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Government Shortcomings and How We Should Address Them

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Jun 14, 2018
Security Auditor Imkiville hasn't logged into her nation in 46 days, hovers just 17 endorsements above the regular endo cap and has been quite inactive and inaccessible on Discord and the forums for months. While she has done an enormous amount of good for our region and I don't mean to like try to drag her down from that, we need people who will be around to help if needed as CLS members and I'm not sure she's currently able to do that.

As fellow Shareholders, what are your all thoughts on her recent performance? Should anything be done about it?


Security Auditor Killer Kitty, while accessible on Discord, has not logged into his nation in 15 days and has not tarted for an even longer period of time. At the moment his endo count is 12 endos over the normal endo cap. Considering his activity on Discord, I think he would be around if needed, but his failure to maintain a very high endorsement count due to not tarting could hurt his ability to assist the region in a crisis.

What are your thoughts on his recent performance. How can we help him tart more actively on-site?


CEO Treadwellia has not addressed citizenship applications since the 14th of last month, 3 weeks ago. I contacted him over a month ago asking if he would like me to help with Cit applications and he agreed it would be a good thing, but despite mentioning it to him twice since and him saying he'll be working on it, he still hasn't delegated that ability to me.

What are your thoughts on his recent performance? How can we help him do his duties as a CEO in a more timely manner?


I'd also of course like to hear from the three officials mentioned. Do you have any plans to change your behaviour? If so, how do you plan on doing so?
On Imki:
Imki has rl troubles going on. While I agree her inactivity is concerning, I do not think it is necessary for us to take action.

On Killer Kitty:
I do agree that Killer Kitty should tart more actively and raise his endocount.

On Treadwellia:
Tubbius also has rl troubles going on, is my understanding. He’s been active on the RMB, but applications take time to process. Personally, my solution would be that he appoints someone to approve these applications for him. NR, in his position as Vice-Felegate, would be a good pick.

As for Imkiville and Killer Kitty, it could be an option to perhaps have programs like Tuesday Tarting and LazENDO actively notify people they should endorse the Auditors. On a personal note, my time in IM has seen relatively little action, but I do have time, which is why I’ll offer to check Auditor endorsements weekly and encourage those not endorsing to endorse the Auditors.

That’s it for now.
I broadly agree with Jo's comments but I think regarding Imki we should take a look at the situation again in about 1 and a half months to see if we see any change on that front. If not then I think we should have a discussion on Imki's performance then
I don't see why we should wait. "Let's just have his same discussion in a month". I know RL sucks for Imki but I think we need to properly consider **now** if we want her to stay or not. Her situation has not changed much in a long time (or she hasn't told us of it's changing).

KK I would support removing from his office. While he has been discord active I do not personally trust him due to his past actions.

Tubbs is - I say again - in over his head a bit. I think he needs to allow IM to handle applications for citizenship. If he refuses to even do something as simple as delegate these tasks when his RL is preventing him from doing them then we need to consider if he is dedicated to Lazarus.
I agree that action has to be taken quick. Even if its RL trouble, well that is unfortunate, but it still makes you not suitable for a job that involves regular involvement and security
I agree we need to allow IM to do citizen applications.

Other regions might have slow application processes but not for the same reasons. In TNP, for example, the VD needs to check you as well as Admins and iirc the Speaker. Speaker to make sure app is correct, VD to make sure you arent a threat and Admin to make sure you aren't using a VPN or share an IP with a bad dude. This can take some time but they are generally done much faster than our's have been done lately. Even over in HRF we have Integration check app and Admins check IP. However those generally take maybe 1 to 2 days. I don't see *any* reason these apps should be taking this long, even less reason when Tubbs hasnt been discussing them but simply has been neglecting his duties as CEO and Delegate.
Legalist Zombal;6968 said:
KK I would support removing from his office. While he has been discord active I do not personally trust him due to his past actions.

Actions such as?

I agree with the IM part. On response to Imki, yes, we should decide soon, but we don't need to go about that decision right now. We have enough slots open for new BC officers for Auditors, and should Imki return to activity, which I hope will be soon, she more then deserves to be in that spot, after all she's done for us. So, I'd say we don't need to take action right now, since it doesn't threaten our region's functioning. As said, the IM being allowed to approve citizens would solve the immediate issue we are dealing with here.
I agree we need to allow IM to do citizen applications.
Basically the key things when deciding citizenship are:
I think we should split it. CLS checks the nation/person for security (Are they NPO, are they a threat) and then Admins check IP for Proxy or if they are banned or evading or whatever. Then IM Director checks to make sure application was correct.
Having three groups look at an application might be unnecessarily complicated and further slow down the process.
Thank you Imaginary for starting this discussion. I'm still very new to the regional government, so I should be cautious when voicing my opinion. On the other hand my judgement is not clouded by past experiences in the region, so I'll just look at the current situation.

From my understanding, being in the Council of Lazarene Security requires to maintain a high endorsements count both as a fall-back in case the delegate's position is threatened and to gain lots of influence to wield for the good of the region. A nation not maximising their endorsements and influence is thus not good at fulfilling their role in the CLS.

How long we tolerate this depends on how we assess the threat level Lazarus is under. I lack the experience to do so, but if we think there is a threat then we need a solid CLS not in one or two months but ASAP, which in turn implies to either replace Imki and Killer Kitty or strengthen our security by appointing additional CLS members (if possible).

As for Treaadwellia, he is active on the RMB on a daily basis, so there is no general problem with his activity (unlike some other members of government who are rarely active on the RMB). The simplest solution would be indeed to delegate citizen applications to someone else (retaining a veto for the delegate). Some criteria for what the person(s) performing this task should be able to were outlined in NR's post above.
Ok. Regarding Imki: I agree we need a more active CLS. I know that Imki has had a lot going on health-wise but do not know the details.

Regarding KK: Staying up on the in-game area is as relevant as the Discord area.

And me: Let me know: I want to see Imaginary able to help. How do I officialize that? Also, yes, I have let work responsibilities hamper my performance on here, I admit, and I want to fix that by getting back to normal activity. Once I get in my room in about five or ten minutes, I can and will take care of the current applications.
Thank you for your reply, Tubbius! You are a good delegate but you don't need to do everything by yourself, so if we can help by taking over some tasks you delegate, it doesn't mean you are doing a bad job. On the contrary! A good leader knows when and what to delegate.

On a related note: From past experience in leading positions in other, unrelated gaming communities, I can say that one should cut people whose activity is low due to RL issues some slack, but not too much. I myself experienced times where RL ate up all my time and I was unable to fulfill my position in the community, and at some point too ashamed to even visit the forums etc. due to this. It can easily get out of hand. Then again, all sensible people in gaming communities should agree in principle that RL always comes first, but if the community as a whole is hurt by the RL issues of one person, it is time to replace them in their community positions.

Right now it doesn't seem like we are really being hurt by reduced activity of anyone in particular, but it helps to monitor activity and discuss issues on a frequent basis, as we do now.
Citizenship applications are in the clear, including one tentatively questionable one that I messaged in-game and left a cross-posted message to on here. I'll do better about watching these soon. It's been rough balancing full-time responsibilities and NationStates ones, and for that, I apologize again.
Thanks for addressing the concerns raised Tubbius!
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