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  1. Frankender

    Gazette Aug 22 - Issue 17

    THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF LAZARUS Issue 17 • 08/DD/2022 • 4 Pages TOO BIG TO FAIL (working title) Shareholders Ousted, Corporation Liquidated by Frankender LazCorp has officially ceased to exist on August 19th, 2022 after Shareholders voted to sell off remaining assets to the private group...
  2. Frankender

    Ruling Do ministers hold any power from the time they have been nominated to the their confirmation?

    Do nominated ministers have full power over their jurisdiction (once nominated) until the confirmation vote has been completed, thereafter the enumerated powers are only valid if confirmed? E.g. Does a nominated director of the guard have the power to conduct operations? Furthermore, does this...
  3. Frankender

    Question Questions regarding court inquiry procedures & rules

    Currently in the court, anyone is able to reply to give an opinion to the court after a submission has been received (e.g. here where Roger & CoS had a discussion before the judiciary has responded: https://nslazarus.com/forum/index.php?threads/3960/). In previous admins, the process was as...
  4. Frankender

    Archived/Tabled Are citizens admitted by an unconfirmed granting official valid?

    These citizens were admitted by Domais, who was not confirmed as a granting official. Therefore, these citizenship applications should be null: https://nslazarus.com/forum/index.php?threads/3872/ https://nslazarus.com/forum/index.php?threads/3910/...
  5. Frankender

    Archived/Tabled [Question] Delegacy & CLS banning persons from office

    Can the delegacy & CLS ban persons from holding public office within Lazarus? If so, at what point is the line drawn? - At the PM position - At the non-P Minister position - At the deputy-minister position etc
  6. Frankender

    Question for IT

    I ask this question seeing as it appears the public facade of NSLAZARUS.COM is represented by a moderation "team". Who are the current members of "forum administration" as referenced: https://nslazarus.com/forum/index.php?threads/3644/ I see in this thread we have @Constie , @McChimp , and...
  7. Frankender

    Amendment to the Assembly Procedure Act (Sep 2020)

    @"Demonos" luckily saw that an edit was made before making a decision on whether or not he supported the legislation, but there is a possibility that edits could slip through the cracks and shareholders may vote for legislation they disagree with. In addition to this, legislation could be edited...