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General Election (April 2020) - Campaign thread for Domais

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The Domster!
First Citizen (PM)
Internal Affairs
Foreign Affairs
Nov 6, 2018
In Lazarus, I have held only the junior positions of Ambassador and member of Internal Management, so even though I have been a Shareholder for over a year, I am still am/feel like a new-comer, this is a good thing, however, as I think I can bring fresh ideas to the table. If elected this is what I will do:
  • Try to increase the activity of our forum embassies. For instance, on TNP's forum, no-one has posted in the Lazarene Embassy since like December 2018, I find that a little bit concerning.
  • Create a uniform style Dispatch system.
  • Try to improve relations with Feeders, sister Sinkers, and UCRs too. Maybe some NAP and Treaties.
  • Keep our regional Roleplay the way it is, it appears to be working.
  • Continue the Developer program.
Finally, if I there is ever a though decision that would need to be made, I would consult with my cabinet before acting and I think I can be active enough to be Prime Minister.
Q1: You mention that we need to increase the activity of our embassies, how would you go about this?

To expand upon this question, it could it be things like ambassadors, frequency of updates, how the ministry is organized, and so on.

Q2: You mention a uniformed dispatch system. Would this exclude folks from doing their own dispatches, or is this going to supplement those who already dispatch?

Q4: And as a difficult follow on question, what is your take on NPO-Lazarene relations? Would you keep the status-quo of a cold war, or are you considering a vote on the issue?

Q5: Is there anything you would change about the Developer program i.e. is there anything that could be done better?

Q6: You have been around the Warzones for a while, what is your take on how Lazarus should interact with them i.e. in a diplomatic or militaristic sense?
A1: First thing is first, we would need to find more ambassadors as there are currently like 5 people in the Department and one of them Sylven is probably leaving the Department after her term is up. So in lieu of ambassadors, I would split the inactive embassies between myself and the Director of Foreign Affairs. Right now we have a decentralized FA department with ambassadors posting what they want when they want and that needs to change. Every month, the FA team will write an update together and every embassy will get the same update. Now of course if something big happens we can do a smaller update in the middle of the month but I think once a month is fine.
A2:Well as for my dispatch system, new folks can write there own dispatch but they should be in the same style and layout as I and the Director of IA have set out. Furthermore, Bowzin is making a dispatch editor, and I have founded a nation called Lazarene Office of Information, how Bowzin's dispatcher works is like you create an account, then you add a nation that you want all your dispatches to be on, then you can add people who have also signed up on Bowzin's site to have editing, posting power or both. There is one issue I am waiting to be fixed before I can say it is certainly a good idea. If we use Bowzin's tool, all our dispatches could be in one place, and we wouldn't have to deal with the problems of a shared account. Furthermore, this is not to say some of our dispatches wouldn't follow this format, but most would.
A3: Let's see here, TRR, TSP, TNP, and TEP are good places to start.
A4: I am personally in favor of ending the war with the NPO and terminating the Ant-Pacific Collation Treaty. I think, having been over a year, it is time for it to be at least voted on, again.
A5: Well I think that we only need one Developer and I would allow all WA nations and Shareholders to vote, as opposed to just WA nations.
A6: Personally I think we should work with the Warzones, with Sandbox prioritized, as they are really big. I think Warzones Incorporated could help Lazarus get a foothold in the Warzones as well as be liked by the Warzones. I mean each Warzone has a community of people who love their Warzone and I think that we should help them. This is not to say we wouldn't raid non-aligned Warzones, but I'm a bit biased on this topic so I would consult my cabinet. Furthermore, I would resign any commitments I currently have in the Warzones, if I am elected.
Thanks for your answers. :)
A4: I am personally in favor of ending the war with the NPO and terminating the Ant-Pacific Collation Treaty. I think, having been over a year, it is time for it to be at least voted on, again.
If we ended the war, there are of course several directions to turn to. If we do end the war, I tend to lean towards the more positive approach i.e. eventual establishment of diplomatic relations, an end to the proscription, and perhaps eventually a NAP. Though there is also the other position that holds that we should end the war, but effectively remain in a cold war situation, as we would have the proscription still in effect, no embassies, and no way forward diplomatically with them. The other suggested option is a cooling down period after ending the war, and deciding a year or more from now whether we want diplomatic relations or to end the proscription. What position would you take, if a vote to end the war were to succeed?
As for number 4, I think that the war has achieved really nothing and it would be beneficial to end the war. For starters, it would allow new people to join who are also members of the NPO and it would allow for relations in the future. I read the logs from Task Force Lazarus and It was mostly lead by people who are no-longer in the NPO. If it was ended I would support an Embassy with the Pacific and nothing more, I would, however, support ending the Procsriptions on all members of the NPO who are not members of the Senate. I would also support proscriptions on people like AMON, Feux, Pergamon and likewise, even though, some of them are inactive. Moreover, I think the current Emperor of the NPO has done nothing against Lazarus and won't do anything in the future against us. There is also the fact that having some sort of relations with all of the Sinkers and Feeders would be to our benefit. Finally, there is the fact that we are the only Feeder/Sinker still at war with the NPO if I have my facts straight and we cannot do anything against the NPO and they cannot do anything against us, it is time to end this cold war (Also note: The NPO is ignoring Lazarus, so it is not like they actually care).
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