Staff member
Assembly Speaker
D. Minister
Councillor (CLS)
Internal Affairs
Lazarene Elections Act
Proposed by:Additional credit to: @"McChimp", Elections Act (Humane Republic of Lazarus and Celestial Union)
This act will set forth the general procedure for holding elections within Lazarus.
Section 1. The Timing of Elections
(1) General Elections shall be held 15 days prior to the end of term for an elected office.
(2) General Elections shall last for a duration of fifteen (15) days.
(3) Special Elections shall be held as soon as reasonably possible once a vacancy in an elected office appears, when:
a. A recall or resignation has taken place prior to the first or last fifteen (15) days of the term.
(4) Special Elections shall last for a duration of eight (8) days.
Section 2. The Composition of ElectionsSection 3. The Conduct of Elections
(1) The Assembly Speaker may officiate the election.
(2) The Delegate may appoint an officiator for the election if the Assembly Speaker declines to officiate the election.
Section 5. Voting PeriodSection 6. Instant-Run Off Voting
(1) Voters shall rank any number of candidates they choose and abstinence in order of preference.
(2) During each round, each voter shall have voted for the option they put highest in order of preference that still remains.
(3) Between each round, the candidate with the fewest votes will be eliminated.
(4) Rounds shall recur until:
a. A candidate has the required threshold of votes, in which case they will have won.
b. Enough votes are to abstain that it is impossible for any candidate to achieve the required threshold of votes, in which case the officiator will open nominations for a special election.
Edit (12/3/19):
a. A recall or resignation has taken place prior to the first or last thirty (30) days of the term.
Edit (12/1/19):
(3) Special Elections shall be held as soon as reasonably possible once a vacancy in an elected office appears.
Edit (11/30/19):
Removed the specified days and times from Section 3-5.