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Regional Officer Amendment (August 2020)

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The Domster!
First Citizen (PM)
Internal Affairs
Foreign Affairs
Nov 6, 2018
Regional Officer Amendment (August 2020)Proposed by: @Domais

Section 1. Amendment of the Twelfth Mandate of Lazarus

(1) The relevant sections of the Twelfth Mandate of Lazarus as currently written, read:

(2) The amended sections of the Twelfth Mandate of Lazarus shall read:

I don't think we should set a number on regional officers, as in times of emergency we'd have to suspend the mandate to defend ourselves if we wanted more regional officers with border control, as we couldn't wait the required time to pass and discuss an amendment in such an emergency situation. 

The CLS should be exempt from this, as it ties it's hands unnecessarily. 

If the Assembly doesn't want someone as a member of the CLS, they already have a mechanism to remove someone through a vote. 

There is also never a circumstance where removing the Vice-Delegate from regional officer powers could ever be justified when they have done nothing wrong but meet some number limit.

If you want to make a limit for Cabinet, I could see an argument, but putting 12 as a limit on Cabinet and the CLS will create a mess if we ever need to temporarily boost the auditors.

I don't want the mandate to include something that could see us having to set it alight down the road, so I'd be against in its current form.

Edit: I'd also note that it would make the developer program difficult, if we have to IP/Proxy check residents.
If I was to suggest a compromise with easier to understand language, then perhaps:

(4) The Delegate shall appoint Regional Officers under the advice of the Prime Minister, when the appointment does not concern the Council of Lazarene Security, and must grant them the powers suggested by the Prime Minister with the exclusion of border control powers.

(5) The Delegate may decline in whole the appointment of a Regional Officer, when the number of regional officers, inclusive of the Council of Lazarene Security exceeds 12 appointments.
For reference the 12 number is there because you can only have 12 RO's. You can't have more.
Domais;10342 said:
For reference the 12 number is there because you can only have 12 RO's. You can't have more.
I guess you could keep the 12 in then if that is the reason, though this all seems unnecessary, when we've never had an issue between the PM and Delegate as to RO appointments.
Also the reason as to why I think non-citizens should be checked as one of our current developers may be a Minister, I think holding a Regional Officer position on two seperate accounts should be disallowed.
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