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Proposal Proposal: Mandate readability and redundances amendment

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Councilor (75%)
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D. Minister
Councillor (CLS)
Internal Affairs
Jun 12, 2018
Mandate readability and redundances amendment

Proposed by: @Eldarion

Additional Credit to: @Domais, @Wang Yao


This will amend the mandate to clearer language, while removing the constitutional convention section, and adding more generic titles to the mandate

Section 1. Mandate Amendment

(1) The Mandate shall be amended to read:

Twelfth Mandate of Lazarus (Mandate 12)


With the intent of ensuring a stable, democratic government that fosters an active community, this Mandate shall serve as the constitution of Lazarus.

I. Rights of Residents and Citizens

(1) Residents of Lazarus can join Assembly discussions unless restricted by law or the Assembly Speaker, who may exclude them from participation.

(2) Citizens of Lazarus are granted the right to suffrage and may vote in the Assembly.

(3) Citizens of Lazarus may stand for office and participate in institutions, with rights restricted or limited only by the Court of Lazarus, Council on Lazarene Security, or Assembly Speaker.

Admittance to citizenship

(4) The Head of State decides citizenship and may delegate this authority to a Prime Minister or Granting Official. Laws may be established to set criteria for citizenship and maintaining citizenship.

II. Head of State

(1) The Head of State of Lazarus shall be the World Assembly Delegate or Delegate. They must be lawfully and legally appointed by the Assembly. Only the Secretary General may be permitted to serve as the World Assembly Delegate, or temporarily as the Acting Head of State.

(2) The Head of State shall be excluded from any other public office except Assembly Speaker.

(3) If a former Security, they resume membership upon resigning as Head of State. The Head of State is assumed to hold a vote in the Council on Lazarene Security.

(4) The Head of State shall preside over the Executive Council as chairperson according to its procedural rules and the law.

Requirements and regulations of office

(5) The Head of State serves until resignation, removal by the Assembly, or automatic removal. If not already the Secretary General, the successor needs a three-quarters vote of the Assembly to become Head of State.

Security powers of the Head of State

(6) The Head of State may revoke citizenship after confirmation by a 50%+1 vote of the Council on Lazarene Security.

(7) The Head of State may eject and/or ban residents or citizens from Lazarus, or other measures to preserve the security and stability of Lazarus, for whatever duration of time is appropriate, after confirmation by a 50%+1 vote of the Council on Lazarene Security.

(8) The Head of State may set endorsement limits or a line of succession endorsement limit with a 50%+1 vote of the Assembly or the Council on Lazarene Security. Violating the line of succession endorsement limit may require the automatic removal of residents or citizens from the region, under the discretion of the Head of State.

(9) The Head of State shall under their discretion permit a waiver or stay to the automatic removal of a Security Councilor so their willingness to violate the line of succession can be assessed.

III. Secretary General

(1) The Head of State will legally and lawfully appoint a Secretary General or Vice World Assembly Delegate to hold the second most endorsements in Lazarus.

Powers of the Secretary General

(2) The Secretary General chairs the Council on Lazarene Security, according to its procedural rules and the law. If the office is vacant, the first available Security Councilor in the line of succession will chair.

(3) The Secretary General in respect to World Assembly affairs may support and advise the Head of State in accordance with the laws and regulations of Lazarus.

(4) The Secretary General shall preside over the Executive Council as chairperson according to its procedural rules and the law.

Requirements and regulations of office

(5) The Secretary General will serve until resignation, removal from office by the Assembly or the Head of State, or automatic removal from office. Appointment of the Secretary General will be subject to confirmation by two-thirds vote of the Assembly.

IV. Legislature

(1) The legislature of Lazarus shall be known as the Assembly.

(2) The Assembly may establish or revise procedural rules, or enact, amend, or repeal treaties at the request of the Executive Council or Prime Minister, by a 50%+1 vote.

(3) The Assembly may amend the Mandate or enact constitutional laws or resolutions bearing the same legal weight as this Mandate by three-quarters vote.

(4) Constitutional laws or resolutions cannot be used to repeal or amend the Mandate. They must be named as constitutional laws or resolutions.

Foreign policy powers of the legislature

(5) The Assembly may declare war against another region or organization, and repeal a declaration of war, at the request of the Executive Council or Prime Minister, by two-thirds vote.

Election, appointment, removal, and recall powers of the legislature

(6) The Assembly may confirm, elect, or recall officials and government officers of Lazarus, as provided by herein and by laws and regulations of Lazarus.

Eligibility to vote or stand in elections

(7) No citizen who is granted citizenship during any election shall be eligible to vote or stand in that election. The ineligibility of newly admitted citizens to vote or stand in elections may be further regulated by law.

Recall of government officials and officers

(8) The Assembly may remove government officials or officers by two-thirds vote. The Head of State or Secretary General may be removed from office by three-quarters vote.

(9) Government officials and officers confirmed by the Assembly or Executive Council can be recalled by a two-thirds Assembly vote. Once recalled, they cannot serve for two months, unless recalled for inactivity.

Court of Lazarus punishment powers of the legislature

(10) The Assembly may overturn or reduce punishments imposed by the Court of Lazarus by three-quarters vote.

Emergency powers of the legislature

(11) The Assembly may declare a state of emergency, end a state of emergency declared by the Council on Lazarene Security, or extend a state of emergency ended by the Council, by three-quarters vote.

Repealing or replacing the Mandate

(12) This Mandate, institutions, offices, and constitutional laws and resolutions will remain in force until a new constitution is adopted by a three-quarters Assembly vote. Citizens from the previous Mandate shall retain citizenship under the new Mandate, and existing treaties will remain in force as a direct successor to this Mandate.

V. Assembly Speaker

(1) The Head of State may appoint an Assembly Speaker to preside over the Assembly according to its procedural rules. The Head of State may act as the Assembly Speaker or appoint the Secretary General to the position of Assembly Speaker. Restrictions on what positions may be held by the Assembly Speaker shall not apply to either.

(2) In the absence of procedural rules to settle a procedural matter in the Assembly, the Assembly Speaker may establish such rules. Procedural rules established by the Assembly Speaker will always be subordinate to the laws of Lazarus and procedural rules established by the Assembly.

(3) Appointment of the Assembly Speaker will be subject to confirmation by 50%+1 vote of the Assembly. The Assembly Speaker shall serve until resignation, removal from office by the Assembly or Head of State, or automatic removal from office.

(4) The Assembly may provide for the appointment and removal of deputies to the Assembly Speaker by law or through its procedural rules.

Restrictions upon the Assembly Speaker

(5) The Assembly Speaker may not serve or stand for an election for any other office but Security Councilor, or Deputy Minister.

VI. Executive Council

(1) The Executive Council is the supreme governing and executive authority of Lazarus.

(2) Members of the Executive Council may be called Executive Councilors. Membership on the Executive Council will not restrict participation in another office.

(3) The Executive Council may establish and revise its own procedural rules by 50%+1 vote. Such procedural rules will be subordinate to the laws of Lazarus.

Composition of the Executive Council

(4) The Head of State and Secretary General can vote as permanent members and serve as chairpersons in the Executive Council. The Head of State can appoint another member as Chairperson with a two-thirds Executive Council vote.

(5) The Council on Lazarene Security and Court of Lazarus shall each have a voting representative on the Executive Council. They may not be the same citizen.

Voting status in the Executive Council

(6) The Executive Council decides the voting status of non-permanent members through two-thirds vote. Members cannot vote on their own status.

Government policies and ministries of the Executive Council

(7) Government policy shall include issuing directives, setting public policy for ministries for all their programs and activities. Such directives will remain in effect unless rescinded or amended by the Executive Council or subsequent Prime Minister.

(8) Government ministries shall include the appointment of Cabinet Ministers, Deputy Ministers, regional representatives, and any other officials deemed necessary to carry out the duties, programs, and activities of the ministries.

(9) The Executive Council may modify, establish, or remove government ministries through a two-thirds vote.

(10) Appointment of Cabinet Ministers and Deputy Ministers, and regional representatives, as government officials, where not undergoing an election of the Assembly, may be subject to confirmation by a 50%+1 vote of the Executive Council.

(11) The Executive Council may set government policy and ministries by two-thirds vote or provide this authority to a Prime Minister or Cabinet Minister by two-thirds vote.

Establishment of the Prime Minister

(12) The Executive Council may appoint a Prime Minister to represent their interests through a two-thirds vote. They may also allow the Prime Minister to be elected by the Assembly with a majority instant-runoff vote to a four-month term.

Procedure for elections

(13) Procedure for the elections will be defined by law. The Executive Council may hold a two-thirds vote to designate a Prime Minister or Cabinet Minister position as subject to election.

VII. Court of Lazarus

(1) The Court of Lazarus shall have up to three Court Justices or Justice.

(2) Court Justices will be appointed by the Head of State, subject to confirmation by 50%+1 vote of the Assembly. Requirements for the recusal of Justices and procedure for the appointment of temporary Justices may be established by law.

Resignation or removal from office

(3) Court Justices will serve until resignation, removal from office by the Assembly, or automatic removal from office. While serving, Court Justices may not serve as the Head of State or Prime Minister but may be Cabinet Ministers.

Powers of the Court of Lazarus

(4) Procedures for constitutional matters, criminal reviews, and legal questions brought before the Court will be defined or prescribed by law. Further procedures may be set by the Court of Lazarus by two-thirds vote.

(5) Any citizen may petition the Court of Lazarus to:

a. Strike down any general law, treaty, or policy. in whole or in part, and restrain any government action, by two-thirds vote, if such violates this Mandate or any constitutional law.

b. Resolve conflicts and contradictions in this Mandate and laws with a two-thirds vote, while minimizing disruption to their intended purposes.

c. Conduct Criminal Reviews in order to determine whether a person has committed a criminal offence. During a Criminal Review the person must be granted reasonable opportunity to defend themselves against the charges.

Legal questions of the Court of Lazarus

(6) The Court may interpret and clarify provisions of law when posed in a legal question, by two-thirds vote.

Criminal reviews of the Court of Lazarus

(7) The Court may confirm by two-thirds vote that a person has committed a criminal offense after a Criminal Review. They may compel the Head of State to impose upon the person a punishment permitted by law.

(8) The Court may impose a punishment including revocation of citizenship, restriction of ability to vote and/or hold office, ejection and/or banishment from Lazarus and other measures.

(9) The Court may hold a Criminal Review appeal to reduce or overturn punishments decided in a Criminal Review.

Legal review of citizenship status

(10) Citizens recently removed from the region for a violation of the line of succession may undergo legal review of their citizenship status and residence in the region. If found guilty of willingly violating the line of succession, their citizenship shall be automatically revoked.

VIII. Council on Lazarene Security

(1) The Head of State shall appoint Security Councilors to the Council on Lazarene Security.

(2) Councilors shall be subject to a 50%+1 confirmation vote of the Assembly. Councilors will serve until resignation, removal from office by the Assembly, or automatic removal from office.

(3) Councilors must maintain World Assembly nations with high endorsements in Lazarus at all times and meet all requirements set by law.

(4) The Council on Lazarene Security shall assist the Head of State and the Secretary General in overseeing and protecting regional security. Procedural rules subordinate to the law may be established or modified by a 50%+1 vote of the Council on Lazarene Security.

States of emergency

(5) A state of emergency can be declared or ended by two-thirds vote of the Council on Lazarene Security. Necessary measures taken to resolve the emergency must adhere to regulations of states of emergency in law, and the Assembly shall not be suspended.

IX. Regulation of Government Officials

Citizenship requirement for government officials

(1) All government officials and officers, including deputies or military personnel of officer rank must be citizens of Lazarus.

(2) The Head of State may authorize the Executive Council to appoint residents of Lazarus who are not citizens to participate in executive ministries, programs, and activities.

Automatic removal of government officials

(3) Government officials or officers are automatically removed from office if they lose citizenship or their nation in Lazarus relocates voluntarily or ceases to exist.

(4) The Head of State, Secretary General, or Security Councilors will be automatically removed from office if their World Assembly nation in Lazarus resigns or is expelled from the World Assembly.

Terms of office of government officials

(6) Confirmed government officials or officers serve until the end of their term, resignation, removal by the Assembly or Executive Council, or automatic removal. Laws may further regulate appointments and removals.

Provisional service of certain appointed government officials

(5) Government officials or officers who are subject to confirmation by the Assembly or the Executive Council may serve on a provisional basis unless and until their confirmations are rejected by the Assembly or the Executive Council.

Removal from the Executive Council

(6) Members of the Executive Council will serve until the end of their term or until their resignation, automatic removal from office, and removal from the Executive Council.

Activity requirements

(7) Government officials and officers may be automatically removed from office if not providing a leave of absence of up to 14 days through the forum or private messaging. The Assembly Speaker will give a three-day notice before removing them from office.

Honorary titles

(8) Honorary titles of government officials or officers may be added, modified, or removed, and used in place of their official titles in the Mandate by the Executive Council, Prime Minister, or through an act of the Assembly.

X. Administration

Establishment of off-site property administration

(1) The root administrator who shall be the same citizen, will manage all off-site property and appoint or remove off-site moderators/administrators.

(2) Membership in off-site or on-site property administration and moderation teams shall not constitute a government office.

(3) Off-site and on-site property administration and moderation may not be limited or interfered with by the Mandate or any law or policy, in respect to safeguarding out-of-character security or safety of the off-site property or its users, subject to the final authority of the root administrator.

Responsibilities of off-site and on-site administration

(4) The root administrator has final authority on off-site property permissions and may deny or revoke them for security risks, user safety, or terms of service violations.

(5) The root administrator may provide a waiver to allow access to an account banned from off-site infrastructure by the Council on Lazarene Security or the Court of Lazarus temporary or permanent access to non-citizen areas of off-site property.

(6) The Head of State and Regional Border Control or Communications Officers of Lazarus' on-site properties will be responsible for on-site moderation of those properties, subject to the authority of the off-site root administrator.

This amendment will be to improve readability and the structure of our mandate, so it is more easily understood.

Currently it is so confusing I had to write an explanation guide here: https://nslazarus.com/forum/threads/4137/

This tries to put existing powers into sections by institutions or positions rather than dividing it throughout the mandate in a confusing fashion. The constitutional convention part is removed and a 3/4 vote of the Assembly put in its place.

Edit: Word count is 2665 words on this version, and 3350 words in the original. So that's a cut down of 685 words.
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I think this is probably ready now but looking for further feedback.
I think its ready to be brought to vote.
I motion this to vote.
I second this motion
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