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Internal Management Re-Organization Plan
Internal Management Re-Organization Plan
Firstly, I would like to thank the last Director @"Mzeusia" and the other Internal Management Directors for their efforts, and certainly what I have to say next should not be taken as anything against them, as I have different ideas of how to organize the Department. The next stage of Lazarene development has to come from the grassroots, and active players in the region need to lead by example to encourage that grassroots to get involved, so for that reason I'll be all about setting out regional and nation map and RP templates that Lazerene nations can easily edit themselves. That means showing other nations how to more effectively RP, and getting them interested in developing their nations to RP. This is what I would call stage one of the plan, as the next step is setting up RP moderators i.e. Game Masters, and role play events that may or may not involve nations.
Secondly, my plan is divide Internal Management into three key focus areas: 
  1. Publication and Promotion i.e. the Gazette posting once a month at least, getting info out to nations in the region about what is happening in Lazarus, and promoting RP events.
  2. Role Play Game Masters and Developers working together on the RMB, and RP GMs also operating on the forum to moderate any events or RP activity there. There should be an effort for RP GMs to be somewhat active in RPs, and educate others about how to more effectively RP.
  3. RP Events/Activities organizers i.e. organizing RP events like regional balls, video/game nights, werewolf games, and such on the forum and discord. 
If this can be accomplished then Lazarus will be well on the road to at least having a really credible RP scene, which in itself will encourage more folks to become Lazarenes and get involved in our region.

This will be a lot of work, so I figure it is going to be a long road to get it done, though I think if we don't Lazarus will stagnate and I doubt any of us want that. Security without fun is boring, and I wouldn't be wrong to say that plenty in Lazarus are feeling that not as enough activities are available around here.
Finally, thanks to @"Temmi" for appointing me, and I'll try and serve you well over the next few months. 

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