Staff member
Assembly Speaker
D. Minister
Councillor (CLS)
Internal Affairs
Just a thought for now, but I feel that the Executive Council is better revised to being just a body tasked with World Assembly matters, as that is really what we need more.IV. Executive
Establishment of the office of Prime Minister
(1) The Prime Minister will serve as head of government.
(2) The Prime Minister shall be elected by majority instant-runoff vote for a four-month term. Elections shall be undertaken by the Assembly. Procedure for elections will be defined by law.
(3) The Prime Minister will serve until the end of their term or until resignation, removal from office by the Assembly, or automatic removal from office.
(4) The Prime Minister may issue executive directives to set public policy for executive ministries, programs, and activities. Such directives will remain in effect unless rescinded by the Prime Minister who issued them or a subsequent Prime Minister. Such directives may also be amended by the Prime Minister who issued them or a subsequent Prime Minister.
Establishment of the Prime Minister's Cabinet
(5) The Prime Minister shall appoint at least two Cabinet Ministers, one tasked with internal affairs, and one with foreign affairs. Appointment of Cabinet Ministers, excluding Deputy Ministers, will be subject to confirmation by 50%+1 vote of the Assembly.
(6) Cabinet Ministers, including Ministers and Deputy Ministers, will serve until the end of the Prime Minister's term or until resignation, removal from office by the Assembly or the Prime Minister, or automatic removal from office. Further regulation of appointment or removal of Ministers and Deputy Ministers may be established by law.
(7) The Prime Minister may appoint additional Ministers, Deputy Ministers, and officials to Ministries to assist with executive duties, programs and activities, and may provide for their appointment and removal.
Establishment, removal or renaming of Ministries
(8) The Prime Minister may establish, remove, or rename Ministries at will. The Prime Minister may reassign or remove any Ministers, Deputy Ministers, and officials, when establishing, removing, or renaming a Ministry.
Composition of the Regional Council
(9) The Prime Minister will be appointed to the Regional Council and may allow Cabinet Ministers to participate on the Regional Council.
(10) The Delegate and Vice Delegate shall be permanent members and chairs of the Regional Council until they are removed by three-quarters vote or resign from office.
(11) Membership on the Regional Council will not restrict participation in another office.
Honorary Title
(12) Members of the Regional Council may be called Regional Councilors.
Ordinary responsibilities of the Regional Council
(13) The Regional Council will advise the Delegate on World Assembly votes and proposals.
(14) The Prime Minister on approval of the Delegate may establish or remove in-game regional representatives to advise the Regional Council on World Assembly votes and proposals.
Removal from the Regional Council
(15) Non-Permanent members of the Executive Council will serve until the end of their term or until resignation, removal from office by the Assembly, or automatic removal from office.
That only requires the PM, Delegate, Vice-Delegate, and Ministers to be involved in the body level.
Posting WA proposals on the forum isn't going to be as good as having in-game discussions, so maybe some form of set up where WA members can engage with the Regional Council would be more effective.
Original text:
Mandate - Twelfth Mandate of Lazarus (Mandate 12)
Twelfth Mandate of Lazarus (Mandate 12) Preamble In order to ensure a government that is stable, democratic, and fosters an active community, this Mandate has been established as the fundamental law by which Lazarus will be governed. This Mandate is the supreme law of Lazarus and, together with...