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[Failed] Court Reform Amendment (August 2020)
Shareholders of Lazarus,

A motion and a second have been received for the Court Reform Amendment (August 2020). This is a vote on a constitutional amendment. As such, it requires a three-quarters supermajority to pass. The discussion thread can be found here.

As per Assembly Procedure Act 1.5, this vote will last for 5 days, ending on August 13th, 3:15 PM EST. Citizens may vote "Aye" or "For," "Nay" or "Against," or "Abstain" or "Present".

Court Reform Amendment (August 2020)
Proposed by: @Debussy

Section 1. Amendment of the Twelfth Mandate of Lazarus

(1) The relevant section of Article V. of the Twelfth Mandate of Lazarus as currently written, reads:

(2) Justices will serve until resignation, removal from office by the Assembly, or automatic removal from office. Justices may not serve in any other office while serving as Justices.

(2) The amended section of Article V. of the Twelfth Mandate of Lazarus shall read:

(2) Justices will serve until resignation, removal from office by the Assembly, or automatic removal from office. Justices may not serve in any other office while serving as Justices.

-- Debussy, Speaker
The greatest happiness of the greatest number is the foundation of morals and legislation. - Jeremy Bentham, A Fragment on Government

All statements made on this forum are official communiqués of the Skadifronic government authored by Valdemar Ólafursson of Clan Svarti, Deputy General Secretary of the Supreme Popular Assembly of Skadifron, Popular Goði of Foreign Affairs, Third Lawspeaker of for the Supreme Ráð of Skadifron, Member of the Supreme Ráð of Skadifron (representing Älvdalen), at-large Representative of the General Organization of Diplomats for the All-Union Congress of Syndicates, and Private First Class of the Skadifronic Militia (Älvdalen branch).

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