Nation in Lazarus: Apimenia
WA Nation:Apimenia
NS Identities: I had a different nation over nine years ago, but I abandoned it when life got busy and I can't remember what it was named. If I could remember, I would have tried to revive it. As it is, it's stuck in the boneyard. This is my only identity now.
Have you been accused of any crime/s in other region/s?: No.
Have you participated in any other region/s?: The Pacific is the only other region I've been in, and that's because my nation was spawned there. I didn't really participate though. I just chilled there, answering issues, because I wanted to wait a while before deciding what region to join. I moved here because I got bored with answering issues.
Do you affirm this information is correct?: Yes
Oath of Membership: From this time forward, I voluntarily without mental reservation or purpose of evasion, pledge my loyalty to Lazarus and her people, whose community ideals I share, whose rights and liberties I respect, and whose laws I will uphold and obey.
Survey (optional):
What areas of the region are you most interested in?: Culture & Role-playing i.e. World building and regional events,Spam & Chatting i.e. you are here for informal fun,Legislature i.e. discussing and proposing laws