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Embassy of United Kingdom

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Owen Stewart

Newbie (45%)
Foreign Dignitary
Aug 31, 2022
P1GFYtn - Imgur.png

The Royal Messenger - October 2022
Good evening,

We present the new edition of The Royal Messenger where we publish news from around the region.

On behalf of the Foreign Office, we hope you all enjoy this update. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them.

Kind Regards,
Owen Stewart
Foreign Secretary of the United Kingdom
New Government Elected

In a very narrow squeaker, Owen Stewart was elected Prime Minister of the United Kingdom over opponent Christoph Sebastian by 1 vote in a runoff that concluded Sunday, this election was to elect a new Prime Minister due to the incumbent, David G. Allum, declining to run for a third term, along with the Prime Minister’s race, the race for control of the House of Commons resulted in Sinn Fein losing it’s majority. With the election of Owen Stewart to 10 Downing Street, a new cabinet has been assembled, composed of citizens with a broad variety of backgrounds, but nonetheless notable in their own way, here is the current composition of the cabinet:

Deputy Prime Minister – Vibhor Mikaelson
Chancellor of the Exchequer – Christoph Sebastian
Home Secretary – Lucas Stewart
Foreign Secretary – Aaron Reynolds-Bauheim
Culture Secretary – David Hawthorn
World Assembly Affairs Secretary – TBA

The World Assembly Affairs Office is a brand new office that will be operating relatively soon, as such a nominee has not been chosen yet as of the publication of this notice.

If you are also interested, my opening address to NSUK is also available to read here: https://www.nationstates.net/page=dispatch/id=1809574

The Royal Messenger - January 2023
Good morning,

We present the new edition of The Royal Messenger where we publish news from around the region.

On behalf of the Foreign Office, we hope you all enjoy this update. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them.

Kind Regards,
Owen Stewart
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
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