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Spam Till the World Ends; (Multi-Post Enabled)
Fmr. Prelate
Fmr. Archbishop of Internal Affairs

Discord: Katie#3933
Make Lazarus Great Again
Ambassador from The Rejected Realms.
Make Me Great
Not possible, sorry
Ambassador from The Rejected Realms.
This is spam
Ambassador from The Rejected Realms.
A SPECTRE is haunting Lazarus—the spectre of Spam. All the powers of old Lazarus have entered into a holy alliance to exorcise this spectre; Imki and Funk, Harmoneia and Evil Wolf, ex-FRA Moralists and LWU subverters.

Where is the politician in opposition that has not been decried as spammer by its opponents in power? Where the Opposition that has not hurled back the branding reproach of Spammer, against the more advanced opposition movements, as well as against its imperialists adversaries?

Two things result from this fact.

I. Spam is already acknowledged by all Lazarene Powers to be itself a Power.

II. It is high time that Spammers should openly, in the face of the whole world, publish their posts, their threads, their games, and meet this nursery tale of the Spectre of Spam with a Spamfest of the movement itself.

To this end, Spammers of various alignments have assembled in the Emerald City, and sketched the following manifesto, to be published in the North Pacifican, Europeian, South Pacifican, Black Hawk, Warden and Osiran Discord servers.
The greatest happiness of the greatest number is the foundation of morals and legislation. - Jeremy Bentham, A Fragment on Government

All statements made on this forum are official communiqués of the Skadifronic government authored by Valdemar Ólafursson of Clan Svarti, Deputy General Secretary of the Supreme Popular Assembly of Skadifron, Popular Goði of Foreign Affairs, Third Lawspeaker of for the Supreme Ráð of Skadifron, Member of the Supreme Ráð of Skadifron (representing Älvdalen), at-large Representative of the General Organization of Diplomats for the All-Union Congress of Syndicates, and Private First Class of the Skadifronic Militia (Älvdalen branch).
Blah blah blah

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