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Proposal [Proposal] The Treaty of Alfheim


Resident Attaché (15%)
Councillor (CLS)
Internal Affairs
Foreign Affairs
Jan 10, 2021

I present to you The Treaty of Alfheim which will strengthen our current relations with Balder going forward and will benefit both regions with a tighter bond between ourselves and our sister sinker region. Please review the treaty below and let me know your thoughts.

The Treaty of Alfheim (2022)

We, the sister Sinker regions of Balder and Lazarus, hereinafter jointly referred to as "the signatories", hereby enter into this treaty to advance the mutual interests and security of our sovereign regions.

Article I: Mutual Recognition

1. The signatories recognize the constitutional governments in force at the time of ratification of this treaty and any legitimate successor governments as the sole and sovereign governments of their respective sinker regions.

2. The signatories will maintain embassies with each other on the NationStates site and on their regional off-site forums.

Article II: Military Support

1. The signatories shall not engage in military hostilities against each other. This includes direct military operations and engaging in military operations with the assistance of an opposing force of the other region.

2. On receiving a request from the other signatory, the signatories will provide one another military assistance in the event of a military attack targeting the other signatory's home region.

3. In situations other than a military attack targeting the other signatory's home region, the signatories will endeavor to provide military support to the other signatory when requested by that other Signatory, and where it is consistent with their own policies.

Article III: Intelligence Support

1. The signatories will not engage in any form of espionage or subversion against each other.

2. The signatories will provide information to the other signatory when such information is pertinent to the other signatory's security unless the signatory in possession of such information reasonably believes that providing such information may violate applicable laws, or violate the terms of use or service established by NationStates or the signatory's forum host.

3. The signatories will keep confidential all information provided to them under this article unless the other signatory gives permission for its release.

Article IV: Cultural Exchange

1. The signatories shall endeavor to support shared cultural exchanges to the benefit of both signatories, inclusive of an annual festival or event.
2. Both signatories shall be encouraged to host joint or shared events with one another, taking into account the culture, traditions, and history of each signatory, and working together where appropriate.

Article V: Enactment and Dissolution

1. This treaty will come into effect upon its ratification in accordance with the legal processes of both signatories.

2. Either signatory will endeavor to give a week's notice in the aforementioned embassies before withdrawing from this treaty.

3. The signatories will make all reasonable efforts to seek a diplomatic solution before withdrawing from this treaty."
Article II Sentence 3 is worded quite ambiguously and could entail support for both both offensive and defensive military operations. The clause "where this is consistent with their own policies" on the other hand makes it practically impossible to enforce, so it is more a goodwill agreement than anything else.

As such I have no objections.
If we are neutral, why would we not provide military aid to Osiris but we will to Balder?
Leonism pointed out above that if it violates regional policy, it isn't enacted, so unless we change regional policy (as in repeal neutrality) that wouldn't be the case.

By contrast the treaty we signed with Osiris years ago explicitly required intervention with no exceptions in any of the regions they control, if they requested it:
Article 3: Mutual Defense

(1) Both signatories pledge to defend one another militarily against any invasions or similar crises they may suffer.
(2) Both signatories pledge to send any military forces they possess at the request of the other in order to facilitate legitimate delegacy transitions, or in cases of emergency.

(3) Both signatories agree that they shall not aid an enemy at war with the other. If a region declares war on one of these signatories, the other may only choose to stay neutral or aid the signatory in question.
(4) If one of the signatories does not possess any military forces and is called upon the other by the provisions set in Article 3, Sections 1 to 3, they must assemble a military force at the earliest opportunity.
The supposed clause closest to (1), would need to be in compliance with regional policy, such as our neutrality.
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A well-written treaty. This has my support. May many more follow.
Considering the repeal of our Treaty with Osiris, this seems like a good thing to me.
Also just curious, where does the name Alfheim come from?
I second.