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[PASSED] Defending Rights of Sexual and Gender Minorities


Lazarene (15%)
Jul 16, 2018
Category: Civil Rights
Strength: Significant
Proposed By: Maowi

HOLDING that the sexuality or gender of an individual does not make them inferior or superior to another individual of a differing sexuality or gender,

REASONING that individuals of all sexualities and genders should be granted the same civil and political rights, and

NOTING the lack of General Assembly legislation which specifically clarifies the civil and political rights of sexual and gender minorities,

The World Assembly:

A) DEFINES, for the purposes of this resolution, "civil marriage" as a legally recognised union of two or more people as partners in a personal relationship, solemnised as a civil contract with or without religious ceremony.

B) FURTHER DEFINES, for the purposes of this resolution, "marriage rights" as privileges granted to an individual solely or in part as a consequence of their civil marriage.


    • REQUIRES all member nations which allow civil marriages between individuals of a certain sexuality or gender to allow civil marriages between individuals of all sexualities and genders, subject to previously passed extant World Assembly resolutions.
    • ORDERS all member nations to provide the same civil marriage services for individuals of all sexualities and genders.
    • COMPELS all member nations to grant the same marriage rights to civilly married individuals of all sexualities and genders.
    • REQUIRES all member nations to apply legislation of the same scope and effect for the termination of civil marriages between individuals of all sexualities and genders.
  1. MANDATES that every member nation must grant exactly the same rights, powers, permissions and services to individuals of all sexualities and genders, subject to exactly the same qualifying conditions. Such conditions may not include the sexuality or gender of the individual(s) concerned.

  2. ORDERS all member nations to impose exactly the same sanctions or punishments on all organisations which deny any right, power, permission or service to an individual based on their sexuality or gender, as the sanctions or punishments imposed on organisations discriminating on the basis of other arbitrary, reductive criteria (such as, but not limited to, ethnicity, age and religion).
  3. MANDATES that all member nations must allow each of their citizens to choose or change their own gender, and that member nations must officially recognise and accept the individual's chosen gender.
  4. CLARIFIES that religious organizations and their internal discrimination do not fall under this resolution, and should be addressed by future legislation.