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  1. M

    [Archive] Introductions

  2. M

    [Discussion] Proscription of the New Pacific Order

    A proscription of the NPO sounds good to me. Most of them aren't trustworthy to me, and while there are some of them that are, I don't think picking favorites in situations such as these is a good thing.
  3. M

    [PASSED] Repeal "Condemn Macedon"

  4. M

    Hegemon (Delegate) Announcements

    Congratulations to all!
  5. M

    Guess the next person to post

    Nope Atlantica?
  6. M

    Slap Above Poster

    *slaps Imaginary with imagination*
  7. M


    OBJECTION: 3=4 is correct, not 3=2. 3=4
  8. M

    Guess the next person to post

    Nope Imaginary?
  9. M

    [Discussion] Regarding The Pacific

    Osiris tried something similar, and it seems to have failed.
  10. M

    [Discussion] Regarding The Pacific

    We should absolutely go to war with the New Pacific Order. 1. The NPO has shown a willingness to subvert regions for their own interests, regardless of the government, They have subverted regions from us, Lazarus (they helped start last year's civil war) to Osiris (a fellow member of the GCR...