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King of the Hill
Find some way to get the previous poster off this hill and claim it as your own!

Amerion builds a nice fort on top the hill
*Katie flies in and pecks Amerion to death, claiming the hill as hers*
Fmr. Prelate
Fmr. Archbishop of Internal Affairs

Discord: Katie#3933
*Amerion flies back down from Heaven with a fluffy white cloud shaped as a canon and shoots Katie off the hill*
*Katie gets back up and shouts mean words at the hill. It's so afraid of her that it trembles in fear, shaking off all of Amerion's fortifications*
Fmr. Prelate
Fmr. Archbishop of Internal Affairs

Discord: Katie#3933
*Bombs the hill*

My hill! CHARGE!
*Katie throws a bomb back*

Fmr. Prelate
Fmr. Archbishop of Internal Affairs

Discord: Katie#3933
Katie is quickly destroyed as the anti-charged particles interact with the other fundamental particles of her body, turning them into pure energy and destroying her in the process.

*Cautiously climbs hill*
Katie returns from another timeline and bores a quantum tunnel through the hill, creating a true vacuum and thus a new universe expands outward from the hill at the speed of light, destroying all in its path.

oh wait... hm I can't climb the hill now
Fmr. Prelate
Fmr. Archbishop of Internal Affairs

Discord: Katie#3933
Faux drops a nukular bomb on Katie's head, like his six-year old maturity tells him.

*Takes hill*

"Anyone who takes this hill I will bomb they're face!"
Ambassador from The Rejected Realms.
Katie is a cockroach and thus survives the blast, infecting Fauxia's food supply with nasty bugginess.
Fmr. Prelate
Fmr. Archbishop of Internal Affairs

Discord: Katie#3933

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