Staff member
Assembly Speaker
D. Minister
Councillor (CLS)
Internal Affairs
Resolution for the Territory of Bethany Military AmendmentPreamble
Proposed by: @New Rogernomics
This resolution shall amend the Resolution for the Territory of Bethany to match the Lazarus military alignment.
Section 1: Militia
(1) Section 9 Militia, shall be amended to read:
Section 9. Militia
(1) The High Council may establish a territorial militia for the territory of Bethany.
(2) The Guardian will be the commander-in-chief of the militia. The World Assembly Delegate may be granted by the Guardian the right to appoint a Minister to serve as operational commander, subordinate to the Guardian and subject to approval of the Guardian. Operational command authority may be further delegated to a chain of command subordinate to the operational commander. The Guardian may revoke the operational authority for an operation and require the territorial militia to leave a foreign region.
(3) The militia will be the sole military force of the territory,neutralindependent in alignment.
(4) The command, conduct, and membership criteria of the militia may be further regulated by territorial law or by territorial executive policy, or by the regional laws or executive policy of Lazarus.
(5) The Guardian may disband the militia as well as suspend all military operations temporarily. While the militia is disbanded an operational commander for the militia is not required.
Establishment of military neutrality
(6) The regional military alignment of the territory will beneutralindependent.The territory will bear the Neutral tag at all times.
(7) The territory may not bear any of the following tags: Defender, Raider, Imperialist, Independent, or Invader.