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Internal Affairs
Charter of the Lazarene Regional Guard Amendment (2020)
Proposed by: @"New Rogernomics"
Proposed by: @"New Rogernomics"
This amendment will declare the operational guard commander a government official and not a minister, and allow for the Delegate to give more operational flexibility to the guard if they so authorize.
Section 1. Amendment of Section 1
(1) The Lazarene Regional Guard will be the sole military force of Lazarus, unaligned in alignment.
(2) The Delegate will be the commander-in-chief of the Regional Guard. The Delegate may appoint a citizen to serve as operational commander of the Regional Guard by a 50%+1 confirmation vote of the assembly, and be subject to all provisions for the removal of a government official of a two-thirds majority of the assembly. Operational command authority may be further delegated to a chain of command subordinate to the operational commander.
(3) The command, conduct, and membership criteria of the Regional Guard may be further regulated by law or by executive policy.
Section 2. Amendment of Section 2
Some folks want this put back to discussion. So Shareholders are welcome to re-draft this, if they want to tweak it and run it for vote again.(1) The regional military alignment of Lazarus will be neutral. Lazarus will bear the Neutral tag at all times.
(2) Lazarus may not bear any of the following tags: Defender, Imperialist, Independent, or Invader.
(3) The Regional Guard may engage in the following types of operations without prior approval of the Delegate:
a. Defense of Lazarus;
b. Defense of Lazarus' treaty allies, if mandated by treaty terms;
c. Invasion of regions upon which Lazarus has declared war, and defense of other regions against their military forces;
d. Defense of other Feeders and Sinkers at the request of their legitimate governments;
e. Assistance in other regions' legal Delegate transitions at the request of their legitimate governments;
f. Offensive or defensive training operations in game-created Warzone regions;
g. Invasion of fascist regions and defense of regions against fascist military forces;
h. Invasion of regions which pose a substantial threat to the out-of-character security or safety of NationStates players, and defense of regions against forces which pose such a threat.
(4) The Assembly may enact a resolution empowering the Regional Guard to invade a region that is the ally or protectorate of a region upon which Lazarus has declared war. Such a resolution may be approved or rescinded by two-thirds vote of the Assembly.
(5) The Regional Guard may be empowered to engage in other military operations upon the approval of the Delegate so long as:
a. Operations do not involve raiding regions exceeding 20 nations,
b. Operations do not exceed 72 hours in duration,
c. The RMB, WFE and embassies of a region are restored at the end of an operation.
The alternative suggestion was put forward that the PM should be put in place of the Delegate, which would look something like this:
Requested Edit: a. Operations do not involve regions exceeding 20 nations,(2) The Prime Minister will be the commander-in-chief of the Regional Guard. The Prime Minister shallby a 50%+1 confirmation vote of the assembly, and be subject to all provisions for the removal of a Minister. Operational command authority may be further delegated to a chain of command subordinate to the operational commander.