted by the NPO, due to a lack of evidence to demonstrate the NPO knew of these infiltrations while they were ongoing;

 It does not matter for point of argument, whether the infiltration(s) occurred continuously, the fact that these infiltration(s) occurred at all seems to be problem here, so it seems a bit strange to argue here that this is a justification for a repeal, and further to somewhat muddy whether they occurred.
Quote:Acknowledging that Aleisyr and Pergamon, at the time the nations chiefly responsible for governing the Pacific, later became aware of these infiltrations but allowed these nations membership and advancement in the NPO, without informing either Lazarus or Osiris of the infiltrations, but that their reprehensible silence and inaction do not prove the aforementioned claims;

This passage seems a bit of a mess, as it is arguing simultaneously that the infiltration(s) may have occurred, but then goes on to argue that just because NPO did not take action against them does not mean they are liable for their actions. When those activities were covered up it was a crime in itself, and certainly Lazarus could hold the NPO accountable for not informing Lazarus of a clear violation of their sovereignty AKA abetting a crime through inaction. The NPO does not have to be guilty of the initial crime, it can still be liable on basis not informing relevant authorities.

The rest of it is irrelevant, at least as far as Lazarus is concerned, as Lazarus did not support the Nationstates "consensus" in foreign policy statements or by a vote of the assembly, that is argued exists in the text.

I could see an argument for Lazarus voting against not on basis of whether the NPO were adequately reformed/changed, but because of the nature/statements of the repeal text.

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  [Election] Special Election (May 2021)
Posted by: Debussy - 05-26-2021, 12:29 AM - Forum: Voting Area - Replies (17)

Shareholders of Lazarus,

the campaigning period has concluded, and voting has now begun. In this thread, eligible shareholders may submit their ballots. As per Lazarene Elections Act 2.2.c and 5.1.a, the voting period lasts 3 full days starting at the point this thread was posted. 

The eligible candidate is: 

On their ballots, shareholders shall list up to two options in order of preference. These two options comprise the one eligible candidate (listed below and above), as well as "Abstain" (colloquially called "Re-Open Nominations"); if the virtual candidate "Abstain" wins the vote, a new election shall begin. Shareholders shall use only the forum names of the candidate; minor spelling errors are accepted if and only if ballot entries are obviously referring to one specific candidate as per my judgement. Ballots that include extraneous information or formatting are considered invalid.

A sample ballot that includes the candidate followed by the Abstain option is listed below for your convenience:


-- Debussy, Speaker

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