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Treaty between The South Pacific and Lazarus


The Domster!
First Citizen (PM)
Internal Affairs
Foreign Affairs
Nov 6, 2018
Treaty between The South Pacific and Lazarus


We the regions of The South Pacific and Lazarus, Recognising that unity within the Game Created Regions is important, entre into the following alliance.

1) Each signatory recognises the government and laws of the other signatory as rightful and shall not seek to overthrow them or assist another region or organisation in doing so.

2) No signatory region shall conduct military operations inside the other signatory's region or support another region or organisation in doing so.

3) Neither signatory shall harbour an individual who attempts to overthrow the regime of the other signatory.

4) Both signatories agree to provide diplomatic and military support to one another in the event of an invasian or attempted coup against a signatory region if requested.

5) Each signatory agrees to share any relevant intelligence with the other signatory region, unless doing so would violate any standing agreements with other regions.

6) Each signatory region agrees to host an embassy for the other on their regional forums.

7) This treaty shall be considered void if a signatory region makes a post to that effect on the regional forums of the other. If this is done, the treaty shall cease to be in effect 5 days after a signatory has declared their intent to leave the treaty. This shall not be considered an act of hostility.