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Office of the Managing Director


Resident Attaché (15%)
Oct 8, 2021

Welcome to the Office of the Managing Director!

Official announcements from the government will be made here. Citizens may also ask questions, make comments or post other feedback for the MD in this thread.
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Hello everyone!

Thank you to all who voted for me, I hope to have a productive term next term.

I would like to appoint joWhatup as director of the regional guard. Jo has indicated that they are willing to stay on, and I am glad to have someone so experienced and knowledgeable in the role.

I would like to appoint Frankender as director of shareholdership. Frankender has served in this role before, and I'm looking forward to working with them in this upcoming term.

I hope to have a nominee for internal management and public relations for you shortly.
Hello everyone, I'd like to provide a few updates on what I intend to do in the following weeks. I'm sure you've noticed my absence lately, but I'm glad to announce that I just finished the last of my exams this term, and now will have a lot more time to do things around here!

In the next few weeks, I plan to target some of the following issues:

1) Nominate individuals to fill the IM and PR roles
2) Reach out to Osiris' government to discuss the status of the APC, and where Lazarus can go in regards to our relationship with the NPO
3) Begin talks with some other GCRS (TRR, TSP, etc) about a treaty, or upgrading current treaties
4) Think about releasing some edition of the Gazette or at least some update with information on elections, our new forums, maybe some other things.

If anyone has any ideas, feel free to let me know! I hope to keep everyone updated on progress during my term.
Hello all,

I am formally opening up 'applications' for the IM and PR director roles.

My goals in PR:

- Get a better handle on ambassadors, and hopefully increase communication/updates going to our allies
- Continue strengthening current relationships, and potentially look for new partners

My goals in IM:

- Continue to maintain active gameside activity
- A priority will be working on and releasing an edition of our regional Gazette publication

If you're interested, please reach out to me in some way to express your interest by no later than this Friday (6/18), and I'll be sure to discuss the openings with you and what you'd like to do in the role!

Prime Minister of Lazarus

Earlier this week I sent out an announcement to see who was interested in the two remaining director roles. Two shareholders expressed some interest, and I am nominating them both to serve as directors. Both became shareholders recently, but I am confident that they bring a lot of energy to our region and are capable of serving.

Firstly, I am nominating @HEM to serve as my Director of PR. HEM has a variety of experience across NSGP, and I am sure he will leverage his experience and connections to help achieve the goals I have planned. Our primary goals for this term will be to continue building upon the relationships we have now, and explore new relationships with other GCR and regions. As always, we will continue to keep the public informed on our goals, and seek advice from former PR directors and PMs to hep guide us.

Secondly, I am nominating @Constie to serve as my Director of IM. Constie is involved and has experience in many regions across NS, and has been an active member of our community lately. We have already discussed some ideas as to what we'd like to do to unify our region and establish a clearer identity of who we are, and I am excited to work together with him to bring some more activity and social identity to our region.

Thanks, that is all for now

Prime Minister of Lazarus
Statement on Prime Ministership
19 August 2021

Citizens of Lazarus,

It has recently come to my attention that my nation ceased to exist in Lazarus, meaning that I have lost citizenship and accordingly, stopped being the Prime Minister of Lazarus. I would like to deeply apologize for this mistake. As many of you may have noticed, I have not been able to spend nearly the amount of time and energy on Lazarus in the last few weeks -- and that is mainly due to RL developments. Usually, I am pretty good about checking in on my nations, and making sure that my important ones remain active -- it looks like this last week presented the perfect storm in regards to timing, and forgetting to check my NS email/nations. I am very sorry that this occurred. Of course, I fully stand behind the law, and I am willing to support elections being re-opened. I have no expectation that I should continue serving as PM, or that I 'deserve' the position, in any way.

When I came to Lazarus, we were in a difficult place. Many positions were hard to fill, and as a newcomer, I was able to lead this region partly because no one else seemingly had the time to, due to real-life efforts. Over the last few months of my prime minister-ship, I hope that I have been able to bring some activity and discussion to the region -- even if there has been a recently slowdown in activity being generated.

All that being said, I'm looking forward to the new elections, and I hope that there will be other Lazarene citizens who are ambitious enough to seek out the role. At this point, I would still personally consider running, but I would very much view it as a last resort.

Former Prime Minister of Lazarus
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Thank you for your service, and best of luck!
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Hi there,

Thank you all for electing me, I hope I can repay you by making this a prosperous term for Lazarus. I've spent the last few days asking around to put a cabinet together and these are the people I'd like to appoint:

Minister of Internal Affairs: Debussy
Minister of Foreign Affairs: Moe
Minister for the Regional Guard: JoWhatup
Minister for Citizenship: Domais

If Python could please start the confirmation process, hopefully that will all go smoothly. Night all :)
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Thanks to those who elected me. I have prepared this cabinet. May they help lead Lazarus to glory!

Firstly, I formerly dismiss the Deputy Ministers and make the following appointments:

Minister of Foreign Affairs (Director of Public Relations): @Clorinda
Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs (Vice Director of Public Relations): @Wang Yao and @Aga
Minister of Internal Affairs (Director of Internal Management): @Deadeye Jack
Minister of Citizenship and Recruitment, and Granting Offical (Director of Shareholders and Recruitment): @McChimp

More Minister and Deputy Minister appointments to come in a following post. Most of the positions have people already chosen.
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Here we go:

After consulting the Delegate, @joWhatup will be returning as Minister of the Regional Guard (Director of the Regional Guard).
@Apatosaurus will be appointed a Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs overseeing the Cards Guild (Vice-Director of Cards).
@Tinhampton will be appointed a Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs overseeing WA Affairs (Vice-Director of World Assembly Affairs).
January 11, 2021

Dear Shareholders,

I am pleased with the first two weeks of this term and am excited to report on some of my personal projects. The first and most important is regional recruitment. As of writing, 39 newly founded nations have moved into Lazarus, with some, of course, leaving for other regions shortly thereafter. Including 2 new WA nations endorsing our Delegate. In total, we have seen an uptick in the number of nations endorsing Treadwellia. Our Delegate was at 243, or thereabouts, at the start of the term and now he is at 248. I hope to continue to increase the number of endorsements Treadwellia maintains.

I am happy to report that the Directorate of Public Relations has fairly been busy lately. The Directorate is happy to report the closure of our in-game embassy with Thalassia, and our forum-embassy with Krasnaya. The Directorate has opened new in-game embassies Sophia, and The League, and a forum-embassy with Palatine. We are pleased that the war with the NPO has been lifted and the proscripts rescinded. Director of Public Relations Clorinda is very excited about these developments and believes that by giving these newer regions a chance that we’ll be able to kickstart relationships that may last years to come. Additionally, the Directorate has a couple of super-secret events planned for the coming months.

Deadeye Jack has been busy these last two weeks coming up with several cool and fun poll ideas as well as some questions of the day. The Director has created two threads where you can suggest ideas for polls and questions of the day. We are happy to report that the card stock game continues and that WA Vice-Director Tinhampton has been doing a great job as of late.

A total of 3 new Shareholder applications have been accepted and we thank McChimp for his valiant efforts.

You're Managing Director, Domais.
February 26th, 2022
Greetings, fellow Lazarenes and Shareholders,

First of all, I am very humbled with the trust that have been put into me by all the ones who voted in favor of my platform, may that trust not be disappointed!
Now, I shall make various appointments concerning my Cabinet so that the Government can work together in the interest of the Peace, Happiness and Sovereignty of the Lazarene People.

All Deputy Directors not mentioned below will be dismissed, while will be either appointed or maintained the following:

Director of Public Relations: @McChimp
Director of Shareholders and Recruitment: @Domais
Director of Internal Management: @Ellenburg#8639
Director of the Regional Guard: @joWhatup

@Tinhampton will be maintained as Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs overseeing WA Affairs (Vice-Director of World Assembly Affairs).
There may, or may not, be another appointment to be done if a strong candidate appears motivated to serve as Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs with a focus on cards.

May Lazarus thrive under their careful watch and efforts,
Long Live Lazarus! We're Dead Serious!
I would like to first thank everyone for their support in re-electing me as First Citizen/Prime Minister of Lazarus. I hope this term can be as productive as my previous one was.

I officially appoint the following Directors and Deputy Directors.

Director of Foreign Affairs: @New Rogernomics

Director of the Lazarus Gaurd: @McChimp

Deputy Director of Events: @Aga

More appointments to follow this week!

First Citizen of Lazarus