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Ex-Citizen [Archive] Ex-Citizen Applications (2018-2023)

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Burnt at the Stake, Rose from the Ashes
Jun 12, 2018
Nation in Lazarus: Mister Manson

WA Nation: Marilyn Manson Freaks

NS Identities: MM, Manson, MMF

Have you been accused of any crime/s in other regions?: Nope.

Have you participated in any other region/s?: I've been a citizen of every GCR, The Ragerian Imperium, but have only been really involved in TRR and TEP.

Do you affirm this information is correct?: Yes

Oath of Membership: From this time forward, I voluntarily without mental reservation or purpose of evasion, pledge my loyalty to Lazarus and her people, whose community ideals I share, whose rights and liberties I respect, and whose laws I will uphold and obey.

What areas of the region are you most interested in?: All of the above

Nation in Lazarus: Cormactopia Prime

WA Nation: Cormactopia Prime

NS Identities: Pretty much just Cormac, though I've had various surnames.

Have you been accused of any crime/s in other regions?: Yes. I was found guilty of something or other in The Land of Kings and Emperors in 2012 for joining the United Defenders League, because The LKE was at war with them. It may have been treason, I genuinely can't remember. I was found guilty of treason in Osiris in... 2014, I think it was? That was silly though. And finally, I was found guilty of treason in the South Pacific recently because I said I was going to coup TSP but never acted on it, and they used that as trumped up treason charges because apparently speech is the same thing as action.

Have you participated in any other region/s?: Yes. The region I've most participated in was Osiris, where I was Pharaoh (Delegate) and held a number of other positions over the course of six years. I am now only a resident without citizenship there. I've been in a significant number of regions over the past six years, and tbh I can't begin to remember them all, but Lazarus is the only region in which I am actively involved now.

Do you affirm this information is correct?: Yes

Oath of Membership: From this time forward, I voluntarily without mental reservation or purpose of evasion, pledge my loyalty to Lazarus and her people, whose community ideals I share, whose rights and liberties I respect, and whose laws I will uphold and obey.

What areas of the region are you most interested in?: Spam & Chatting i.e. you are here for informal fun,Legislature i.e. discussing and proposing laws,Foreign Affairs i.e. being an ambassador to another region

Nation in Lazarus:
WA Nation:

NS Identities: Smith.
Smith VerinGuard

Have you been accused of any crime/s in other regions?: Nay.

Have you participated in any other region/s?: TGO: Current Emperor and Head Administrator.
TRI: Judge.
Fort Triumph

Do you affirm this information is correct?: Yes

Oath of Membership: From this time forward, I voluntarily without mental reservation or purpose of evasion, pledge my loyalty to Lazarus and her people, whose community ideals I share, whose rights and liberties I respect, and whose laws I will uphold and obey.

What areas of the region are you most interested in?: Culture & Role-playing i.e. World building and regional events,Spam & Chatting i.e. you are here for informal fun,Legislature i.e. discussing and proposing laws,Foreign Affairs i.e. being an ambassador to another region

" rel="nation">

NS Identities: Smith.
Smith VerinGuard

Have you been accused of any crime/s in other regions?: Nay.

Have you participated in any other region/s?: TGO: Current Emperor and Head Administrator.
TRI: Judge.
Fort Triumph

Do you affirm this information is correct?: Yes

Oath of Membership: From this time forward, I voluntarily without mental reservation or purpose of evasion, pledge my loyalty to Lazarus and her people, whose community ideals I share, whose rights and liberties I respect, and whose laws I will uphold and obey.

What areas of the region are you most interested in?: Culture & Role-playing i.e. World building and regional events,Spam & Chatting i.e. you are here for informal fun,Legislature i.e. discussing and proposing laws,Foreign Affairs i.e. being an ambassador to another region

" rel="nation">Wessenheim

NS Identities: Smith.
Smith VerinGuard

Have you been accused of any crime/s in other regions?: Nay.

Have you participated in any other region/s?: TGO: Current Emperor and Head Administrator.
TRI: Judge.
Fort Triumph

Do you affirm this information is correct?: Yes

Oath of Membership: From this time forward, I voluntarily without mental reservation or purpose of evasion, pledge my loyalty to Lazarus and her people, whose community ideals I share, whose rights and liberties I respect, and whose laws I will uphold and obey.

What areas of the region are you most interested in?: Culture & Role-playing i.e. World building and regional events,Spam & Chatting i.e. you are here for informal fun,Legislature i.e. discussing and proposing laws,Foreign Affairs i.e. being an ambassador to another region

" rel="nation">

WA Nation:
NS Identities: Smith.
Smith VerinGuard

Have you been accused of any crime/s in other regions?: Nay.

Have you participated in any other region/s?: TGO: Current Emperor and Head Administrator.
TRI: Judge.
Fort Triumph

Do you affirm this information is correct?: Yes

Oath of Membership: From this time forward, I voluntarily without mental reservation or purpose of evasion, pledge my loyalty to Lazarus and her people, whose community ideals I share, whose rights and liberties I respect, and whose laws I will uphold and obey.

What areas of the region are you most interested in?: Culture & Role-playing i.e. World building and regional events,Spam & Chatting i.e. you are here for informal fun,Legislature i.e. discussing and proposing laws,Foreign Affairs i.e. being an ambassador to another region

" rel="nation">

NS Identities: Smith.
Smith VerinGuard

Have you been accused of any crime/s in other regions?: Nay.

Have you participated in any other region/s?: TGO: Current Emperor and Head Administrator.
TRI: Judge.
Fort Triumph

Do you affirm this information is correct?: Yes

Oath of Membership: From this time forward, I voluntarily without mental reservation or purpose of evasion, pledge my loyalty to Lazarus and her people, whose community ideals I share, whose rights and liberties I respect, and whose laws I will uphold and obey.

What areas of the region are you most interested in?: Culture & Role-playing i.e. World building and regional events,Spam & Chatting i.e. you are here for informal fun,Legislature i.e. discussing and proposing laws,Foreign Affairs i.e. being an ambassador to another region

" rel="nation">Wessenheim

NS Identities: Smith.
Smith VerinGuard

Have you been accused of any crime/s in other regions?: Nay.

Have you participated in any other region/s?: TGO: Current Emperor and Head Administrator.
TRI: Judge.
Fort Triumph

Do you affirm this information is correct?: Yes

Oath of Membership: From this time forward, I voluntarily without mental reservation or purpose of evasion, pledge my loyalty to Lazarus and her people, whose community ideals I share, whose rights and liberties I respect, and whose laws I will uphold and obey.

What areas of the region are you most interested in?: Culture & Role-playing i.e. World building and regional events,Spam & Chatting i.e. you are here for informal fun,Legislature i.e. discussing and proposing laws,Foreign Affairs i.e. being an ambassador to another region

" rel="nation">Wessenheim

NS Identities: Smith.
Smith VerinGuard

Have you been accused of any crime/s in other regions?: Nay.

Have you participated in any other region/s?: TGO: Current Emperor and Head Administrator.
TRI: Judge.
Fort Triumph

Do you affirm this information is correct?: Yes

Oath of Membership: From this time forward, I voluntarily without mental reservation or purpose of evasion, pledge my loyalty to Lazarus and her people, whose community ideals I share, whose rights and liberties I respect, and whose laws I will uphold and obey.

What areas of the region are you most interested in?: Culture & Role-playing i.e. World building and regional events,Spam & Chatting i.e. you are here for informal fun,Legislature i.e. discussing and proposing laws,Foreign Affairs i.e. being an ambassador to another region

" rel="nation">Wessenheim

NS Identities: Smith.
Smith VerinGuard

Have you been accused of any crime/s in other regions?: Nay.

Have you participated in any other region/s?: TGO: Current Emperor and Head Administrator.
TRI: Judge.
Fort Triumph

Do you affirm this information is correct?: Yes

Oath of Membership: From this time forward, I voluntarily without mental reservation or purpose of evasion, pledge my loyalty to Lazarus and her people, whose community ideals I share, whose rights and liberties I respect, and whose laws I will uphold and obey.

What areas of the region are you most interested in?: Culture & Role-playing i.e. World building and regional events,Spam & Chatting i.e. you are here for informal fun,Legislature i.e. discussing and proposing laws,Foreign Affairs i.e. being an ambassador to another region

" rel="nation">

WA Nation:
NS Identities: Smith.
Smith VerinGuard

Have you been accused of any crime/s in other regions?: Nay.

Have you participated in any other region/s?: TGO: Current Emperor and Head Administrator.
TRI: Judge.
Fort Triumph

Do you affirm this information is correct?: Yes

Oath of Membership: From this time forward, I voluntarily without mental reservation or purpose of evasion, pledge my loyalty to Lazarus and her people, whose community ideals I share, whose rights and liberties I respect, and whose laws I will uphold and obey.

What areas of the region are you most interested in?: Culture & Role-playing i.e. World building and regional events,Spam & Chatting i.e. you are here for informal fun,Legislature i.e. discussing and proposing laws,Foreign Affairs i.e. being an ambassador to another region

" rel="nation">

NS Identities: Smith.
Smith VerinGuard

Have you been accused of any crime/s in other regions?: Nay.

Have you participated in any other region/s?: TGO: Current Emperor and Head Administrator.
TRI: Judge.
Fort Triumph

Do you affirm this information is correct?: Yes

Oath of Membership: From this time forward, I voluntarily without mental reservation or purpose of evasion, pledge my loyalty to Lazarus and her people, whose community ideals I share, whose rights and liberties I respect, and whose laws I will uphold and obey.

What areas of the region are you most interested in?: Culture & Role-playing i.e. World building and regional events,Spam & Chatting i.e. you are here for informal fun,Legislature i.e. discussing and proposing laws,Foreign Affairs i.e. being an ambassador to another region

" rel="nation">Wessenheim

NS Identities: Smith.
Smith VerinGuard

Have you been accused of any crime/s in other regions?: Nay.

Have you participated in any other region/s?: TGO: Current Emperor and Head Administrator.
TRI: Judge.
Fort Triumph

Do you affirm this information is correct?: Yes

Oath of Membership: From this time forward, I voluntarily without mental reservation or purpose of evasion, pledge my loyalty to Lazarus and her people, whose community ideals I share, whose rights and liberties I respect, and whose laws I will uphold and obey.

What areas of the region are you most interested in?: Culture & Role-playing i.e. World building and regional events,Spam & Chatting i.e. you are here for informal fun,Legislature i.e. discussing and proposing laws,Foreign Affairs i.e. being an ambassador to another region

Nation in Lazarus: Odysseus

WA Nation: Digory Kirke

NS Identities: Gibraltarica, Vapid, Carolus Rex Francorum

Have you been accused of any crime/s in other regions?: I have been found guilty of knowing why kids love the taste of cinnamon toast crunch in the real world.

Have you participated in any other region/s?: Major ones, because I'll be real with you, I can't name the others:
Grand Central (MoFA)
Cynosure (Councillor)
Hydra Command (Brigadier at one point, I think, but don't quote me on that)
The Black Hawks
Narnia (Delegate)
Conch Kingdom (MoFA)
The Augustin Alliance (Media Officer)
Carolingia (Emperor)
The South Pacific

Do you affirm this information is correct?: Yes

Oath of Membership: From this time forward, I voluntarily without mental reservation or purpose of evasion, pledge my loyalty to Lazarus and her people, whose community ideals I share, whose rights and liberties I respect, and whose laws I will uphold and obey.

What areas of the region are you most interested in?: Spam & Chatting i.e. you are here for informal fun,Legislature i.e. discussing and proposing laws

Nation in Lazarus: Lazarus CoS

WA Nation: Lazarus CoS

NS Identities: The Church of Satan

Have you been accused of any crime/s in other regions?: Not that I'm aware of. I'm pretty certain that I haven't.

Have you participated in any other region/s?: The Rejected Realms - I've held all positions there except vice-delegate
Wintreath - I was a Skrifa and Thane of Foreign Affairs
Spiritus - Deputy Minister of Disputes & Minister of Information
Renegade Islands Alliance - Internal Affairs Officer, Foreign Affairs Officer & Senator
Equinox - Secretary of Lifestyle

Do you affirm this information is correct?: Yes

Oath of Membership: From this time forward, I voluntarily without mental reservation or purpose of evasion, pledge my loyalty to Lazarus and her people, whose community ideals I share, whose rights and liberties I respect, and whose laws I will uphold and obey.

What areas of the region are you most interested in?: Culture & Role-playing i.e. World building and regional events,Spam & Chatting i.e. you are here for informal fun,Foreign Affairs i.e. being an ambassador to another region,Media & Reporting i.e. writing articles for the region

Nation in Lazarus: Galaharia

WA Nation: Galaharia

NS Identities: Phantasus Hyde

Have you been accused of any crime/s in other regions?: no

Have you participated in any other region/s?: Europeia - Minister for regional recruitment
Caer Sidi - Interior Council / Administrator

TWP, TSP, TCB, Balder, Albion, Osiris, Arda en Estel, Wintercrest, Hellenic Empire

Do you affirm this information is correct?: Yes

Oath of Membership: From this time forward, I voluntarily without mental reservation or purpose of evasion, pledge my loyalty to Lazarus and her people, whose community ideals I share, whose rights and liberties I respect, and whose laws I will uphold and obey.

What areas of the region are you most interested in?: Culture & Role-playing i.e. World building and regional events,Spam & Chatting i.e. you are here for informal fun

Nation in Lazarus: Harmoneia

WA Nation: Harmoneia

NS Identities: Just Harmoneia.

Have you been accused of any crime/s in other regions?: I was accused of treason in UDoL. :P not anything anywhere else.

Have you participated in any other region/s?
Do you affirm this information is correct?: Yes

Oath of Membership: From this time forward, I voluntarily without mental reservation or purpose of evasion, pledge my loyalty to Lazarus and her people, whose community ideals I share, whose rights and liberties I respect, and whose laws I will uphold and obey.

What areas of the region are you most interested in?: Culture & Role-playing i.e. World building and regional events,Media & Reporting i.e. writing articles for the region

Nation in Lazarus: Marthizer

WA Nation: N/a, changes a lot

NS Identities: Tawks VerinGuard, Scott VerinGuard, Scott Faran, Cognat D'Vhakk, Friedrich I, Ibrihim and TheOneTruePi

Have you been accused of any crime/s in other regions?: I think I'm only banned from regions for being a raider or being antifa

Have you participated in any other region/s?: The North Pacific - Ambassador in FA, Did RP, some NPA
The Order of the Sword - Year and commander of the military
The New Galactic Empire - Grand Moff and Emperor, wrote laws and admin Ed
The Galactic Order - Emperor and commander of military
The Arabian Empire - Caliph and military
The Dark Vanquishers - Military and admin
The Roman Empire - legionnaire
The Versutian Federation - legal stuff, former minister of defense (no military just WA)
Undead Dominion - legislature

The Ragerian Imperium - former Emperor current Fleet Admiral and current deputy of internal affairs
Lazarus - Reisdent
Mariner Trench - Architect of the civilian affairs

There may be a few I missed but yeah these are the ones I remember

Do you affirm this information is correct?: Yes

Oath of Membership: From this time forward, I voluntarily without mental reservation or purpose of evasion, pledge my loyalty to Lazarus and her people, whose community ideals I share, whose rights and liberties I respect, and whose laws I will uphold and obey.

What areas of the region are you most interested in?: Culture & Role-playing i.e. World building and regional events,Spam & Chatting i.e. you are here for informal fun,Legislature i.e. discussing and proposing laws

Nation in Lazarus: Middle Ketalia

WA Nation: Middle Ketalia

NS Identities: Just Middle Ketalia

Have you been accused of any crime/s in other regions?: No.

Have you participated in any other region/s?: The 10000 Islands.

Do you affirm this information is correct?: Yes

Oath of Membership: From this time forward, I voluntarily without mental reservation or purpose of evasion, pledge my loyalty to Lazarus and her people, whose community ideals I share, whose rights and liberties I respect, and whose laws I will uphold and obey.

What areas of the region are you most interested in?: Culture & Role-playing i.e. World building and regional events,Legislature i.e. discussing and proposing laws

Nation in Lazarus: Old Hope

WA Nation: Old Hope

NS Identities: Opressed Ones/Old Hope
A past identity I do not want to make public(for more info PM me)
(First Nightmare)

Have you been accused of any crime/s in other regions?: No.

Have you participated in any other region/s?: A Feeder(for more info PM me) - no major position
The Rejected Realms - Speaker of the Assembly, twice.
(The Quarantine, for Roleplay purposes, ongoing)

Do you affirm this information is correct?: Yes

Oath of Membership: From this time forward, I voluntarily without mental reservation or purpose of evasion, pledge my loyalty to Lazarus and her people, whose community ideals I share, whose rights and liberties I respect, and whose laws I will uphold and obey.

What areas of the region are you most interested in?: Legislature i.e. discussing and proposing laws,Foreign Affairs i.e. being an ambassador to another region

Nation in Lazarus: Lazarene Ryccia

WA Nation: None at this time, sorry

NS Identities: Ryccia, Fornoire, Meridia, Lerrenia

Have you been accused of any crime/s in other regions?: Only on the illegitimate UDoL government, where I was convicted of "subversive activities"

Have you participated in any other region/s?: TSP (former Deputy MoRA, former Local Councillor, former Court Justice, current Citizen, current ambassador to Conch Kingdom, former SPSF member), Selene (current member), Lazarus (former Citizen in the Humane Republic, I think? Sorry if this is wrong. Former ConCon member), TNP (former Citizen, former ambassador to European Union and Australia), Europeia (former citizen), Balder (former citizen), Osiris (former citizen), Warzone Sandbox (former citizen), Slavania (former Citizen, former Minister of Foreign Affairs, former Delegate, but it was a minor region), TBH (former member, only for a few days), some other regions I can't remember, but all involvements were minor

Do you affirm this information is correct?: Yes

Oath of Membership: From this time forward, I voluntarily without mental reservation or purpose of evasion, pledge my loyalty to Lazarus and her people, whose community ideals I share, whose rights and liberties I respect, and whose laws I will uphold and obey.

What areas of the region are you most interested in?: Culture & Role-playing i.e. World building and regional events,Spam & Chatting i.e. you are here for informal fun,Legislature i.e. discussing and proposing laws,Foreign Affairs i.e. being an ambassador to another region,Media & Reporting i.e. writing articles for the region,All of the above

Nation in Lazarus: Ireland Isles

WA Nation: Ireland Isles

NS Identities: Ireland Isles

Have you been accused of any crime/s in other regions?: Not that I'm aware of.

Have you participated in any other region/s?: No.

Do you affirm this information is correct?: Yes

Oath of Membership: From this time forward, I voluntarily without mental reservation or purpose of evasion, pledge my loyalty to Lazarus and her people, whose community ideals I share, whose rights and liberties I respect, and whose laws I will uphold and obey.

What areas of the region are you most interested in?: Culture & Role-playing i.e. World building and regional events,Spam & Chatting i.e. you are here for informal fun,Foreign Affairs i.e. being an ambassador to another region,Media & Reporting i.e. writing articles for the region

Nation in Lazarus: the Tri State Area and Maine

WA Nation: the Tri State Area and Maine

NS Identities: Mysterious Player

Have you been accused of any crime/s in other regions?: No

Have you participated in any other region/s?: The North Pacific
The Free Nations Region (President)
The Amish Republic (Vice Consul/Consul)
The Democratic Commonwealth (2x legislator)

Do you affirm this information is correct?: Yes

Oath of Membership: From this time forward, I voluntarily without mental reservation or purpose of evasion, pledge my loyalty to Lazarus and her people, whose community ideals I share, whose rights and liberties I respect, and whose laws I will uphold and obey.

What areas of the region are you most interested in?: Culture & Role-playing i.e. World building and regional events,Spam & Chatting i.e. you are here for informal fun,Legislature i.e. discussing and proposing laws,Foreign Affairs i.e. being an ambassador to another region,Media & Reporting i.e. writing articles for the region,All of the above

Nation in Lazarus: 19283919283019293019239329 0109421094019

WA Nation: Sanjurika

NS Identities: Sakurisa

Have you been accused of any crime/s in other regions?: Not that I know of. :P

Have you participated in any other region/s?: The North Pacific (Former NPA)
The South Pacific (Legislator)
Indian Sub Continent (Secretary of Internal Affairs)
Avadam Inn
The Bar On the Corner of Every Region

Do you affirm this information is correct?: Yes

Oath of Membership: From this time forward, I voluntarily without mental reservation or purpose of evasion, pledge my loyalty to Lazarus and her people, whose community ideals I share, whose rights and liberties I respect, and whose laws I will uphold and obey.

What areas of the region are you most interested in?: Culture & Role-playing i.e. World building and regional events,Spam & Chatting i.e. you are here for informal fun,Foreign Affairs i.e. being an ambassador to another region

Nation in Lazarus: Your Imaginary Friend

WA Nation: Your Imaginary Friend

NS Identities: Imaginary

Have you been accused of any crime/s in other regions?: Not that I know of.

Have you participated in any other region/s?: A small region whose name I forget that ceased to exist.

POLATION (did some unofficial foreign affairs stuff - no longer a part of)

Lily. (very briefly, but I'm still part of their Discord server and mean to raid with them sometime when I'm motivated to make a ton of puppets)

Osiris, The West Pacific, and Balder (foreign ambassador)

Do you affirm this information is correct?: Yes

Oath of Membership: From this time forward, I voluntarily without mental reservation or purpose of evasion, pledge my loyalty to Lazarus and her people, whose community ideals I share, whose rights and liberties I respect, and whose laws I will uphold and obey.

What areas of the region are you most interested in?: Culture & Role-playing i.e. World building and regional events,Spam & Chatting i.e. you are here for informal fun,Foreign Affairs i.e. being an ambassador to another region,Media & Reporting i.e. writing articles for the region

Nation in Lazarus: TempestShadow

WA Nation: Discord the Draconequus

NS Identities: Lord Dominator

Have you been accused of any crime/s in other regions?: None that I'm aware of

Have you participated in any other region/s?: The Black Hawks, Sergeant (current)
Assorted rp regions

Do you affirm this information is correct?: Yes

Oath of Membership: From this time forward, I voluntarily without mental reservation or purpose of evasion, pledge my loyalty to Lazarus and her people, whose community ideals I share, whose rights and liberties I respect, and whose laws I will uphold and obey.

What areas of the region are you most interested in?: Legislature i.e. discussing and proposing laws,Foreign Affairs i.e. being an ambassador to another region

Nation in Lazarus: Aumelodia

WA Nation: None currently, used for R/D

NS Identities: Mount Seymour, Somyrion, Somy, Aumeltopia

Have you been accused of any crime/s in other regions?: Yes, in Lazarus under the UDoL - treason or something. :P

Have you participated in any other region/s?: Forest - Past: Forest Keeper (head of government), Foreign Minister, Culture Minister
The South Pacific - Past: Local Councillor, Current: Minister of Military Affairs
Meihua - Current: Founder
Solidarity - Past: Founder
FNR - Past: Administrator, Judge
Sweden - Past: Home Minister

Do you affirm this information is correct?: Yes

Oath of Membership: From this time forward, I voluntarily without mental reservation or purpose of evasion, pledge my loyalty to Lazarus and her people, whose community ideals I share, whose rights and liberties I respect, and whose laws I will uphold and obey.

What areas of the region are you most interested in?: Culture & Role-playing i.e. World building and regional events,Spam & Chatting i.e. you are here for informal fun,Legislature i.e. discussing and proposing laws

Nation in Lazarus: Canton Empire

WA Nation: Canton Empire

NS Identities: John Laurens-Wessex (Alternatively the Lord Halifax in The Britannian Kingdom)
Joint Operational Force

Have you been accused of any crime/s in other regions?: Accused of lying on a Citizenship application
Accused of Leaking Information from a protected area


Have you participated in any other region/s?:
His Royal Highness, the Prince John

Prince of Wales for New United Kingdom

The Democratic Republic: Consul, former Senator
The Rejected Realms:
Former Media, Culture, and Outreach Officer, current citizen
The Democratic Commonwealth:
Vice President x1
Secretary of Defense x3
Secretary of State x1
Secretary of the Interior x1
Attorney General x1
Speaker of the Senate x3
Administrator of the State Department Agency x3
Deputy Secretary of State x1
Deputy Speaker of the Senate x2
Senator x4
Republic of Channel Island:
President x2
Secretary of State x2
Speaker of the Regional Assembly x1
Chief Justice x1
Defender of the Realm x0.1
Guardian x1
Deputy Director of Ceremonies/Deputy Convenor x2
Ambassador to the Pacific x1
Ambassador to the East Pacific x1
The Universal Allegiance:
Emergency Forum Administrator
Minister for Foreign Affairs
Deputy Minister for World Assembly Affairs x1
Deputy Citizens' Assembly Chair x1
Senate Aide x2
Law Clerk x1
ERN Volunteer Midshipman x1
Kaiserreich former Minister of Foreign Affairs

Do you affirm this information is correct?: Yes

Oath of Membership: From this time forward, I voluntarily without mental reservation or purpose of evasion, pledge my loyalty to Lazarus and her people, whose community ideals I share, whose rights and liberties I respect, and whose laws I will uphold and obey.

What areas of the region are you most interested in?: All of the above

Nation in Lazarus: Skadifron

WA Nation: Untied Provinces of Atlantica

NS Identities: United Provinces of Atlantica (main nation)
Lucius Junius Gracchus
All nations in Knyghtaria
Vasturian Provinces
Ultima Borealia
+A bunch of switchers in Spear Danes

Have you been accused of any crime/s in other regions?: No

Have you participated in any other region/s?: Current:
The South Pacific (Legislator and former Soldier)
The Grey Wardens
The Rejected Realms
The Federation of Anarchist Communes (Enactor)
Osiris (Sub-Vizier of Culture)
The Red Fleet (Petty Officer)
NSG Senate (not a region, but still thought it should be listed; I've served as a cabinet official and President in the IC framework of the roleplay)

Do you affirm this information is correct?: Yes

Oath of Membership: From this time forward, I voluntarily without mental reservation or purpose of evasion, pledge my loyalty to Lazarus and her people, whose community ideals I share, whose rights and liberties I respect, and whose laws I will uphold and obey.

What areas of the region are you most interested in?: Culture & Role-playing i.e. World building and regional events,Legislature i.e. discussing and proposing laws,Foreign Affairs i.e. being an ambassador to another region

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