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Chapter 3 - The Delegate

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Nov 4, 2022

The Delegate

II. Delegate of Lazarus

Establishment of the office of Delegate
The Delegate of Lazarus11 holds in-game powers, as they can add regional officers, and hold the region for the citizens and residents of Lazarus. They are also a check and balance on the use of powers by the Assembly26 and government officials, and act as the head of state22 of Lazarus.

WA Delegate and head of state

(1) The Delegate will serve as head of state and lawful WA Delegate of Lazarus.
Key points:
  • The Delegate11 is the head of state22, and as such embodies the state and the region at the very least as the ceremonial head
  • The Delegate11 is the lawful, meaning being legitimate and empowered by the Assembly26, World Assembly Delegate23 of Lazarus

Restriction on the Delegate - No other offices

(2) The Delegate may not serve in any other office while serving as Delegate, except that the Delegate will be suspended from the Council of Lazarene Security if they are already a Councillor, but will automatically resume membership on the Council after their term as Delegate.
Key points:
  • To maintain a separation of powers, The Delegate11 is not allowed to serve in any other office, government or otherwise
  • If they resign or are removed from the Delegacy, if they were previously a Councillor of Lazarene Security10 they would resume this office

Restriction on the Delegate - Removal from office

(3) The Delegate will serve until resignation, removal from office by the Assembly, or automatic removal from office.
Key points:
  • The Delegate11 will be the Delegate11 unless they either resign are removed from office, or are automatically removed such as a result of losing citizenship for example

Powers of the Delegate

Powers of the Delegate
This section refers to the powers that the Delegate11 holds.

Powers of the Delegate - Powers over Citizenship (Admittance & Continuance)

(4) Delegate may admit residents of Lazarus to citizenship. The Delegate may grant or rescind the right for the Prime Minister or Granting Official the ability to admit residents to citizenship for the period that the Prime Minister or Granting Official hold office. The Prime Minister or Granting Official must provide the Delegate a seven-day waiting period upon which the Delegate may rescind the citizenship once granted. Further procedure for citizenship admission, including procedure for appealing rejection of a citizenship application by the Delegate, criteria residents must meet in order to be admitted as citizens as well as criteria for maintenance of citizenship and enforcement of such criteria, may be established by law.
Key points:
  • The Delegate11 admits residents of Lazarus to citizenship24
  • Procedures for citizenship admission24 may be established by the Assembly26 in law, an example of this in currently active law is the Lazarene Citizenship Act (January 2020)
  • The Delegate11 can empower the Prime Minister7 or Granting Official the ability to admit residents of Lazarus to citizenship
  • The Prime Minister7 or Granting official are required to give the Delegate11 a seven-day waiting period, within which they can rescind a citizenship once granted
  • Procedures for citizenship admission24 may include the procedure for appealing a rejection of an application by the Delegate11
  • Procedures for citizenship admission24 may include criteria that residents must meet to become citizens, and to maintain that citizenship
  • Citizenship admission24 criteria may be enforced so citizens follow this criterion or risk sanctions or loss of their citizenship

Powers of the Delegate - Citizenship and Residence (Removal)

(5) The Delegate may, in the case of citizens, after confirmation by a 50%+1 vote of the Council on Lazarene Security, impose revocation of citizenship, ejection and/or ban from Lazarus, or other measures to preserve the security and stability of Lazarus, for whatever duration of time is determined appropriate.
Key points:
  • The Delegate11 can propose a vote of the Council on Lazarene Security10 to remove citizenship from a citizen and/or to ban them from Lazarus
  • The Delegate11 can propose a vote of the Council on Lazarene Security10 to eject a nation or ban it from Lazarus
  • The Delegate11 can propose a vote of the Council on Lazarene Security10 on other measures, such as a restriction on what a citizen can do
  • If they wish to do so, then a vote requires 50% of voters of the Council on Lazarene Security10 to be for it, with one additional vote on top of that
  • This vote may be for a set duration of time before the action expires or be for a permanent action, such as a permanent ban from the region

Powers of the Delegate and Council on Lazarene Security - Endorsement Limits

(6) The Delegate may, subject to confirmation by 50%+1 vote of the Assembly or 50%+1 vote of the Council on Lazarene Security, establish and revise endorsement limits for Lazarus. The Delegate may enforce such limits and will be assisted by the Vice Delegate and Council on Lazarene Security as needed. The Vice Delegate and Councillors will not be subject to such endorsement limits.
Key points:
  • The Delegate11 can propose a vote of the Council on Lazarene Security10 to set or change endorsement limits of World Assembly member nations in Lazarus
  • The Delegate11 can enforce these limits with the assistance, if needed of the Vice Delegate12, and Councillors of Lazarene Security10
  • The Vice Delegate12 and Councillors of Lazarene Security10 will not be bound by these endorsement limits, beyond keeping reasonably below the Delegate11
  • The Delegate11can establish endorsement limits through the Assembly26, if more than half of voters are for it
  • The Delegate11 can establish endorsement limits through the Council on Lazarene Security, if more than half of voting Councillors are for it
Note: The Vice Delegate12, as mentioned later below in the Mandate25 (4.2.), holds the second greatest number of endorsements in the region, so it is illegal by the mandate for the Councillors of Lazarene Security10 to exceed this in normal circumstances.

Line of succession of the Delegate of Lazarus

Line of succession for the office of Delegate
This describes the line of succession of the Delegate11, meaning who would be next in line to hold the Delegacy were they to retire or be removed from office, such as through a vote of the Assembly26 or through their nation ceasing to exist.

Line of succession of the Delegate of Lazarus - Procedure of succession

(7) The Vice Delegate will be first in the line of succession, followed by each Councillor in the order determined by the Delegate with confirmation by 50%+1 vote of the Assembly. The first person in the line of succession who is willing and able to serve will succeed to the office of Delegate in the event that the office of Delegate is vacant.
Key points:
  • The Vice Delegate12 and Councillors of Lazarene Security10 are in the line of succession
  • The Vice Delegate12 is first in the line of succession
  • The Councillors of Lazarene Security10 are in the line of succession in the order decided upon by the Delegate
  • The Councillors of Lazarene Security10 line of succession requires 50% of voters to be for it in the Assembly, with one additional vote on top of that
  • If the Delegacy is vacant, then whoever is first in line of succession proceeds to a confirmation

Line of succession of the Delegate of Lazarus - Procedure

(8) The Delegate may appoint the Vice Delegate or a Councillor to serve as Acting Delegate in the event of the Delegate's scheduled absence. In the event of the Delegate's unscheduled absence exceeding seven days, as certified by 50%+1 vote of the Council on Lazarene Security, the first person in the line of succession who is willing and able to serve will serve as Acting Delegate until the Delegate returns.
Key points:
  • The Delegate11 can appoint the Vice Delegate12 to serve as acting Delegate if the Delegate has scheduled their absence
  • If the Delegate11 is absent for seven days with an unscheduled absence, then the first person in line of succession who is willing to serve will be the Acting Delegate until the Delegate returns
  • In the case of an unscheduled absence, 50% of voters of the Council on Lazarene Security10 must vote for certification of this, with one additional vote on top of that

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