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Resolution [A.R. 5] Resolution for the Territory of Palisade

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Commissioner (45%)
D. Minister
Internal Affairs
Foreign Affairs
Nov 16, 2024
Resolution for the Territory of Palisade

Proposed by: @New Rogernomics


This resolution shall establish the territory of Palisade as an official territory of Lazarus and establish a regional constitution for this territory.

Section 1. Territory of Palisade

(1) Palisade shall be established as a territory of Lazarus, with a governor that may be appointed by the Delegate of Lazarus known as the Guardian.

(2) The Guardian of the territory may be appointed or removed at will by the Delegate of Lazarus to act as their official representative and the governor to the territory, and they shall be considered a citizen of the territory. The Guardian must be a citizen of Lazarus.

Section 2. Citizenship and Residence

(1) Citizens of Lazarus shall be considered citizens of the territory of Palisade. The Guardian if empowered by the Delegate of Lazarus, may eject and/or ban citizens of Lazarus that pose a threat or undermine the regional harmony of the territory of Palisade or violate the laws of the territory of Palisade.
(2) Regions, organizations, or nations, proscribed by the Assembly of Lazarus may not reside within the territory.

(3) Granting of citizenship in the territory requires retaining a nation in territory. The territorial legislature may legislate further regulation or requirements for citizenship within the territory, and the territorial court may revoke territorial residence or citizenship.

Section 3. Guardian

(1) The Guardian shall be the official representative of the Delegate of Lazarus within the territory, and the governor of the territory:

a. The Guardian will have legal immunity within the territory, unless this legal immunity is removed by the Delegate of Lazarus or the Court of Lazarus.
b. The Guardian will be required to resign upon ceasing to exist in Nationstates.
c. The Guardian or the Delegate of Lazarus may veto or overturn at will any granting of citizenship or residence to nations within the territory by the WA Delegate.
d. The Guardian shall be the commander and chief of the territorial militia.

(2) The Guardian will be tasked with using the regional controls to protect the region, organize the regional message board, and set the world factbook entry:
a. They may allow citizens of the territory to update regional embassies and the world factbook entry.
b. The Guardian may allow the territorial militia or the WA Delegate to eject and/or ban nations in the territory.

(3) The Guardian and the Prime Minister of Lazarus shall hold the right of veto over all legislation, agreements, or foreign treaties passed to the High Council.

(4) The Guardian may conduct diplomacy or permit the granting of citizenship where necessary, in instances where:

a. The WA Delegate is absent or is conducting more pressing duties in the territory.
b. The regional elections have begun in the territory.
c. There is no acting WA Delegate in the territory.

Section 4: The High Council

(1) The High Council shall be the territorial legislature of the territory.

(2) The High Council shall consist of all citizens and residents of the territory and will hold the power to propose legislation.

(3) Only citizens of the territory may vote upon legislation or regional appointments within the territory.

(4) The WA Delegate shall be designated the Low Speaker of the High Council.

(5) The Guardian shall be considered the High Speaker of the High Council.

Legislative procedures

(6) Legislation within the territory shall follow equivalent requirements for the passage of legislation in Lazarus. The High Council may add additional requirements for the passage of legislation within the territory.

(7) A petition for the amendment of this resolution shall require a super majority vote of the citizens of the territory. This petition shall then be delivered to the Prime Minister of Lazarus for their formal approval or rejection, who may then propose the amendment of this resolution to the Assembly of Lazarus.

(8) Legislation of the High Council must be in compliance with this resolution, which includes the requirements set by the Constitutional Law on Lazarene colonies or territories. The Guardian, as High Speaker, or the court of the territory if established, shall be required to strike down any territorial legislation or regulations not in compliance with this resolution.

Section 5. World Assembly Delegate

(1) The WA Delegate of the territory shall be permitted to appoint or removal officials or ministers at will to assist their their assigned responsibilities. The responsibilities of the World Assembly Delegate of the territory shall include world assembly affairs, foreign affairs, and the granting of citizenship and the recruitment of nations for the territory.

(2) The WA Delegate of the territory may appoint or remove at will the operational commander of the territorial militia, upon the approval of the Guardian or the Delegate of Lazarus.

(3) The Prime Minister of Lazarus may establish programs to assist the governance of the territory, and the Prime Minister of Lazarus shall be considered to have overall authority over these programs.

(4) The WA Delegate shall undergo elections 15 days prior to the end of their term, unless their term is extended by the Guardian of the territory or Delegate of Lazarus for reasons of regional security.

(5) The WA Delegate shall be elected by a majority instant-runoff vote, and their term unless otherwise legislated by the territorial legislature shall last four months.

Section 6. Culture Minister

(1) The culture minister shall be in charge of organizing regional culture, roleplaying, and media, within the territory.

(2) The culture minister will be required to organize cultural activities and events, and inform residents and citizens about cultural activities and events, as well as act as the moderator of role-playing activities.

(3) The culture minister shall be elected by a majority instant-runoff vote, and their term unless otherwise legislated by the territorial legislature shall last four months. The WA Delegate may not remove the culture minister, but shall have the authority to decide how the culture minister will organize the ministry and its members.

Section 7. Elections

(1) Elections for an executive office within the territory shall be held according to equivalent rules and procedure for regional elections in Lazarus. The High Council may apply further regulations in law for the conduct of territorial elections.

(2) The High Council may legislate a different term of office than four months for executive positions or legislate term limits for executive positions.

(3) The High Speaker or Low Speaker of the High Council shall oversee the conduct of elections. The High Speaker shall have overriding authority over the conduct of elections as the official representative of the Delegate of Lazarus.

Section 8. Territorial Court

(1) The High Council shall be empowered to write a legal code and establish a formal court to regulate its members, and ensure respect for the territorial constitution established through this resolution, and the respect for any laws or regulations established within the territory.

(2) Civil or criminal charges can only be brought, when abuses of the law or community standards occur within the territory of Palisade or within the designated portions of infrastructure designated for exclusive use by the territory.

(3) Civil charges shall be considered to include general violations of community standards set by the High Council through legislation or by rulings of the Court of Palisade. Whereas criminal charges shall be considered to include violations of law or regulations of the territory of Name.

(4) The Court of Lazarus shall have the authority to rule over military conduct by members of the territorial militia who are also citizens of Lazarus. The Court of Lazarus may also order the ejection and/or ban of nations from the territory and/or the region of Lazarus over military conduct.

(5) The Court of Lazarus may when petitioned by any citizen of Lazarus revoke legal immunity from the Guardian of the territory by majority vote to require the Guardian to face civil or criminal charges within the territory.

Section 9. Militia

(1) The High Council may establish a territorial militia for the territory of Palisade.

(2) The Guardian will be the commander-in-chief of the militia. The World Assembly Delegate may be granted by the Guardian the right to appoint a Minister to serve as operational commander, subordinate to the Guardian and subject to approval of the Guardian. Operational command authority may be further delegated to a chain of command subordinate to the operational commander. The Guardian may revoke the operational authority for an operation and require the territorial militia to leave a foreign region.

(3) The militia will be the sole military force of the territory, neutral in alignment.

(4) The command, conduct, and membership criteria of the militia may be further regulated by territorial law or by territorial executive policy, or by the regional laws or executive policy of Lazarus.

(5) The Guardian may disband the militia as well as suspend all military operations temporarily. While the militia is disbanded an operational commander for the militia is not required.

Establishment of military neutrality

(6) The regional military alignment of the territory will be neutral. The territory will bear the Neutral tag at all times.

(7) The territory may not bear any of the following tags: Defender, Raider, Imperialist, Independent, or Invader.

Section 10. Regulation of Government Officials

Citizenship requirement for government officials

(1) The Guardian, WA Delegate, Cabinet Ministers, Court Justices, or any other government official established by law or policy in the territory must be citizens of the territory.

(2) The Guardian may at their discretion authorize the WA Delegate to appoint residents of Lazarus who are not citizens to participate in executive ministries, programs, and activities, but such residents may not serve as government officials, including as deputies or military personnel of officer rank.

Automatic removal of government officials

(3) The Guardian, the WA Delegate, Cabinet Ministers, Court Justices, or any other government official established by law or policy will be automatically removed from office upon loss of citizenship or their nation in the territory voluntarily relocating or ceasing to exist.

(4) The WA Delegate will be automatically removed from office upon their WA nation in Lazarus resigning or being expelled from the World Assembly.

Provisional service of certain appointed government officials

(5) Appointed government officials who are subject to confirmation by the High Council may serve on a provisional basis unless and until their confirmations are rejected by the High Council.

Activity requirements of government officials

(6) The Guardian, WA Delegate, Cabinet Ministers, or government officials may be automatically removed from office upon failure to communicate a leave of absence, which may last up to 14 days. The leave of absence may be communicated through private messaging or forum post, until after a period of 3 days has passed upon being advised on the forum of their removal from office by the Low or High Speaker of the High Council.

Recall of Cabinet Ministers and Deputy Ministers

(7) Cabinet Ministers and government officials may be recalled from a ministry by a two-thirds majority vote of the High Council. Once recalled they may not participate as a Cabinet Minister or government official for the rest of the WA Delegate's term.

The discussion can be viewed here.

Passage Requirement: two-thirds (66.66%) vote
Citizens of Lazarus,

With 5 Ayes, 0 Nays, and 0 Abstentions, the resolution has passed with 100% for and 0% against.

-- New Rogernomics, Deputy Speaker
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