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Role-Play Groups & Lore Generation Discussion
Role Play Groups Structure
Each RP Group (or Faction) would probably have the following:
These are examples of RP groups that we could participate in, as fun role-play organizations/governments that are moderated by Media & Events.
We might want Recruitment & Outreach involved as well, if we want to include RP groups in our regional recruitment campaigns - which might be a fun activity booster.
Forum Layout Example
Each faction would get a sub-forum to advertise itself and run Role-Plays. These would be moderated by the leadership of each faction.
Discord Layout Example
Discord would need some more channels to allow faction sign ups, faction recruitment, and inter-faction RPs.
At the very least we would need the following:
Possible Act
Though we can still run a lot of it through Media & Events without one as these are RP groups, we could use an Act to clearly define how this works.
Note: Role-Play Lore would not be official (beyond approval by the Ministry of Media & Events) , unless as mentioned in Section 4, the Assembly voted to approve something as official canon.
Role Play Groups Structure
Each RP Group (or Faction) would probably have the following:
- Leadership, which can be as democratic or authoritarian as the members wish it to be.
- Official lore that can be approved by Media & Events, and added to a lore repository.
- Member number requirements, which will lead inactive groups to be archived and active groups continued.
- RP Groups will be voluntary and not official structures, but the Assembly could approve a RP Group to having official status as official lore and permanent group status. This would have to be a really popular group though.
- RPs on regular basis involving the community of that faction.
- Restrictions on leadership i.e. you can be a member in any RP group, but only the leader of so many groups, so we don't end up with just one person or a small group monopolizing all the groups.
These are examples of RP groups that we could participate in, as fun role-play organizations/governments that are moderated by Media & Events.
We might want Recruitment & Outreach involved as well, if we want to include RP groups in our regional recruitment campaigns - which might be a fun activity booster.
Forum Layout Example
Each faction would get a sub-forum to advertise itself and run Role-Plays. These would be moderated by the leadership of each faction.
Discord Layout Example
Discord would need some more channels to allow faction sign ups, faction recruitment, and inter-faction RPs.
At the very least we would need the following:
- A Group/Faction sign up channel i.e. factions-sign-up, which could be either manually or bot moderated
- A Group/Faction RP channel i.e. factions-simulation.
- A Nation-Building RP channel i.e. for other RPs and nation development.
Possible Act
Though we can still run a lot of it through Media & Events without one as these are RP groups, we could use an Act to clearly define how this works.
Role-Play Groups and Lore Act (2019)
Proposed by: X
This law shall set forth the conditions for participation Role Play groups, as well as Role-Play lore.
Section 1. Role-Play Groups
(1) Role-Play Groups shall be defined as entities that consist of a role-play regional organization.
(2) Role-Play Groups shall be moderated by the Ministry of Media & Events, under guidance of Forum Administration.
(3) Role-Players may participate in more than one Role-Play Group, so long as they are not in the leadership of more than that group.
Section 2. Organization of Role-Play Groups
(1) The Leadership may be determined democratically in a Role-Play setting or through succession.
(2) Media & Events or Forum Administration may remove leadership or members from a Role-Play Group.
(3) Membership requirements for Role-Play Groups shall be determined by the Ministry of Media & Events and Forum Administration.
(4) Role-Play Groups that do not meet Membership requirements for 60 days or more, shall be archived.
Section 3. Role-Play Lore
(1) Role-Play Lore can be approved, modified, or removed by the Ministry of Media & Events for each Role-Play Group.
(2) Role-Play Lore shall be organized into categories by the Ministry of Media & Events.
Section 4. Official Canon
(1) Official Canon shall be defined as Role-Play Lore that has been granted official status by the region.
(2) Role-Play Lore can be made official canon of the region, through a two-thirds Assembly vote.
Section 5. Lore Repository
(1) A Lore Repository shall exist to store Role-Play Lore and Official Canon.
(2) This Repository shall be maintained jointly by the Ministry of Media & Events, the Speaker of the Assembly, and Forum Administration.
Section 6. Provision For Ministry Changes
(1) The references to the Ministry of Media & Events in this act refers to the Ministry in charge of Culture, or more exclusively RP activities.
Note: Role-Play Lore would not be official (beyond approval by the Ministry of Media & Events) , unless as mentioned in Section 4, the Assembly voted to approve something as official canon.
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