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Internal Affairs
Lazarene Awards and Honors Act (January 2020)
[align=center]Proposed by: PreambleSection 1. Granting of Awards and Honors(1) Official awards and honors to be granted shall consist of:
a. Honorary titles given to a citizen,
b. Awards given to a citizen,
c. Donated gifts of monetary or other value given to a citizen.
(2) Awards and honors may be granted to a citizen through the following means:
a. The Assembly holding a 50%+1 majority vote to grant established awards or honors,
b. The Minister appointed by the Prime Minister to be a granting official,
c. The Forum Administration team granting them.
Section 2. Alteration of Awards and Honors
(1) Official awards and honors can be established, replaced, modified, or removed by:
a. The Minister appointed by the Prime Minister to be a granting official,
b. The Forum Administration team, where necessary or in-conjunction with granting officials.
(2) Official awards and honors may be revoked from a citizen by the granting authority:
a. The Minister appointed by the Prime Minister to be a granting official,
b. The Forum Administration team, where necessary or in-conjunction with granting officials,
c. The Assembly, if they granted them, by holding a 50%+1 majority vote.