12-30-2019, 09:12 PM
Personally I believe this war has gone on long enough. We stand to gain nothing from continuing this war any longer. A raid I went on at minor today confirmed this, a combined force of the osrian and lazarene militaries were unable to defeat the legio pacifica during what is the legio pacifica's weaker update. Right now we can probably stand to get some more concessions by ending this war, after a few more months with events like today's we will be lucky to get a status quo. The NPO fulfilled nearly all of the requests from what was meant to be a list of conditions it would never accept. We must face reality, the NPO is not going anywhere, it is better to grab a few more concessions while we still can then waste more effort on a fruitless war that takes up time and effort that could be better spent improving Lazarus. We would still be in the APC, an alliance against the NPO, but we would be freed from a war that is now taking in more than it gives out.