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Proposal Executive Council Restructuring Amendment

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New Rogernomics

Councilor (75%)
Staff member
Assembly Speaker
Councillor (CLS)
Jun 12, 2018
Executive Council Restructuring Amendment

Proposed by:
@New Rogernomics

Additional credit to: @Debussy, @McChimp


This amendment will restructure the Executive Council to add more flexibility to how it operates, and to designate the Prime Minister as an optional position that may be subject to election. The Executive Council will become the collective head of government, and it will be able to designate the Prime Minister, Cabinet Ministers, and other government officials as subject to election, and to carry out duties currently assigned to the Prime Minister.

Section 1. Amendment of the Assembly of Lazarus

(1) I. Assembly of Lazarus, Powers of the Assembly shall be amended to read:

Powers of the Assembly

(2) The Assembly may establish and revise its own procedural rules by 50%+1 vote.

(3) The Assembly may enact, amend, or repeal general laws and resolutions by 50%+1 vote.

(4) The Assembly may enact, amend, or repeal treaties, at the request of the Executive Council or Prime Minister, by 50%+1 vote.

(5) The Assembly may declare war against another region or organization, and repeal a declaration of war, at the request of the Executive Council or Prime Minister, by two-thirds vote.

(6) The Assembly may remove the Assembly Speaker, the Prime Minister, a Cabinet Minister, a Court Justice, a Councillor of Lazarene Security, regional representative, or any other government official established by law or policy from office, by two-thirds vote.

Section 2. Amendment of the Executive Council

(2) IV. Executive Council shall be amended to read:

IV. Executive Council

Establishment of the Executive Council

(1) The Executive Council will serve as the collective head of government, but may appoint a Prime Minister to represent their interests through a two-thirds vote of the Executive Council.

(2) The Executive Council may issue directives by a two-thirds vote to set public policy for ministries and all their programs and activities. Such directives will remain in effect unless rescinded or amended by the Executive Council. This authority may be revoked from or given to a Prime Minister or Cabinet Minister through a two-thirds vote of the Executive Council.

(3) The Executive Council may appoint Cabinet Ministers, Deputy Ministers, regional representatives, and any other officials deemed necessary to carry out the duties, programs, and activities of the ministries, and may provide or rescind this authority to a Prime Minister or Minister through a 50%+1 vote of the Executive Council.

(4) The Executive Council may allow the Prime Minister and Cabinet Ministers to be elected by the Assembly with a majority instant-runoff vote to a four-month term. Procedure for the elections will be defined by law. The Executive Council may hold a two-thirds vote to designate a Prime Minister or Cabinet Minister position as subject to election.

(5) Appointment of Cabinet Ministers and Deputy Ministers, and regional representatives, as government officials, where not undergoing an election of the Assembly, will be subject to confirmation by 50%+1 vote of the Executive Council.

(6) Government officials confirmed by the Executive Council will serve until the end of their term set forth by the Executive Council or until resignation, removal from office by the Assembly or Executive Council, or automatic removal from office. Further regulation of appointment or removal of government officials may be established by law.

Establishment, removal or renaming of Ministries

(7) The Executive Council may establish, remove, or rename Ministries at will. The Executive Council may reassign or remove any Ministers, Deputy Ministers, or government officials, when establishing, removing, or renaming a Ministry. This authority may be provided to or removed from a Prime Minister or Cabinet Minister through a two-thirds vote of the Executive Council.

Composition of the Executive Council

(8) The Delegate and Vice Delegate shall be permanent members and chairs of the Council until they are removed by three-quarters vote or resign from office, but may delegate the responsibility to any member of the Council of Lazarene Security. They shall be able to vote in the Executive Council.

(9) In accordance with the procedural rules of the Council of Lazarene Security, a member from their number shall be designated to serve on the Council as a security advisor. They shall be able to vote in the Executive Council.

(10) In accordance with the procedural rules of the Court of Lazarus, a member from their number shall be designated to serve on the Council as a legal advisor. They shall be able to vote in the Executive Council.

(11) In accordance with the procedural rules of the Executive Council, Government officials, Councillors of Lazarene Security, Court Justices, and regional representatives may be granted the right to vote in the Executive Council. The Executive Council will decide their voting or non voting status in the Executive Council through a two-thirds vote of the Executive Council. Those subject to a change in voting status may not vote in their own status vote.

Membership in the Executive Council will not restrict participation in another office.

(13) The Executive Council may establish and revise its own procedural rules by 50%+1 vote. Such procedural rules will be subordinate to the laws of Lazarus.

Honorary Title

(14) Members of the Executive Council may be called Executive Councillors.

Ordinary responsibilities of the Executive Council

(15) The Executive Council will be tasked with directing the affairs of state of Lazarus, inclusive of internal affairs, foreign affairs, and discussing the direction of the region.

Removal from the Executive Council

(16) Non-Permanent members of the Executive Council will serve until the end of their term or until resignation, removal from office by the Executive Council, removal from office by the Assembly, or automatic removal from office.

Section 3. Amendment of the Regulation of Government Officials

(3) VII. Regulation of Government officials shall be amended to read:

VII. Regulation of Government Officials

Citizenship requirement for government officials

(1) The Delegate, the Vice Delegate, the Assembly Speaker, Prime Minister, Court Justices, Councillors of Lazarene Security, Cabinet Ministers, regional representatives, or any other government official established by law or policy must be citizens of Lazarus.

(2) The Delegate may, at their discretion, authorize the Executive Council to appoint residents of Lazarus who are not citizens to participate in executive ministries, programs, and activities, but such residents may not serve as government officials, including as deputies or military personnel of officer rank.

Automatic removal of government officials

(3) The Delegate, the Vice Delegate, the Assembly Speaker, Court Justices, Councillors of Lazarene Security, or any other government official established by law or policy will be automatically removed from office upon loss of citizenship or their nation in Lazarus voluntarily relocating or ceasing to exist.

(4) The Delegate, the Vice Delegate, or Councillors of Lazarene Security will be automatically removed from office upon their WA nation in Lazarus resigning or being expelled from the WA.

Provisional service of government officials

(5) Government officials who are subject to confirmation by the Assembly or the Executive Council may serve on a provisional basis unless and until their confirmations are rejected by the Assembly or the Executive Council.

Activity requirements of government officials

(6) Government officials who are subject to confirmation by the Assembly or the Executive Council may be automatically removed from office upon failure to communicate a leave of absence, which may last up to 14 days. The leave of absence may be communicated through private messaging or forum post, until after a period of 3 days has passed upon being advised on the forum of their removal from office by the Assembly Speaker.

Recall of government officials

(7) Government officials who are subject to confirmation by the Assembly or the Executive Council may be recalled by a two-thirds majority vote of the assembly. Once recalled they may not participate as a government official for four months.

Section 4. Amendment of the Court of Lazarus

(4) V. Court of Lazarus shall be amended to include:

V. Court of Lazarus

Composition of the Court

(1) The Court will be comprised of three Justices appointed by the Delegate, subject to confirmation by 50%+1 vote of the Assembly. Requirements for the recusal of Justices and procedure for the appointment of temporary Justices may be established by law.

(2) Justices will serve until resignation, removal from office by the Assembly, or automatic removal from office. While serving, Justices may not serve as the Delegate or Prime Minister, but may be Cabinet Ministers.
I've been looking at how we run Lazarus, and I think there are some things we could look into to make it work better.

The key problem is that we have a lot of active citizens not involved in the discussions that run the region.

And we don't really have the flexibility to either open up that process more or add or remove positions that aren't working out.

I'm proposing an amendment that doesn't require us to have a Prime Minister, but also allows us to keep the status quo of electing one.

It would also allow us to have a collective group of citizens working together to improve the region.

We would also have the flexibility to elect Ministers or other positions we feel should be elected, and to appoint regional representative, but this wouldn't require us to do that but would provide the option.

It is a lot of changes though and we have plenty of time to discuss it.
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Are we ready to go ahead with this or do we need more time?
I motion this to vote. Any seconds?
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