Category: Liberation | Nominee: Aurelia | Proposed by: Kuriko
The Security Council,
Aware that in some instances of use a Security Council Liberation might be used upon a region that has grown inactive in order to save its regional history;
Noting that at the time of this resolution being submitted to the Security Council the region Aurelia has been under hostile occupation by forces of the similarly named region Auralia for 238 days;
Believing that in the case of Aurelia, a region that grew inactive over time, a Security Council Liberation has become necessary in order to prevent its history from being lost since the hostile occupiers have made their intent to refound the region publicly known;
Stating that former native nations and founder nation controllers Sjalhaven and United Provinces of Atlantica have expressed their governments' intent to oppose the forceful refound of Aurelia, supporting a Security Council Liberation in order to prevent it from happening;
Concerned once again by the actions of the forces of Auralia within Aurelia under the direction of King Nephmir II, a nation which has previously had its actions condemned by the international community on all sides;
Hereby liberates Aurelia.
The Security Council,
Aware that in some instances of use a Security Council Liberation might be used upon a region that has grown inactive in order to save its regional history;
Noting that at the time of this resolution being submitted to the Security Council the region Aurelia has been under hostile occupation by forces of the similarly named region Auralia for 238 days;
Believing that in the case of Aurelia, a region that grew inactive over time, a Security Council Liberation has become necessary in order to prevent its history from being lost since the hostile occupiers have made their intent to refound the region publicly known;
Stating that former native nations and founder nation controllers Sjalhaven and United Provinces of Atlantica have expressed their governments' intent to oppose the forceful refound of Aurelia, supporting a Security Council Liberation in order to prevent it from happening;
Concerned once again by the actions of the forces of Auralia within Aurelia under the direction of King Nephmir II, a nation which has previously had its actions condemned by the international community on all sides;
Hereby liberates Aurelia.