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- Oct 10, 2021
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Dante's Nightclub 24 Hour MenuDante said:
Get your drinks here!
Booze up, dance, and all that jazz!
Jazz...obviously playing, alongside everything else.
Refreshments (Alcoholic)
- Gives a MargaritaSangria
- Gives a SangriaTequila
-Gives a glass of TequilaVodka
- Gives a shot of VodkaWine
- Gives a glass of Red WineChampagne
- Gives a glass of ChampagneBeer
- Gives a glass of HeinekenGuinness
- Gives a glass of GuinnessBud
- Gives a glass of BudCorona
- Gives a glass of CoronaRefreshments (Non-Alcoholic)
Coffee/Tea/Hot drinks
- Gives an order of coffeeTea
- Gives an order of teaCocoa
- Gives an order of hot chocolateSoda/Lemonade
- Gives an order of PepsiCoke
- Gives an order of CokeDrPepper
- Gives an order of Dr PepperSprite
- Gives an order of SpriteFanta
- Gives an order of FantaDew
- Gives an order of Mountain DewLemonade
- Gives an order of Strawberry LemonadeGeneral cold drinks/ice
- Cold water with ice2% whole milk on the rocks
- 2% whole milk with ice2% whole milk with ice
- 2% whole milk with ice2% whole milk on ice
- 2% whole milk made with iceFood/Starters
- Gives an order of NachosTacos
- Gives an order of TacosPretzels
- Gives an order of large pretzels and honey mustard sauceBeefBurger
- Gives a Beef burger, and it only comes medium-rareChickBurger
- Gives a Chicken burgerVegeBurger
- Gives a Vegan meat-free burgerFish&Chips
- Gives an order of beer-battered fish and chipsSwanson
- Gives the Swanson Parks & Rec special...all the eggs and bacon we haveSpam
- Gives an order of SpamNuggets
- Through dark magic, you can order McDonald's nuggets with Szechuan sauce
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