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[Archive] Mixed Threads

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Councilor (75%)
Staff member
Assembly Speaker
D. Minister
Councillor (CLS)
Internal Affairs
Jun 12, 2018
Shopping District IndexE.[/size]

Essential Consulting Inc.
Totally Honest Business
Owner/s: @"Roavin"


Frankendarian Caller
Independent news agency.G.[/size]​

The Graphics Shop
???? ??????? ?????????
Owner/s: @"Milograd"


The Lazarenes in Need Fund

Owner/s: @"Manson"

Locus | Your Imaginary Place
Provides everything mystic and fun.
Owner/s: @"Imaginary"


Mojo's Flag Emporium
Pretty things at even prettier prices
Owner/s: @"Mojo"


Sheep Shop
We sell sheep. Also sheepy goods, including wool, sheep milk, sheep cheese, yarn, knitwear, pictures of sheep, carved sheep statues, plush stuffed sheep, ceramic mugs featuring cartoon sheep drawings and cute sayings like "All's Wool that Ends Wool" or "All Bent out of Sheep", mousepads shaped like sheep ("sheep-pads"), and sheep-print fabric. Among other things.

Owner/s: @"Sheepshape"


Wym's Solicitors
A legal firm representing anyone, no case is to big or to small
Shop/Store Name:


Owner/s: @"Owner 1"
Store Name: the Lazarenes in Need Fund

Description: Donate money to your fellow poor bastards. :P
[quote="Manson" pid='2286' dateline='1533345665']Store Name: the Lazarenes in Need Fund

Description: Donate money to your fellow poor bastards. :P[/quote]
You'll have to make a storefront first.  :lol:

Start a topic in the Plaza.

Though I haven't created a store template yet.
Store Name: Sheep Shop

Description: We sell sheep. Also sheepy goods, including wool, sheep milk, sheep cheese, yarn, knitwear, pictures of sheep, carved sheep statues, plush stuffed sheep, ceramic mugs featuring cartoon sheep drawings and cute sayings like "All's Wool that Ends Wool" or "All Bent out of Sheep", mousepads shaped like sheep ("sheep-pads"), and sheep-print fabric. Among other things.


Owner/s: Sheepshape

General Assembly Proposals and Security Council Proposals sub-forums are for actual WA proposals and not for drafting. Drafting can be done in this forum. Make sure to add [SC] or [GA] in the beginning of the title when doing so. Make sure to put [Abandoned] or if the title is long [A] in the beginning title of your draft if you have abandoned it
Frankendarian Caller
Independent news agency.
Owner/s: Frankender
The Principality renounces its citizenship in Lazcorp. Delete our profile forthwith.
Play the Slots

Play now!

[size=medium]Minimum cost per spin:
LazCorp Lottery

Next Draw: 05/28/21

Starting Prize:Numbers: 1-49

How to win:

Post your numbers below:

Example Ticket said:
Numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Power Ball: 6

Then pay for your ticket(s) here:

treadwellia;11830 said:
Numbers: 1, 2, 4, 15, 42
Power Ball: 6

Ack! The Pay button doesn't work?

It is just a template for now.
1. Forum Integrations

This forum is integrated with Discord and Spotify, which means that you can receive alerts from this forum in the LazCorp Discord, and you can share what music you are listening to.

Integrating your Discord or Spotify Account can be done through your:
Connected Accounts

Connect Account.PNG

Managing Alerts
  • Discord Alerts from this forum can be managed alongside the other alerts in your Preferences
  • General Alerts which appear on this forum in the bell icon area can also be managed in your Preferences
Sharing Threads with Discord

Depending on the forum permissions in parts of the forum, after clicking on the dropdown to the right of watch, you can promote a thread to Discord:

Share Thread.PNG

Here is the area where you select the post to share:

Promote 1.PNG

After you click Save the first post in the thread will be sent to Discord channel selected.

Spotify View

If you click on Listening to Spotify on your profile or others profiles, you can see what they are listening to:

Spotify Playback.PNG

Clicking on the song will take you to your Spotify.

2. Awards and Trophies

These are either awarded automatically as a result of an activity, such as posting, or because you were given one manually.

Managing Alerts
  • Award/Trophy alerts from this forum can be managed alongside the other alerts in your Preferences
3. Forum Deletion

This feature allows this forum to be fully compliant with the EU General Data Protection Regulation, and other international laws, and should be for if you want all your data wiped.

Test Delete 1.PNG

How Deletion Occurs
  • You are asked to provide your account password.
  • You are asked to confirm the deletion and provide a reason for the deletion, which can be anything you wish like a good bye message.
  • Within two days your account will be deleted, and an email will be sent informing you one day before deletion.
  • Your account will automatically be wiped from the database, and be non-recoverable.
If you just want an username change however do not use forum deletion, as it deletes your posts.

You can click the change button in Settings to do this: Account Details
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🎄 The Corporation of Lazarus!
Etymology ● RMB Rules ● Welcome ● Endo Cap ● News ● Embassy Policy ● Jobs ● Nationstates ● Map ● Become a Shareholder ● Forum ● Discord ● Join the Guard

🐦 1. Etymology of Lazarus
The name Lazarus may well come from the Bible passage where Lazarus is raised from the dead:
John 11 King James Version (KJV) said:
43: "And when he thus had spoken, he cried with a loud voice, Lazarus, come forth."
44: "And he that was dead came forth, bound hand and foot with graveclothes: and his face was bound about with a napkin. Jesus saith unto them, Loose him, and let him go."
What does the regional saying/unofficial regional motto 'Mmph MMPH' mean?
Treadwellia (Tubbius): Mmph MMPH 🎅
What is MMPH? Baby don't mmph me...
John Laurens: Don't MMPH me, no more 🎅
💬 Note: You can register on the
Lazarus Forum using email, Discord, Steam or Spotify
And if you haven't heard yet about voting in Lazarus...
Custadia (McChimp): [...]The votes will end in January
New Rogernomics: [...]we have a saying: "All votes end in January!" because one time McChimp put the wrong year and month for a vote ending time.
💬 Note: You can also join our
Discord Server and talk there

🐦 2. Message Board Rules
Since we've had a few questions about regional policy, these rules should help clarify what we expect on the RMB:
Firstly, do we not allow Recruitment on the RMB, which includes:
  • Recruiting for another region or organization on the Lazarus RMB.
  • Posting unsolicited links for recruitment to other regions or organizations.
  • Recruiting on our RMB for a raiding or defending operation, though Anti-Fascist missions carried out by LazCorp of course are excluded.
Recruiting will result in suppressing the post, and if it persists ejection of the nation(s) in question.

Secondly, we do not allow Spam on the RMB, which includes:
  • Triple posting on our RMB, or alternatively posting large wads of text that aren't related to a RP for example.
  • Posting just a few words in spammy fashion, which can bring the ire of the NS moderators, if not risk your nation being deleted by them. Please don't it.
  • Posting unsolicited links that aren't from safe websites or applications1, which could contain an internet virus to make others or Tubby sick...nasty stuff there.
1: Links from YouTube, Dailymotion, Spotify, Google Docs, and so on, are fine, whereas mywebsite.com or myblog.com links are not.​

Spamming will risk getting your post suppressed, and if excessive spamming persists, ejection of the nation(s) in question.

🐦 3. Welcome to LazCorp
Our company is committed to developing a fun and safe community in which resident nations - and those just travelling through - can be at ease while experiencing the best this game has to offer.

Above you'll find links to information on various aspects of the game and our region. Below is an outline of our leadership system and how to join it. We value your feedback, so if you have any questions, comments or concerns, please reach out to us!

LazCorp Structure
LazCorp's corporate design is based on Mandate 12, our guiding legal document.

Visit the Corporate Library on the
regional forum for more details
Twelfth Mandate of Lazarus (Mandate 12)
LazCorpHQ said:
Twelfth Mandate of Lazarus (Mandate 12)

In order to ensure a government that is stable, democratic, and fosters an active community, this Mandate has been established as the fundamental law by which Lazarus will be governed. This Mandate is the supreme law of Lazarus and, together with constitutional law, takes precedence over any other law or policy.

I. Assembly of Lazarus

Composition of the Assembly

(1) The Assembly will be comprised of all citizens of Lazarus.

Powers of the Assembly

(2) The Assembly may establish and revise its own procedural rules by 50%+1 vote.

(3) The Assembly may enact, amend, or repeal general laws and resolutions by 50%+1 vote.

(4) The Assembly may enact, amend, or repeal treaties, at the request of the Prime Minister, by 50%+1 vote.

(5) The Assembly may declare war against another region or organization, and repeal a declaration of war, at the request of the Prime Minister, by two-thirds vote.

(6) The Assembly may remove the Assembly Speaker, the Prime Minister, a Cabinet Minister, a Court Justice, a Councillor of Lazarene Security, or any other government official established by law or policy from office, by two-thirds vote.

(7) The Assembly may remove the Delegate or Vice Delegate from office by three-quarters vote.

(8) The Assembly may declare a state of emergency, end a state of emergency declared by the Council on Lazarene Security, or extend a state of emergency ended by the Council, by three-quarters vote.

(9) The Assembly may amend this Mandate by three-quarters vote.

(10) The Assembly may enact constitutional laws and resolutions, bearing the same legal weight as this Mandate, and may amend or repeal such constitutional laws and resolutions, by three-quarters vote. Constitutional laws and resolutions must be explicitly designated as such within the text of each constitutional law or resolution, and may not either explicitly or implicitly amend or repeal this Mandate or other constitutional laws or resolutions.

Speaker of the Assembly

(11) The Delegate will appoint an Assembly Speaker to preside over the Assembly according to its procedural rules. Appointment of the Assembly Speaker will be subject to confirmation by 50%+1 vote of the Assembly.

(12) In the absence of procedural rules to settle a procedural matter in the Assembly, the Assembly Speaker may establish such rules. Procedural rules established by the Assembly Speaker will always be subordinate to the laws of Lazarus and procedural rules established by the Assembly.

(13) The Assembly Speaker will serve until resignation, removal from office by the Assembly or the Delegate, or automatic removal from office. The Assembly Speaker may not serve in any other office or stand for election while serving as Assembly Speaker.

(14) The Assembly may provide for the appointment and removal of deputies to the Assembly Speaker by law or through its procedural rules.

II. Delegate of Lazarus

Establishment of the office of Delegate

(1) The Delegate will serve as head of state and lawful WA Delegate of Lazarus.

(2) The Delegate may not serve in any other office while serving as Delegate, except that the Delegate will be suspended from the Council of Lazarene Security if they are already a Councillor, but will automatically resume membership on the Council after their term as Delegate.

(3) The Delegate will serve until resignation, removal from office by the Assembly, or automatic removal from office.

Powers of the Delegate

(4) The Delegate may admit residents of Lazarus to citizenship. Further procedure for citizenship admission, including procedure for appealing rejection of a citizenship application by the Delegate, criteria residents must meet in order to be admitted as citizens as well as criteria for maintenance of citizenship and enforcement of such criteria, may be established by law.

(5) The Delegate may, subject to confirmation by 50%+1 vote of the Council on Lazarene Security, impose revocation of citizenship, ejection and/or ban from Lazarus, or other measures to preserve the security and stability of Lazarus, for whatever duration of time is determined appropriate. The Assembly may overturn such decisions by three-quarters vote.

(6) The Delegate may, subject to confirmation by 50%+1 vote of the Assembly or 50%+1 vote of the Council on Lazarene Security, establish and revise endorsement limits for Lazarus. The Delegate may enforce such limits and will be assisted by the Vice Delegate and Council on Lazarene Security as needed. The Vice Delegate and Councillors will not be subject to such endorsement limits.

Line of succession for the office of Delegate

(7) The Vice Delegate will be first in the line of succession, followed by each Councillor in the order determined by the Delegate with confirmation by 50%+1 vote of the Assembly. The first person in the line of succession who is willing and able to serve will succeed to the office of Delegate in the event that the office of Delegate is vacant.

(8) The Delegate may appoint the Vice Delegate or a Councillor to serve as Acting Delegate in the event of the Delegate's scheduled absence. In the event of the Delegate's unscheduled absence exceeding seven days, as certified by 50%+1 vote of the Council on Lazarene Security, the first person in the line of succession who is willing and able to serve will serve as Acting Delegate until the Delegate returns.

III. Vice Delegate of Lazarus

Establishment of the office of Vice Delegate

(1) The Delegate will appoint a Vice Delegate to hold the second most endorsements in Lazarus. Appointment of the Vice Delegate will be subject to confirmation by two-thirds vote of the Assembly.

(2) The Vice Delegate will serve until resignation, removal from office by the Assembly or the Delegate, or automatic removal from office.

Powers of the Vice Delegate

(3) The Vice Delegate will be the chairperson of the Council on Lazarene Security, presiding over the Council according to law and its procedural rules, and acting as the Council's spokesperson. If the office of Vice Delegate is vacant, the first Councillor in the line of succession who is willing and able to serve will serve as the Council's chairperson.

IV. Cabinet of Lazarus

Establishment of the office of Prime Minister

(1) The Prime Minister will serve as head of government.

(2) The Prime Minister shall be elected by majority instant-runoff vote for a four-month term. Elections shall be undertaken by the Assembly. Procedure for elections will be defined by law.

(3) The Prime Minister will serve until the end of their term or until resignation, removal from office by the Assembly, or automatic removal from office.

Establishment of the Cabinet

(4) The Prime Minister will set the course of the Cabinet with such ministries, programs, and activities as they determine are beneficial for Lazarus.

(5) The Prime Minister may issue executive directives to set public policy for executive ministries, programs, and activities. Such directives will remain in effect unless rescinded by the Prime Minister who issued them or a subsequent Prime Minister. Such directives may also be amended by the Prime Minister who issued them or a subsequent Prime Minister.

(6) The Prime Minister may appoint Cabinet Ministers to assist with executive ministries, programs and activities, and must fill any ministries mandated by law. Appointment of Cabinet Ministers will be subject to confirmation by 50%+1 vote of the Assembly.

(7) Cabinet Ministers will serve until the end of the Prime Minister's term or until resignation, removal from office by the Assembly or the Prime Minister, or automatic removal from office.

(8) The Prime Minister may provide for the appointment and removal of Cabinet deputies.

V. Court of Lazarus

Composition of the Court

(1) The Court will be comprised of three Justices appointed by the Delegate, subject to confirmation by 50%+1 vote of the Assembly. Requirements for the recusal of Justices and procedure for the appointment of temporary Justices may be established by law.

(2) Justices will serve until resignation, removal from office by the Assembly, or automatic removal from office. While serving, Justices may not serve in any other office but Councillor for the Council on Lazarene Security.

Powers of the Court

(3) Procedure for constitutional matters brought before the Court will be defined by law.

(4) The Court has the power, upon being petitioned by a citizen, to strike down any general law, treaty, or policy. in whole or in part, and restrain any government action, by two-thirds vote, if such violates this Mandate or any constitutional law.

(5) The Court may, upon being petitioned by a citizen, reconcile contradictions within and between this Mandate and constitutional laws, as well as contradictions within and between general laws, by two-thirds vote, maintaining minimal disruption to the intended purposes of the contradictory provisions.

(6) The Court may interpret and clarify provisions of law when posed in a legal question, by two-thirds vote, as prescribed by law.

(7) The Court may, upon being petitioned by a citizen, conduct Criminal Reviews in order to determine whether a person has committed a criminal offence. During a Criminal Review the person must be granted reasonable opportunity to defend themselves against the charges. Procedure for such Criminal Reviews may be established by law.

(8) Should the Court confirm by two-thirds vote that the person has committed a criminal offence after a Criminal Review, they may compel the Delegate to impose upon the person a punishment permitted by law, including revocation of citizenship, restriction of ability to vote and/or hold office, ejection and/or banishment from Lazarus and other measures.The Court may hold a Criminal Review appeal to reduce or overturn punishments decided in a Criminal Review. The Assembly may overturn or reduce such punishments by three-quarters vote.

VI. Council on Lazarene Security

Composition of the Council

(1) The Delegate will appoint Councillors to the Council on Lazarene Security, subject to confirmation by 50%+1 vote of the Assembly. Councillors will serve until resignation, removal from office by the Assembly, or automatic removal from office.

Ordinary responsibilities of the Council

(2) Councillors must maintain high endorsement WA nations in Lazarus at all times and meet any other requirements established by law.

(3) The Council will be responsible for assisting the Delegate and Vice Delegate in overseeing and protecting regional security.

(4) The Council may establish and revise its own procedural rules by 50%+1 vote. Such procedural rules will be subordinate to the laws of Lazarus.

States of emergency

(5) The Council may declare and may end a state of emergency by two-thirds vote. During a state of emergency, the Council may take all necessary measures to resolve the emergency, except that the Assembly may not be suspended, and the Council must adhere to any further regulation of states of emergency established by law.

VII. Regulation of Government Officials

Citizenship requirement for government officials

(1) The Delegate, the Vice Delegate, the Assembly Speaker, the Prime Minister, Cabinet Ministers, Court Justices, Councillors of Lazarene Security, or any other government official established by law or policy must be citizens of Lazarus.

(2) The Delegate may, at their discretion, authorize the Prime Minister to appoint residents of Lazarus who are not citizens to participate in executive ministries, programs, and activities, but such residents may not serve as government officials, including as deputies or military personnel of officer rank.

Automatic removal of government officials

(3) The Delegate, the Vice Delegate, the Assembly Speaker, the Prime Minister, Cabinet Ministers, Court Justices, Councillors of Lazarene Security, or any other government official established by law or policy will be automatically removed from office upon loss of citizenship or their nation in Lazarus voluntarily relocating or ceasing to exist.

(4) The Delegate, the Vice Delegate, or Councillors of Lazarene Security will be automatically removed from office upon their WA nation in Lazarus resigning or being expelled from the WA.

Provisional service of certain appointed government officials

(5) Appointed government officials who are subject to confirmation by the Assembly may serve on a provisional basis unless and until their confirmations are rejected by the Assembly.

VIII. Off-site Property Administration

Composition of off-site property administration

(1) The root administrator of off-site property, which will be the same citizen for all official Lazarene off-site property, will be responsible for the appointment and removal of citizens to serve as off-site property administrators and moderators for each off-site property. Membership in off-site property administration and moderation teams will not be construed to constitute government office.

Responsibilities of off-site property administration

(2) No provision of this Mandate nor any law or policy will be construed to limit or interfere with the responsibility and authority of off-site property administration and moderation, subject to the final authority of the root administrator, to safeguard the out-of-character security or safety of the off-site property or its users.

(3) The root administrator will have final authority on off-site property permissions, and may deny or revoke permissions based on risk to the security or safety of off-site property or its users, or violation of terms of service.

IX. Constitutional Conventions

Procedure for initiating a constitutional convention

(1) The Assembly may initiate a constitutional convention for the purpose of repealing and replacing this Mandate by three-quarters vote.

Basic procedure for a constitutional convention

(2) Following initiation of a constitutional convention, the Assembly will establish procedure for the convention by 50%+1 vote. The Assembly may amend the procedure of the convention while the convention is ongoing by 50%+1 vote.

(3) During a constitutional convention, this Mandate, the institutions and offices established by and under this Mandate, and all laws and treaties established under this Mandate, will remain in force, until a new constitution is adopted by the convention.

(4) Should the convention fail to yield a new constitution, the Assembly may, by 50%+1 vote, adjourn the convention.
LazCorp Registry

🎄 Welcome to LazCorp - Please Wash Your Hands! We're dead serious!

Security - protects the region

Chief Executive Officer: Treadwellia
Chief Operating Officer: New Rogernomics
Security Auditors:
Debussy, Custadia, Leonism
World Assembly Members

Cabinet - guides the region

Managing Director (PM): Custadia
Internal Management:
Public Relations (FA):
Regional Guard: Kingdom of Napels
Shareholdership (Citizenship):
Department Members

Assembly - creates legislation

Speaker: Lazarene Dino
Deputy: Debussy

Court - interprets legislation

Human Resource Officers:

Lazarene Ryccia and Imkiville

🐦 4. Regional Endorsement Cap
Current Regional Endorsement Cap

If you've endorsed the Delegate (CEO): 130 WA Endorsements

If you've not endorsed the Delegate (CEO): 20 WA Endorsements

Why do we need an Endorsement Cap? In an ideal situation we would not need one, as everyone would keep below the delegate and not try and disrupt regional security. Unfortunately overthrowing legitimate delegates in a coup d'etat does happen in this game. So please keep below the endorsement cap so that Tubbius AKA the Tubby One (Treadwellia) can continue spreading MmpH throughout the land.

How is the Endorsement Cap enforced? Every month World Assembly nations will be checked to see if they are under endorsement cap. If nations are above either cap by 10 WA Endorsements, they may be asked to reduce their endorsements, and may undergo un-endorsement campaigns. It is easy to keep under if you send telegrams to those who are putting you above the cap, or just let your endorsements decline.

Will the Endorsement Cap increase? It might, though it all depends on how many are endorsing the Delegate. There are limits set by gameplay mechanics as well to take into account, as our ability to eject/ban for security reasons can be made more difficult.

What will happen if I am above cap for more than a month or so? When enough folks are above the cap, we will post a temporary dispatch advising nations they are above cap. Hypothetically, if a nation continued to be above cap despite official warnings by telegram and dispatch, they could be banned or ejected. Though bans and ejections are the last resort. We are more likely to attempt an un-endorsement campaign first.

What is an un-endorsement campaign? It is effectively a telegram campaign against WA nations above the Endorsement Cap, and will only telegram endorsing nations as necessary to gradually bring a nation down to cap.

🐦 5. Embassy Policy
In-game embassy? Regions that already possess an in-game embassy with Lazarus are encouraged to establish a forum embassy as well.

Not an in-game embassy? If a region that does not possess an in-game embassy with Lazarus would like to begin developing relations with Lazarus it must first establish a forum embassy. After a period of review, a region that has taken this step may be sent an in-game embassy request from Lazarus and a Lazarene ambassador will be sent to the region.

Forum embassies provide regions or organizations with an official place on our forums to share information, make statements and proposals, and generally develop relations between each other.

Please read the following forum embassy guidelines before applying:

1. All applications will be considered, although overly small (less than 30 nations) or new regions (less than a year) will most likely be declined.
2. We ask that if granted an embassy, you post in it at least once every few months:
(a) If your embassy is not posted in for 90 days, your region will receive a notification that it may be closed:
(b) You will then have a certain period of time, usually at least two weeks, in which to make a post in the embassy.
(c) If no activity takes place before the deadline, your embassy will be archived. A new application will need to be filled out to reopen it.

If you would like to establish a forum embassy with Lazarus, please
register on our forums, and fill out this
Embassy Application Form.

Note: Embassies are for regions or organizations, not individual nations.

Please direct any inquiries or concerns you may have to Moezarus. Thank you!

With our regional government there are opportunities to get involved in the politics of the region. Lazarus has regional elections every four months for most political positions, and there are opportunities to become a member of a Department (Ministry) and serve Lazarus that way. You can get hands on experience of how our government works, and maybe even run for political office yourself in the future. This section of the guide will give you a brief run down of what is on offer.

The Assembly of Lazarus - This is the main legislative body of Lazarus, where shareholders (citizens) and employees (residents) of LazCorp propose and discuss legislation and issues of the realm. In order to vote on legislation or in regional elections however, you must become a Shareholder (Citizen). It isn't hard to become a Citizen, so you might want to give it a try, and become a fully-fledged member of the community, though you are just as welcome to stay a Resident and join in on basic forum activities.

[Get Citizenship - Become a Shareholder]

Departments (Ministries) of Lazarus - The following Departments (Ministries) of Lazarus are often open to new members, so you should feel free to ask around about joining one and helping out.

Public Relations - Manages the Diplomatic Relations of Lazarus
[Become an Ambassador]

Regional Guard - Military Forces of Lazarus
[Join here]

Internal Management - Organizes Events, Media (such as the Gazette), and Role-Plays
[Join here]


Make an application here today:
LazCorp Vacancies
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🐦 7. Basics of Nationstates 🌍
🌍 Recommendation: If you would like a more comprehensive guide Click Here for the guide by Amerion
The World Assembly
How can I join the World Assembly? You visit the World Assembly page and join
You should notice the World Assembly link on the Nationstates Control Panel of your nation, which takes you to a page that looks something like this:

At the top of the World Assembly page is the option to Apply to Join the World Assembly, or if you have already joined to resign from the World Assembly.

Once you click ‘Apply to Join’, you should receive an email within 24 hours, once you receive this email you can click within the email to confirm your WA membership.

Before joining the World Assembly however, you must make sure that you have added an Email address to your Nation account:

Another activity you can do in the game is to answer your nation issues, which will allow you to change the Civil Rights, Economic freedoms, and Political Freedoms in your nation, in addition to what you decided when you first founded your nation.
What are Issues? Issues are events that your nation has to decide to do about - or dismiss (ignore):

Each issue usually shows different views of petitioners within your nation:

Usually they represent people or groups that want to neglect or improve upon aspects of your nation’s economy – but they can also involve restricting or expanding the civil rights or political freedoms of your nation as a whole i.e. establishing a dictatorship vs establishing a liberal democracy.
How many issues can I have each day?

  • No Throttle.
  • 12 hours between issues.
  • 24 hours between issues.
  • 48 hours between issues
What happens when I answer issues? When you answer issues, they change your rankings in global categories:

They also change how your nation ranks in Civil Rights, Political freedoms, and Economic freedoms:

Here are some government categories that can result from how your issues are answered.


This shows how recent issues have impacted a nation.

🐦 8. Feedback 👍
If you have any questions about Lazarus or Nationstates, or want to give feedback about this guide, please telegram: New Rogernomics

If you enjoyed this guide and the layout, feel free to click the like or another reaction on either of these posts.

This is also viewable in dispatch form: Dispatch -> Information Desk - Welcome to LazCorp!
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General Election

Shareholders of Lazarus, the campaigning period has concluded, and voting has now begun. In this thread, eligible shareholders may submit their ballots. As per Lazarene Elections Act 2.1.c and 5.1.a.

The eligible candidates are: You may also vote to abstain.

On their ballots, shareholders shall list up to three options in order of preference. These three options comprise the two eligible candidates (listed below and above), as well as "Abstain" (colloquially called "Re-Open Nominations"); if the virtual candidate "Abstain" wins the vote, a new election shall begin. Shareholders shall use only the forum names of the candidates; minor spelling errors are accepted if and only if ballot entries are obviously referring to one specific candidate as per my judgement. Ballots that include extraneous information or formatting are considered invalid.

To vote, order your candidates with your first preference marked as your first choice, your second preference marked as your second choice etc.

Vote Start Date: Jan 10, 2022
Vote End Date: Jan 15, 2022

An example ballot is as follows:
Not open for further replies.