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Special election (October 2020) - Dom's campaign thread


The Domster!
First Citizen (PM)
Internal Affairs
Foreign Affairs
Nov 6, 2018
Special election (October 2020)
Why you should vote for Dom
I think that we should do the following:
Foreign Affairs:
War with the NPO (The Pacific):
Embassies and treaties:
  • We should audit our current embassies and remove any inactive ones. However, no additional forum or in-game embassies should be pursued at this time because of the lack of staff in the Foreign Affairs Department (we should send telegrams to the region in an attempt to fix that),
  • We should audit our current treaties to see which ones are working and which ones are not. If they are not working we should repeal them or renegotiate,
  • We should take a look at our current non-treated regions that we have a positive relationship with and look further advance that relationship;
Internal Affairs:
Cultural Law:
  • We should enact a cultural law that would establish official things for the region such as holidays and the motto,
  • We should do regional events that coincide with those holidays (and not just ignore them);
  • As has been already stated we should do some events that would coincide with any holidays,
  • We should establish annual cultural events (festivals),
  • We should find some partners to do cross-regional events with (perhaps a Sinkercon if that is possible),
  • Some of these events could be contests;
Cards Guild:
  • We should further develop the cards guild,
  • We should do card giveaways and events,
  • We should telegram the region seeking new members;
World Assembly Affairs:
  • We should make a department of World Assembly Affairs (if we can find the people),
  • That department should be active in proposing new GA and SC proposals,
  • We should include the gameside community in this,
  • We should telegram the region seeking members;
The Gazette:
  • We should appoint a Deputy Director of Internal Management (maybe style it as Sub-Director of Communications or something) that is in charge of the Gazette,
  • We should do more interviews with fellow Lazarenes and foreign regionals,
  • We should establish a Lazarene Youtube Channel were the government and the Gazette would publish podcasts and the like,
  • We should include the gameside community in the publication of the Gazette,
  • Even though that the person that should be running the Gazette is a government member, their writing should be independent and they should consult the Director of Internal Management and the Department for ideas and proofing but they should not bow to their whims;
  • We should have a uniform style of all of the regions official dispatches,
  • We should ensure that every WA nation endorses the Delegate;
Military Affairs:
The Guard:
  • We should seek a Director of the Guard from within Lazarus but if we still cannot find a person we should seek one from outside (not appointing one would be misconduct),
  • We should work to revive the Guard by bashing fascists and having a revitalized effort in the Warzones.

So vote for Domais in a few days!
Thank you for running and thank you for your campaign thread.

I have three questions.
1. How would the holidays and festivals be decided on?
2. What kind of escalation in punishment can be expected for WA nations not endorsing the delegate?
3. You don't need to go into detail about the intricacies of your life, but will being active enough to warrant the position of PM be an issue for you?
Mzeusia;10983 said:
Thank you for running and thank you for your campaign thread.

I have three questions.
1. How would the holidays and festivals be decided on?
2. What kind of escalation in punishment can be expected for WA nations not endorsing the delegate?
3. You don't need to go into detail about the intricacies of your life, but will being active enough to warrant the position of PM be an issue for you?
1. Well the holidays and festivals should be decided based on the culture of the region. For instance, the 4th of April could be Tubb day. As that was the day he became Delegate. We could hold a Delegates festival that month as Imki became the Delegate on the 22nd of April 2018. We could also celebrate freedom on the 22nd as that was also the day that the Khanate ended. That example would happen yearly while we could have some spur of the moment ones and ones that coincide with RL holidays. We could have a holiday theme in December and a spooky theme in late October. We could do events on those days like card giveaways, art contests, etc.
2. I do not think we can punish non-endorsers except for limiting the number of endorsements they can have. However, we could try to make one of those dispatches that mentions all of the nations that have not endorsed the Delegate asking them to do so. Furthermore, we could try to establish other incentives to endorse the Delegate such as card giveaways and the like.
3. I am a college student but that won't affect my ability to be active enough to be Prime Minister.
I love your ideas, but they are very tall, especially considering our small populace of active shareholders, and with that in mind it is possible that you are not able to get enough staff to do what you intend on. Should that be the case, what is the single most important policy that you plan on implementing and why is it so important for the success of Lazarus going forward?
Frankender;10985 said:
I love your ideas, but they are very tall, especially considering our small populace of active shareholders, and with that in mind it is possible that you are not able to get enough staff to do what you intend on. Should that be the case, what is the single most important policy that you plan on implementing and why is it so important for the success of Lazarus going forward?
I would agree that my list is a tall order, but I will try to achieve them. I would say the most important would be revitalizing Lazarus. To do that you need manpower because if you have manpower all else follows. So I would focus on getting people who are already in the region to participate at a higher level. I think the festivals and events, maybe even games would get people to notice and want to participate.