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Proposal World Assembly Voting Act (September 2023)

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Councilor (75%)
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Internal Affairs
Jun 12, 2018
World Assembly Voting Act (September 2023)

Proposed by: @New Rogernomics

This law will establish how World Assembly resolutions are recommended to the Delegate of Lazarus.

Section 1. World Assembly recommendations to the Delegate

(1) The Delegate may not be compelled to vote for or against a World Assembly resolution but may be offered recommendations in how to vote.

(2) The Vice Delegate may offer recommendations to the Delegate:

a. If the Prime Minister or their designated minister or deputy minister has not made a recommendation.
b. During a regional election or the interim between Prime Ministerial terms.
c. In order to notify the Delegate of a resolution at vote or upcoming proposal.

Section 2. The regional vote

(1) Prior to or during a World Assembly resolution being at vote:

a. Residents of Lazarus may post how they intend to vote on a current or upcoming World Assembly resolution on the regional forum or discord server.
b. The Prime Minister or their designated minister or deputy minister may provide their recommendation to the Delegate.
c. The Vice Delegate may provide their recommendation to the Delegate.

(2) The Prime Minister's recommendation shall take priority as is the prerogative of cabinet to set the foreign and world assembly policy of Lazarus.

(3) In lieu of a recommendation the default recommendation shall be to vote according to the majority vote in the region by World Assembly nations or to abstain:

a. The Prime Minister or their designated minister or deputy minister may recommend to the Delegate to follow the majority vote in the region.
b. The Vice Delegate may recommend to the Delegate to follow the majority vote in the region.

Section 3. Exceptions to World Assembly recommendations

(1) If a law, treaty, or resolution, passed by the Assembly requires a recommendation to be given to the Delegate on world assembly resolutions proposed by a specific nation, region, or organization.

(2) If the Prime Minister or their designated minister or deputy minister has set a regional policy on recommendations on world assembly resolutions proposed by a specific nation, region, or organization.
This is a draft on a regional law to clear up and establish how WA recommendations are given to the Delegate, which up to now has really been ad-hoc.
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Support. I agree with what Ellenburg said. This is common sense and will be good.
Tubbius has always voted in-line with the onsite majority, with only very limited exceptions (as with Star Gazing Day). Recent-past attempts to convince him to align his vote with an offsite vote have failed miserably. I see no reason why codifying such attempts into law would change this.
Tubbius has always voted in-line with the onsite majority, with only very limited exceptions (as with Star Gazing Day). Recent-past attempts to convince him to align his vote with an offsite vote have failed miserably. I see no reason why codifying such attempts into law would change this.
This law just puts in clear language how we recommend WA votes. It also describes the voting in-line with the on-site majority being common practice. Tubbius actually does vote when telegrammed in time.
I've made an edit to give additional steps on recommending voting on resolutions. This should be ready for vote now, unless there is need of further changes.

I motion this to vote. Any seconds?
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