Regarding the NPO War, which, I know, there is a lot of controversy about and it is basically a cold war now anyway, I have a question. This certainly isn't my place to ask, and it is likely a stupid question anyway, but here goes:
A lot of people are campaigning for the end of the war, which would likely break the APC and Osiris's trust. Some also want the war to go on as is, but it is turning into a pointless war. It is obvious that Lazarus needs and extra bit of leverage to end the war, and here is my idea on how to get that leverage, while making everybody happy in the process. Would it be possible to withdraw from the war under a very conditional "Cease-fire" treaty with NPO. The treaty would mostly be for show, and Lazarus would withdraw, saying that they want to devote more time and resources/people to defending Osiris. That way you don't get a bad rep for abandoning Osiris, but you actually get an even better rep for putting your own but on the line to help defend Osiris. This would get anti-war people happy because the war is technically over for us. We would still be keeping the APC by defending Osiris, and pro-war advocates would be happy because you can continue the war to whatever extent you choose, just through the front/jump point of Osiris.
The cease-fire agreement would basically state, under certain consequences, that the NPO and Lazarus may not attack the other unless they are defending their allies (see, it's worthless, right!)
To gain the leverage, we will make a big deal to NPO that we have used the time to grow and recuperate our army, also gaining powerful allies. This should be enough to get them off of our backs for a second, and we could relaunch the war whenever you want.
In other words, everyone is happy and you can still fight the war as much as you want to, if you want to.
If this does interest you and you have any questions, just shoot me a message on NSLazarus or a telegram to my nation (Viennaria) on Nationstates.
Thank You for your time,
p.s. I know I'm just a normal old shareholder with no influence, but I had this idea and felt that there was no harm in at least sharing it.
A lot of people are campaigning for the end of the war, which would likely break the APC and Osiris's trust. Some also want the war to go on as is, but it is turning into a pointless war. It is obvious that Lazarus needs and extra bit of leverage to end the war, and here is my idea on how to get that leverage, while making everybody happy in the process. Would it be possible to withdraw from the war under a very conditional "Cease-fire" treaty with NPO. The treaty would mostly be for show, and Lazarus would withdraw, saying that they want to devote more time and resources/people to defending Osiris. That way you don't get a bad rep for abandoning Osiris, but you actually get an even better rep for putting your own but on the line to help defend Osiris. This would get anti-war people happy because the war is technically over for us. We would still be keeping the APC by defending Osiris, and pro-war advocates would be happy because you can continue the war to whatever extent you choose, just through the front/jump point of Osiris.
The cease-fire agreement would basically state, under certain consequences, that the NPO and Lazarus may not attack the other unless they are defending their allies (see, it's worthless, right!)
To gain the leverage, we will make a big deal to NPO that we have used the time to grow and recuperate our army, also gaining powerful allies. This should be enough to get them off of our backs for a second, and we could relaunch the war whenever you want.
In other words, everyone is happy and you can still fight the war as much as you want to, if you want to.
If this does interest you and you have any questions, just shoot me a message on NSLazarus or a telegram to my nation (Viennaria) on Nationstates.
Thank You for your time,
p.s. I know I'm just a normal old shareholder with no influence, but I had this idea and felt that there was no harm in at least sharing it.
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Mnah Mnah
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