Staff member
Assembly Speaker
D. Minister
Councillor (CLS)
Internal Affairs
In accordance with the requirements of Article II of the Citizenship Act: https://nslazarus.com/forum/index.php?threads/2648/
The following will have their citizenship status revoked, for holding no nation in Lazarus:
Atlantica (Application)
Nation: Skadifron
Aflana (Application)
Nation: Aflana
Ashoy (Application)
Nation: Ashoy
Frankender (Application)
Nation: Frankender
WasNao23 (Application)
Nation: Umuyyad
moe (Application)
Nation: moezarus
Dmitrii Pravsky (Application)
Nation: Kryansk
Progiraffe (Application)
Nation: Giraffe Lazarus
raeeeeef (Application)
Nation: Maldivess
Suvmia (Application)
Nation: Conalor
Islayth (Application)
Nation: Islayth
Sultan of Ghazni (Application)
Nation: Sultan of Ghazni
Zeke (Application)
Nation: Black Owl
Benadict Von Bold (Application)
Nation: Axion Purifed
Nations will have 72 hours to advise of their nation residing in Lazarus or will have their citizenship revoked.
Nations may advise of their residing nation in this thread, by Discord DM, or by nation telegram.
The following will have their citizenship status revoked, for holding no nation in Lazarus:
Atlantica (Application)
Nation: Skadifron
Aflana (Application)
Nation: Aflana
Ashoy (Application)
Nation: Ashoy
Frankender (Application)
Nation: Frankender
WasNao23 (Application)
Nation: Umuyyad
moe (Application)
Nation: moezarus
Dmitrii Pravsky (Application)
Nation: Kryansk
Progiraffe (Application)
Nation: Giraffe Lazarus
raeeeeef (Application)
Nation: Maldivess
Suvmia (Application)
Nation: Conalor
Islayth (Application)
Nation: Islayth
Sultan of Ghazni (Application)
Nation: Sultan of Ghazni
Zeke (Application)
Nation: Black Owl
Benadict Von Bold (Application)
Nation: Axion Purifed
Nations will have 72 hours to advise of their nation residing in Lazarus or will have their citizenship revoked.
Nations may advise of their residing nation in this thread, by Discord DM, or by nation telegram.
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