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Proposal Proposal: Off-Site Property Administration Waiver Amendment

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Councilor (75%)
Staff member
Assembly Speaker
D. Minister
Councillor (CLS)
Internal Affairs
Jun 12, 2018
Off-Site Property Administration Waiver Amendment

Proposed by: New Rogernomics


This shall permit off-site administration to offer a waiver to those banned for in character offenses

Section 1. Responsibilities of off-site property administration amendment

(1) VIII. Off-site Property Administration, Responsibilities of off-site property administration, shall be amended to include:

(2) No provision of this Mandate nor any law or policy will be construed to limit or interfere with the responsibility and authority of off-site property administration and moderation, subject to the final authority of the root administrator, to safeguard the out-of-character security or safety of the off-site property or its users.

(3) The root administrator will have final authority on off-site property permissions, and may deny or revoke permissions based on risk to the security or safety of off-site property or its users, or violation of terms of service.

(4) The root administrator may provide a waiver to allow access to an account banned from off-site infrastructure by the Council of Lazarene Security or the Court of Lazarus temporary or permanent access to non-citizen areas of off-site property.
This will allow those that have been banned only for in-character offenses by the Council of Lazarene Security or Court of lazarus, access to non-citizens areas of off-site property, if they are deemed to not be a threat or issue by the root administrator. This will allow for players to participate in our role play activities and festivals who are not a risk of OOC harm to our community. If this is abused the waiver can be easily revoked by the root administrator.
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Support, the more people we have in RP the better prospects for retention.
Support, the more people we have in RP the better prospects for retention.
Yep. Especially during inter-regional festivals, and things like that.
Should we motion this to vote?
Support, I think we can motion it.
I motion this to vote.
I second this motion
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