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[Passed] Lazarene Awards and Honors Act (January 2020)
Shareholders of Lazarus,

The bill "Lazarene Awards and Honors Act (January 2020)", reprinted below, has been motioned to vote and seconded. The discussion thread can be found here.

As per Assembly Procedure Act 1.5, this vote will last for 5 days, ending on May 2nd, 5:30 EST. Citizens may vote "Aye" or "For," "Nay" or "Against," or "Abstain" or "Present".

Lazarene Awards and Honors Act (January 2020)
Proposed by: @"Wymondham", @"New Rogernomics"

This act shall establish official awards and honors for citizens that can be applied upon discretion of officials and forum administration.
Section 1. Granting of Awards and Honors

(1) Official awards and honors to be granted shall consist of:

a. Honorary titles given to a citizen,
b. Awards given to a citizen,
c. Donated gifts of monetary or other value given to a citizen.

(2) Awards and honors may be granted to a citizen through the following means:

a. The Assembly holding a 50%+1 majority vote to grant established awards or honors,
b. The Minister appointed by the Prime Minister to be a granting official,
c. The Forum Administration team granting them.

Section 2. Alteration of Awards and Honors

(1) Official awards and honors can be established, replaced, modified, or removed by:

a. The Minister appointed by the Prime Minister to be a granting official,
b. The Forum Administration team, where necessary or in-conjunction with granting officials.

(2) Official awards and honors may be revoked from a citizen by the granting authority:

a. The Minister appointed by the Prime Minister to be a granting official,
b. The Forum Administration team, where necessary or in-conjunction with granting officials,
c. The Assembly, if they granted them, by holding a 50%+1 majority vote.
The greatest happiness of the greatest number is the foundation of morals and legislation. - Jeremy Bentham, A Fragment on Government

All statements made on this forum are official communiqués of the Skadifronic government authored by Valdemar Ólafursson of Clan Svarti, Deputy General Secretary of the Supreme Popular Assembly of Skadifron, Popular Goði of Foreign Affairs, Third Lawspeaker of for the Supreme Ráð of Skadifron, Member of the Supreme Ráð of Skadifron (representing Älvdalen), at-large Representative of the General Organization of Diplomats for the All-Union Congress of Syndicates, and Private First Class of the Skadifronic Militia (Älvdalen branch).

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