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  [Proposal] Criminal Procedures Act
Posted by: McChimp - 07-25-2018, 11:05 PM - Forum: Past Proposals & Discussions - Replies (27)

Criminal Procedures Act
Proposed by: McChimp

In order to allow the citizenry of Lazarus to pursue justice for criminal offences committed against them, this constitutional law lays down the procedures by which a fair conclusion might be brought about.

Section 1. Criminal Rights, Responsibilities and Powers

(1) Any citizen may petition the Court of Lazarus to begin a criminal case by posting a public accusation against another player. Public accusations must follow any requirements established by the Court of Lazarus by majority vote.

(2) The Court of Lazarus shall maintain a publically available Criminal Library of court procedures, amending it by majority vote.

a. Only court procedures which explicitly state as such within their text may result in a verdict.
b. The Criminal Library shall contain exactly one procedure for rehearing cases which have been appealed. This procedure must result in a verdict.
c. The Criminal Library may not be amended during a criminal case.

(3) The accuser and the defendant may each choose someone to act on their behalf during a criminal case. They may replace the person representing them at any time.

(4) The Justices serving on a criminal court may issue a verdict of "Guilty" or "Not Guilty" by majority vote.

(5) Having found a player guilty, the Justices serving on a criminal court must determine a lawful sentence by majority vote.

(6) Those who have been sentenced may make a public appeal to the Delegate to review their sentence. The Delegate may initiate a rehearing by a criminal court in order to obtain a new verdict and sentence should they see reasonable cause to do so.

a. Rehearings shall follow the procedure described within the Criminal Library.
b. Rehearings shall be conducted by three temporary Justices appointed by the Delegate. These Justices must not have handled on the case being appealed and shall have no other court responsibilities or powers. Their appointments shall not be subject to Assembly confirmation.
c. Rehearings shall be conducted publicly unless the Justices serving on them determine that their contents are sensitive by majority vote.

(7) Sentences will be implemented in-game by the Delegate and on the forum by one or more members of the admin team. Every government official in Lazarus is responsible for reporting any violation of a court-imposed sentence that they learn of.

Section 2. Criminal Procedure

(1) Criminal cases will be heard by the Court of Lazarus.

(2) Any Justice serving on the Court must recuse themselves from ruling on any case where they are the defendant, the accuser, a representative of either party, or where they are otherwise unable to rule in a fair and unbiased manner. Absent Justices will also be considered recused.

(3) If one or more Justices are recused from a case, the Delegate will appoint temporary Justices to serve in their place. These Justices shall have no other court responsibilities or powers. Their appointments shall not be subject to Assembly confirmation.

(4) The Court of Lazarus must notify the defendant that a case has been brought against them post-haste.

(5) The Justices handling the case shall decide by majority vote whether or not to dismiss it.

(6) Should the case not be dismissed, the Justices handling the case shall then select a court procedure described within the Criminal Library by majority vote and give notice that the Court will convene.

(7) A criminal court shall convene publicly unless the Justices serving on it determine that its contents are sensitive by majority vote.

I would be grateful for thoughts and suggestions. The constitution does not include a criminal court and I think Lazarus ought to have that capability if not an entirely separate institution.

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  [Proposal] Assembly Procedure Act
Posted by: Cormac - 07-24-2018, 12:25 PM - Forum: Past Proposals & Discussions - Replies (25)

Assembly Procedure Act

Proposed by: Cormac

Section 1. Administration

(1) The Assembly will be administered according to all provisions mandated for the Assembly by Mandate 12 and according to the below procedures.

Section 2. Legislative Procedures

(1) A minimum discussion period of three days is required before any proposal may be brought to vote. The Speaker is not required to open a vote if they determine that the proposal has not had sufficient discussion, but they may not delay opening a vote for more than seven days from when the motion to vote on the proposal was seconded.

(2) In order for a proposal to be brought to vote, a citizen eligible to vote on that proposal must make a motion to vote, and another such citizen must second the motion. A motion to vote may only be made by the initial author of a proposal unless the initial author is no longer a citizen or has not posted on the off-site regional forum for more than seven days without posting a leave of absence.

(3) Only the Delegate may introduce a proposal to enact, amend, or repeal a treaty or declaration of war, and only the Delegate may make a motion to vote on such a proposal.

(4) In the event that there are multiple competing proposals regarding the same matter in the judgment of the Assembly Speaker, the Assembly Speaker will bring them to vote one at a time, in the order they were motioned to vote. If such a proposal is enacted, the subsequent competing proposals will not be brought to vote.

(5) All votes will take place for five days. Citizens eligible to vote may vote "Aye," "Nay," or "Abstain." Voters may not post any other content in a voting thread or embellish the format of their vote in any way, and votes that include additional content or embellishment will be discarded and split from the voting thread. Voters may cast their votes by posting in each voting thread.

(6) The Assembly Speaker will determine which discussions will take place publicly and which will take place privately, and may accordingly move discussions to and from the Assembly's private forum, except that the Delegate may determine whether proposals to enact, amend, or repeal treaties will be public or private. All votes will be conducted in public.

Section 3. Deputies to the Assembly Speaker

(1) The Assembly Speaker may appoint deputies to assist in presiding over the Assembly according to its procedural rules. Appointment of a deputy will be subject to confirmation by 50%+1 vote of the Assembly if the deputy-designate has previously been removed from office by the Assembly.

(2) Deputies to the Assembly Speaker will serve until resignation, removal from office by the Assembly or the Assembly Speaker, or automatic removal from office as defined by Mandate 12.

(3) Any powers or responsibilities assigned to the Assembly Speaker by these procedures, Mandate 12, or any other law, unless explicitly directed otherwise, may be delegated by the Assembly Speaker to their deputy or deputies, and rescinded by the Assembly Speaker. Deputies will not have the power to appoint or remove other deputies.

Section 4. Legislative Formatting

(1) Unless otherwise noted, legislation brought to vote in the Assembly will be formatted as follows:
Example Title

Proposed by:


This is an example of a preamble. It should not exceed 50 words. Preambles are optional.

Section 1. Example Section Title

(1) This is an example of a subsection.

(2) This is an example of another subsection.

a. This is an example of a subparagraph.
b. This is an example of another subparagraph.

(2) The forum name of the author will be provided in the "Proposed by:" section of a proposal. In the event that the author's forum name changes, the Assembly Speaker may amend a law to reflect the author's new forum name.

(3) Following enactment of a proposal, the Assembly Speaker will append the month and year of enactment to the proposal's title.

(4) An optional preamble for a proposal will not exceed fifty words.

(5) Unless otherwise noted, all amendments brought to vote in the Assembly will be formatted as legislation, and the amendments therein will be marked up so as to clearly delineate the changes being made.

(6) Only general laws and constitutional laws will be subject to formatting for legislation, but all amendments will be subject to mark-up.

(7) The Assembly Speaker will not open a vote on a proposal that has not been properly formatted and/or marked up in the judgment of the Assembly Speaker, and no motion to vote on such an unconforming bill will be recognized, until the proposal has been properly formatted and/or marked up.

I have established the above as the Assembly's provisional procedures until we vote to adopt official procedures, and I am also putting these forward as the Assembly Procedure Act for consideration as our official procedures.

It should also be noted that Ryccia and Chanku proposed procedures, here and here. I appreciate their efforts, but I think the above procedures are simpler and more in line with the Mandate. I did incorporate Ryccia's ideas for tiered discussion periods into these procedures though.

Please feel free to contribute feedback so we can make these the best they can be.

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  [Proposal] Provisional Procedures of the Assembly
Posted by: Cormac - 07-24-2018, 12:01 PM - Forum: Past Proposals & Discussions - Replies (4)

Provisional Procedures of the Assembly

Proposed by: Cormac


Invoking power granted to the Assembly Speaker by Article I, Section 12 of Mandate 12 to establish Assembly procedures when such have not been established by the Assembly, I hereby establish the following as the Provisional Procedures of the Assembly to remain in place until the Assembly has established procedures.

Section 1. Administration

(1) The Assembly will be administered according to all provisions mandated for the Assembly by Mandate 12 and according to the below procedures.

Section 2. Legislative Procedures

(1) A minimum discussion period of three days is required before any proposal may be brought to vote. The Speaker is not required to open a vote if they determine that the proposal has not had sufficient discussion, but they may not delay opening a vote for more than seven days from when the motion to vote on the proposal was seconded.

(2) In order for a proposal to be brought to vote, a citizen eligible to vote on that proposal must make a motion to vote, and another such citizen must second the motion. A motion to vote may only be made by the initial author of a proposal unless the initial author is no longer a citizen or has not posted on the off-site regional forum for more than seven days without posting a leave of absence.

(3) Only the Delegate may introduce a proposal to enact, amend, or repeal a treaty or declaration of war, and only the Delegate may make a motion to vote on such a proposal.

(4) In the event that there are multiple competing proposals regarding the same matter in the judgment of the Assembly Speaker, the Assembly Speaker will bring them to vote one at a time, in the order they were motioned to vote. If such a proposal is enacted, the subsequent competing proposals will not be brought to vote.

(5) All votes will take place for five days. Citizens eligible to vote may vote "Aye," "Nay," or "Abstain." Voters may not post any other content in a voting thread or embellish the format of their vote in any way, and votes that include additional content or embellishment will be discarded and split from the voting thread. Voters may cast their votes by posting in each voting thread.

(6) The Assembly Speaker will determine which discussions will take place publicly and which will take place privately, and may accordingly move discussions to and from the Assembly's private forum, except that the Delegate may determine whether proposals to enact, amend, or repeal treaties will be public or private. All votes will be conducted in public.

Section 3. Deputies to the Assembly Speaker

(1) The Assembly Speaker may appoint deputies to assist in presiding over the Assembly according to its procedural rules. Appointment of a deputy will be subject to confirmation by 50%+1 vote of the Assembly if the deputy-designate has previously been removed from office by the Assembly.

(2) Deputies to the Assembly Speaker will serve until resignation, removal from office by the Assembly or the Assembly Speaker, or automatic removal from office as defined by Mandate 12.

(3) Any powers or responsibilities assigned to the Assembly Speaker by these procedures, Mandate 12, or any other law, unless explicitly directed otherwise, may be delegated by the Assembly Speaker to their deputy or deputies, and rescinded by the Assembly Speaker. Deputies will not have the power to appoint or remove other deputies.

Section 4. Legislative Formatting

(1) Unless otherwise noted, legislation brought to vote in the Assembly will be formatted as follows:
Example Title

Proposed by:


This is an example of a preamble. It should not exceed 50 words. Preambles are optional.

Section 1. Example Section Title

(1) This is an example of a subsection.

(2) This is an example of another subsection.

a. This is an example of a subparagraph.
b. This is an example of another subparagraph.

(2) The forum name of the author will be provided in the "Proposed by:" section of a proposal. In the event that the author's forum name changes, the Assembly Speaker may amend a law to reflect the author's new forum name.

(3) Following enactment of a proposal, the Assembly Speaker will append the month and year of enactment to the proposal's title.

(4) An optional preamble for a proposal will not exceed fifty words.

(5) Unless otherwise noted, all amendments brought to vote in the Assembly will be formatted as legislation, and the amendments therein will be marked up so as to clearly delineate the changes being made.

(6) Only general laws and constitutional laws will be subject to formatting for legislation, but all amendments will be subject to mark-up.

(7) The Assembly Speaker will not open a vote on a proposal that has not been properly formatted and/or marked up in the judgment of the Assembly Speaker, and no motion to vote on such an unconforming bill will be recognized, until the proposal has been properly formatted and/or marked up.

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  [Proposal] Procedural Rules of the Assembly Act
Posted by: Chanku - 07-22-2018, 03:25 PM - Forum: Past Proposals & Discussions - Replies (8)

So I figured I should introduce this here now, I was holding off, however given a different draft has been posted, here we go:

1. This act is to be cited as the Procedural Rules of the Assembly Act

Legislative Procedure
2. Any member of the Assembly may, at any time, introduce a proposal into the Assembly. After the introduction of such a proposal, a fourty-eight period of debate will commence. This period of debate may be waived in matters of urgency, the procedure for doing so is found in Section Ten of this act. During the initial fourty-eight hours, no motions outside of the procedures for waiving can be made.
3. After the period for debate has expired, any member of the assembly may make a motion on the proposal, a non-exhaustive list of motions is located in Sections Eleven through Thirteen. A motion must be made after one week since the experiation of the debate period, without debate. If a motion is not made within seventy-two hours the Speaker may, at their discretion, archive the proposal. An archived proposal must be introduced anew.
4. Once a proposal has been brought to a vote, the proposal is to remain at vote for a period of seven days, or until the requsite number of members of the assembly have voted. After which the Speaker is to declare the outcome, and move any passing measures to the Delegate if it is an area that the Delegate has veto or review authority over. 
5. No person who obtains membership in the Assembly after the start of the vote is to have their vote counted, or their membership considered, in the counting of votes. This applies to all votes.

Confirmation Procedure
6. The Delegate, upon appointing a person to a position that requires the Assembly's review, is to introduce the person onto the Assembly floor. Upon doing so a debate period occurs, in accordance with Section 2 of this Act. After the period, an additional forty-eight hours occur where any member of the Assembly may motion to either Extend the Debate or to proceed to a vote. If the forty-eight hours elapse and no motion has been made the Speaker must begin a vote on the person. No other motion may be made. 
7. The Delegate may, upon the introduction of the candidate, request that the assembly not hold debate. If the Speaker, and two other members of the Assembly, second the request, the debate period is to end immediately, and a vote is to begin. The ability to use this section is restricted to periods of emergency, during times of war, and during periods where there are no other members in the government except for the Delegate and Speaker.

Impeachment Procedure
8. Any member of the Assembly may, at any time, introduce a proposal Articles of Impeachment against the Delegate, Vice Delegate, Councilors, and/or any sitting Justice. The Articles of Impeachment must outline the reasons as to removal, in addition to evidence if possible. Upon the introduction the debate period specified in Section 2 of this act is to occur, although the debate period is non-waiviable. After the debate period a forty-eight hour window is to occur where a motion to extend debate or a motion to vote. After the forty-eight hour period if no motion has succeeded, the Speaker must open a vote on the proposal. If the proposal passes as required by the constitution, then the members that the Articles of Impeachment calls for the removal of are to be removed immediately. No position of the government that is stated within this section can be removed by any other procedure.

Recall Procedure
9. Any member of the Assembly may, at any time, introduce a proposal to remove any member of the Government not outlined in Section 8 of this document. Upon the introduction of such a proposal, a debate period is to occur as outlined in Section 2 of this act, except that the debate period can not be waived. After which the procedure found within Sections 3 and 4 of this document applies.

10. A Motion to Expidite can be made for matters of urgency, and the motion may only be made by the Speaker or by deputies of the Speaker. After which it must be seconded by two other, non-officer, members of the Assembly. Upon the passage of a motion, the proposal this occurred on proceeds immediately to a vote.
11. A Motion to Vote can be made by any member of the Assembly, and must be seconded by any other member of the Assembly, excepting the Speaker. Upon the passage of a motion, the proposal this occurred on proceeds immediately to a vote.
12. A Motion to Extend debate can be made by any member of the Assembly, and must be seconded by any other member of the Assembly. The motion must either state a period of time to extend the debate by, or else the motion extends debate for twenty-four hours. Upon debate being extended, an additional debate period is to occur for the period of time of the debate. Debate may not be extended for more than one week. If no discussion happens on a proposal for a period of forty-eight hours after a motion to extend debate, the ability to extend debate further is relinquished and the period of debate is to end. For matters of Confirmations and Appointments, the limit of debate extension is to be seventy-two hours.
13. In the event of Multiple Motions being presented, a member of the Assembly must state which motion they are seconding, or else their second is to be invalid.
14. In the event of Multiple Motions, the Motion that obtains its required number of seconds first passes, and any remaining motions automatically fail.

Duties of the Speaker
15. The Speaker must, within forty-eight hours after the passing of a Motion to Vote, or other period of time after which a vote automatically begins, open a vote on the proposal or matter. If the Speaker fails to do so any member of the Assembly may open a vote. 
16. The Speaker must appoint a Senior Deputy Speaker within forty-eight hours of taking office, or if the office of the Senior Deputy Speaker falls vacant. If the Speaker fails to appoint a Senior Deputy Speaker, any Member of the Assembly may introduce a proposal to select a Senior Deputy Speaker. The proposal must name the candidate, and upon introduction follows the procedure defined in Section 2 of this Act. The proposal is only valid when there is no Senior Deputy Speaker, and the candidate only becomes the Senior Deputy Speaker upon the passage of the proposal if the Speaker has not selected a Senior Deputy Speaker. Upon the passage of this Act, if a Speaker has already been appointed and confirmed by the Assembly, then the forty-eight hour requirement starts upon the passage of this act.
17. The Speaker may appoint Junior Deputy Speakers and task them with responsibilities. 
18. In the event of the Speaker going on an announced Leave of Absence, or being absent from the regional forums for seven days, the Senior Deputy Speaker is the responsibilities of the Speaker, until the Speaker's return. Additionally, in the event of a recall of the Speaker, the Senior Deputy Speaker serves as speaker until the appointment of a new Speaker. If there is no Senior Deputy Speaker, the Senior Deputy Speaker has been absent from the regional forums for seven days, or the Senior Deputy Speaker is on a Leave of Absence, the responsibilities and authorities for Speaker go to a Junior Deputy Speaker, in order of Seniority. The usage of this act does not empower the Junior Deputy Speaker to appoint a new Senior Deputy Speaker. 
19. The Senior Deputy Speaker and the Junior Deputy Speakers serve until the confirmation of a new Speaker, at the leisure of the Speaker, and until their resignation, loss of citizenship, or removal by the Assembly.

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  [Proposal] Procedures of the Assembly Act
Posted by: Ryccia - 07-22-2018, 02:55 AM - Forum: Past Proposals & Discussions - Replies (7)

Procedures of the Assembly Act

An act establishing the procedure of the Assembly

I. On Proposals to the Assembly

(1) Any citizen may propose a bill to the Assembly. A bill is defined as any proposal for a new law, an amendment to an already existing law, or a repeal of a law which is not the Mandate.

(2) A bill which requires a majority vote requires, at minimum, three days of discussion before a motion to vote can be carried out.

(3) For a bill which requires a majority vote to be voted upon, a motion to vote from any citizen is required, in addition to an endorsement from another citizen.

(4) A bill which requires more than a majority vote requires, at minimum, four days of discussion before a motion to vote can be carried out.

(5) For a bill which requires more than a majority vote to be voted upon, a motion to vote from any citizen is required, in addition to an endorsement from another citizen.

(6) An amendment to the Mandate or a proposed constitutional law requires, at minimum, seven days of discussion before a motion to vote can be carried out.

(7) For amendment to the Mandate or a proposed constitutional law to be voted upon, a motion to vote from any citizen is required, in addition to individual endorsements coming from two other citizens.

(8) If any proposals motioned for a vote contradict each other, they must be voted upon simultaneously, under which the proposal with the highest number of votes in favour is passed.

II. On Treaties

(1) A treaty is defined as any document signed with any foreign power.

(2) A treaty is to be treated as a law of Lazarus. If it conflicts with the Mandate, it can be repealed by the Courts.

(3) A proposed treaty requires, at minimum, five days of discussion. After these five days of debate, the Assembly must vote on the proposed treaty.

(4) For a treaty to be repealed, it requires, at minimum, seven days of discussion.

III. On Motions of No Confidence

(1) Any citizen may propose a motion of no confidence in any government official.

(2) A motion of no confidence requires, at minimum, seven days of discussion.

(3) For a motion of no confidence to be voted upon, a motion to vote from any citizen is required, in addition to individual endorsements coming from two other citizens.

IV. On Appointments

(1) Any appointment to the offices the Assembly appoints as indicated by the Mandate or any other laws requires, at minimum, at least three days of discussion. After these three days of debate, the Assembly must vote on the proposed candidate.

V. On Votes

(1) A vote on any proposal shall last for two days, unless specifically indicated in this act or in the Mandate.

(2) A vote on a constitutional amendment or constitutional law shall last for four days.

(3) Any citizen may vote for or against any proposal, or abstain. If they decide to vote abstain, their vote shall not count towards the final percentage of any votes for or against.

VI. Responsibilities of the Speaker of the Assembly

(1) The Speaker of the Assembly has the responsibility of overseeing and starting all the votes undertaken by the Assembly. They may do so by formally opening the vote on the discussion thread, or start a new thread for this purpose.

(2) The Speaker of the Assembly has the responsibility of counting the votes of all citizens in a proposal’s vote.

(3) The Speaker of the Assembly has the responsibility of keeping record of all the votes that the Assembly has undertaken for public view.

(4) The Speaker of the Assembly has the responsibility of preserving a legislative history of all laws, including the Mandate, which portray the history of amendments to their composition.

(5) Should four citizens, apart from the motion to vote and endorsements needed under this act to bring a proposal to a vote and after twenty-four hours of the proposal’s presentation of the Assembly, endorse the waiver of the remaining of the mandated debating period should it not be over, the Speaker of the Assembly shall start the vote.

Any comments and constructive criticisms are, of course, welcome.

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  [Passed] Speaker of the Assembly Confirmation Vote
Posted by: Imkihca - 07-21-2018, 07:02 PM - Forum: Nomination/Appointment Votes - Replies (10)

[Image: EpBBy4T.png]

Please cast your vote to confirm the Speaker of the Assembly selection of Cormactopia Prime, as per the announcement found here.
This vote requires a 50 +1 majority vote to pass.

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  [Passed] Vice Delegate Confirmation Vote
Posted by: Imkihca - 07-21-2018, 06:59 PM - Forum: Nomination/Appointment Votes - Replies (10)

[Image: EpBBy4T.png]

Please cast your vote to confirm the Vice Delegate selection of Treadwellia, as per the announcement found here.
This vote requires a two-thirds majority vote to pass.

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  Delegate Announcements
Posted by: Imkihca - 07-21-2018, 06:55 PM - Forum: Chief Executive's Office - Replies (104)

[Image: EpBBy4T.png]

Announcement from the Delegate
Vice Delegate and Speaker of the Assembly Appointments
As per Mandate 12, I would like to announce my first choice for the Vice Delegate position, Treadwellia!
Mandate 12, Article III, Wrote:Establishment of the office of Vice Delegate

(1) The Delegate will appoint a Vice Delegate to hold the second most endorsements in Lazarus. Appointment of the Vice Delegate will be subject to confirmation by two-thirds vote of the Assembly.

(2) The Vice Delegate will serve until resignation, removal from office by the Assembly or the Delegate, or automatic removal from office.
I believe Treadwellia, also known as Tubbius, is the perfect candidate to lead Lazarus into it's bright new future after me. He has kept a cool head throughout all Lazarus has been through lately and been the cornerstone of stability in a region sorely in need of it. Treadwellia is a known and popular face gameside, with his wonderful roleplay posts and polls, as well as in the discord and forums. I have watched him closely since Anarchy week and I feel that Tubbs embodies everything Lazarus will need: Activity, Culture, Stability, Neutrality and a passion for his region! 
Some of you may be thinking, "But he has no experience?!" - I believe Treadwellia to be a fast and competent learner and I intend to pass on as much of my personal Gameplay knowledge and introduce him to as many people as possible in preparation for when he takes the delegate position himself, but sometimes the best way to learn something is to be thrown in at the deep end! I think he will be able to make fair and wise decisions for the good of Lazarus when the region needs him to.
I would also like to announce my Speaker of the Assembly position appointment, Cormactopia Prime!
Mandate 12, Article I, Wrote:Speaker of the Assembly

(11) The Delegate will appoint an Assembly Speaker to preside over the Assembly according to its procedural rules. Appointment of the Assembly Speaker will be subject to confirmation by 50%+1 vote of the Assembly.

(12) In the absence of procedural rules to settle a procedural matter in the Assembly, the Assembly Speaker may establish such rules. Procedural rules established by the Assembly Speaker will always be subordinate to the laws of Lazarus and procedural rules established by the Assembly.

(13) The Assembly Speaker will serve until resignation, removal from office by the Assembly or the Delegate, or automatic removal from office.

(14) The Assembly may provide for the appointment and removal of deputies to the Assembly Speaker by law or through its procedural rules.
A possibly more controversial choice than Tubbs, I am none the less just as confident in Cormac's ability and dedication to rebuilding a stronger, independent Lazarus. His knowledge and experience in rebuilding Sinkers is undeniable and to say that Mandate 12 could not have come about without him would be an understatement. I have little doubt that there is anybody better than Cormac to preside over the brand new Assembly he helped bring to life and ensure a fair and stable process.
In accordance with Mandate 12, both of these appointments will now be put to the Assembly for confirmation, and must pass a 50 +1 vote in the case of Speaker, two-thirds for Vice Delegate, to be successful. 
I encourage you to vote for the affirmative in both cases.
As this is the first vote of it's kind, with no precedent or procedure yet, I have decided this vote will be open to all citizens accepted before this post and will close after 48 hours. Citizenship applications accepted after the time of this post will be ineligible to vote on this confirmation.

Delegate of Lazarus

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  Number Count
Posted by: Wonder Woman - 07-20-2018, 07:01 PM - Forum: Spamtopia - Replies (108)


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  [Discussion] The Constitutional Law of the Judicary
Posted by: Old Hope - 07-19-2018, 04:33 PM - Forum: Past Proposals & Discussions - Replies (10)

Quote:The Constitutional Law of the Judicary

This law shall be a constitutional law.

I The Defender of the Law

The office of Defender of the Law is hereby established.
The Defender of the Law is appointed by the Council of Lazarene Security by majority vote, subject to 50%+1 confirmation by the Assembly.

The Defender of the Law shall serve until removal by the Assembly, automatic removal from office, or resignation.

The Defender of the Law shall have the responsibility and the non-exclusive right to:
1.scan the forums for possible violations of the Criminal Code
2.check any and all proposed and extant law with the compatibility with the constitutional laws and the Mandate 12 of Lazarus
3.open court cases against potential criminals
4. open court cases for potential contradictions between passed ordinary laws, constitutional laws, and the Mandate 12 of Lazarus.

The Defender of the Law shall have the right to be the Accuser in criminal cases until they decide not to be the Accuser, unless they are accused themselves.

II Basic Court Rules
In criminal cases, the Accused or their defender, and the Accuser shall be given sufficient time to review the evidence against their case and to present evidence for themselves.
In criminal cases, the Accused may select someone to defend them(the defender), with consent of the defender.
In criminal cases, when the Accused does not respond in a timely manner, the court shall ask for someone to be the defender of the Accused. This shall take at minimum 4 days.
If no one wants to defend an absent Accused after 7 days, the Accused shall be tried with the defence in absentia.

No Court Justice may partipiciate in a case as Judge if they are a witness to the case, an accuser or a defender.
No Court Justice may be made witness to a case because they saw something publicly avaliable for a high number of citizens.

A Court Justice may be temporarily replaced by a temporary Judge appointed by the Delegate.
An appointment that would assign more than one temporary Judge to a case has to be confirmed by the Assembly by 50%+1 majority vote.

III High Crimes
1. Treason

Anyone who willfully disrupts access to any Forum without being the root adminstrator or having permission of the root adminstrator, willfully helps someone to take, or attempt to take the delegate seat of the Nation States region Lazarus from its rightful owner, is guilty of treason.
The court shall remove citizienship from anyone guilty of treason permanently.
2. Voting Fraud
Anyone who willfully tries to alter or establish the vote count of a vote of Lazarus in an untruthful manner shall be guilty of Voting Fraud.
The court shall remove citizienship from anyone guilty of Voting Fraud.

IV Other crimes
Other crimes may be established by constitutional law.
Other crimes may also be established by a single Criminal Code as ordinary law.
This is my idea for a constitutional law of Lazarus.

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