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Embassy of Europeia

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Foreign Dignitary
Nov 24, 2018
[CENTER][img]https://i.imgur.com/ClGccF8.png?1[/img][/CENTER][RIGHT]=1Produced By: JayDee[/RIGHT] In a special edition from the Europeian Letter, we have a full feature from the EBC and an interview of Cormac, former Pharaoh of Osiris, by Minister HEM. With the entire world descending into chaos with declarations of war flying left and right, our very own Vice President decided to take the time to sit down and discuss his own personal opinion on the future of foreign policy. With the abolition of the IJCC, there is much uncertainty in the Independent Sphere of who drives the reins anymore. Europeia itself has almost always found itself involved in multiple foreign fiascos. From the recent threat of Francoism from NPO to the 2016 and even earlier 2013 coup of Osiris. To talk about some of Europeia?s foreign past foreign policy decisions and recent gameplay changes is Cormac. A traditional adversary of Europeia who still finds room for agreement on a regular basis.
[CENTER][b]Where To Go From Here[/b][/CENTER][RIGHT]=1Written By: Pierce[/RIGHT] After the disbanding of the IJCC, foreign policy experts and citizens alike are left wondering what?s next for Europeia?s foreign policy, and may be concerned on what changes Europeia should make to expand its foreign affairs. Those worried over these concerns should set their minds at ease. The idea to expand our foreign affairs portfolio is not a new one. Last term, former Minister of Foreign Affairs Rach announced intentions to build ties with The Communist Bloc and Forest, and former President Drexlore proposed a Pact of Non-aggression to the Senate for consideration, which has since been revised with Attorney General Drecq to develop its language after former Speaker Pichtonia raised concerns that the first draft was ?not within our standards?; the legislation has since passed. When Europeia?s foreign affairs became somewhat strained after the dereliction of the duties to head of state by previous Presidents, the controversies surrounding the IJCC, and the backlash revolving around the acceptance of Mare Nostrum?s ambassador from our allies, experts began to look at other rising powers in NationStates in the event that the IJCC did disband. Those paying attention to Gameplay have noticed that there has been a new generation of growing and promising regions that are separate from the cliques of the big UCRs and GCRs of the game. With large and active populations and diversely structured governments, these rising regions have brought the attention of experts within the spheres of UCRs and GCRs. Such realignments are nothing new to NS foreign affairs. There are many that remember a time in which monarchist UCRs led by Cobi Grey, Neisse, Onder, and others became prominent in NSGP, giving way to many large British regions such as the Kingdom of Great Britain, the British Isles, and the other British-themed precursors of those regions. Those regions are no longer powerbrokers as they once were, although the Land of Kings and Emperors remains relevant on the NSGP stage arguably thanks to Onder?s influence behind the scenes. Among the successors to those regions are Pax Britannia and the Empire of Mare Nostrum. Pax Britannia was a region that separated from the British Isles after a disagreement on having the elections of the region?s leaders and regional business based on the forum, so the founders of Pax Britannia separated with their own region. The region was active based on the NS site for some time, and remains as such. While it doesn?t have a population over 100, its participants did seem more active in the region than the British Isles did at the time with over 100 nations. The British Isles is now dead with their former King John now reigning over the Kingdom of Great Britain, and its last King influential in EMN (and formerly in LKE). In the Land of Kings and Emperors, the former PM known as Mega, had a falling out with their Imperial Family after falsely accusing the former Emperor Onder of allegedly importing citizens to influence another candidate against him, and essentially broke away from LKE, moving to his region of Mare Nostrum which had been founded earlier. Since splintering from the LKE, its growth has been impressive. Since the fourth of August this year, its population grew to a height of 239 nations on the 27th of September, and has conducted regular missions. While it?s uncertain how many of those nations are actually puppets, the region has had an active forum community and recently conducted raids with Osiris. While former President Drexlore did issue a statement from Goldenblock banning the ERN from working with EMN, the recent decision to accept Thomas Insaniac, Legatus Prefect of EMN, as their ambassador shows that the Administration is open to working with new and rising regions. There are some in foreign affairs circles abroad that believe that Europeia is too close to the ?Ondersphere?, a term used to describe the sphere of influence by former LKE Emperor Onder as a respected raider, who remains influential in LKE policymaking and serves as Europeia?s Chief Justice. It has been suggested by those watching the Sopo Administration that allowing an ambassador from EMN is a signal that Europeia is distancing itself from the so-called ?Ondersphere? as the IJCC?s future became uncertain. Those that are worried about such challenges and obstacles should set their minds at ease. President Sopo and Minister of Foreign Affairs HEM made it clear in a recent statement from the Goldenblock that enabling dialogue with new and rising regions with similar ideologies does not necessarily mean that we are turning our backs on our allies; and the recent discussions on the NSGP forums regarding the Balder leaks (the report of which only served to stir the pot) have highlighted that while the allied regions do have disagreements with one another, all parties will and have always had frank and open dialogues within and among each other. It is unlikely that the traditional establishments of Europeian foreign policy buckle since we have always been able to have those open and honest disagreements with our allies, but if they do, the Sopo Administration?s aim to ?refine our independence? by building bridges and new dialogues will ensure that Europeia remains a leading UCR for the Independent ideology. If anything, these bold new steps should serve as an assurance that Europeia is able to look after its own interests while working with its valuable allies rather than being directly under the influence of an individual. It should be noted that even though the IJCC has officially disbanded its structure and despite certain recent strains, Europeia will continue to hold close ties and cooperation with Balder and the Land of Kings and Emperors. In addition to the worries that revolved around IJCC, the WALL organization may also be facing competition from a rising WA organization known as the Interregional Legislative Coalition (ILC) formed by former Delegate Courelli of the Social Liberal Union (population of 116 nations, 480 at its height) and President Ivory Rhodes of the Democratic Socialist Assembly (population of 348 nations). Its membership is mainly composed of ideologically leftist or liberal regions including SLU, DSA, The Internationale, The Versutian Federation, and most recently The Communist Bloc (whom of which some foreign policy experts last term hoped would have entered WALL). According to its Charter, its purpose is to ?promote our shared values of unity, fundamental equality, democracy, and internationalism within the World Assembly?. When I was Delegate of the Social Liberal Union before the ILC came into existence, it was a goal for the region to expand its FA and political portfolio to draw attention from the big regions through such an alliance. While they don?t have nearly as many votes in the WA (the WALL has about 2,179 votes compared the ILC?s 535), as an outsider, the SLU and DSA have achieved the expansion of their portfolio and TCB?s membership further legitimizes the organization as it grows. In order to counter this rising competition, the Europeia?s Ministry of World Assembly Affairs should work with the WALL organization to seek out other regions to absorb into the organization to maintain its place on the WA stage. It is also worth noting that the war against NPO presents a unique opportunity for Europeia to build stronger bonds with regions that also oppose the NPO and its Francoist ideology. The ideology itself is, in the words of President Sopo, ?at the very core? an ideology that demeans our stature as a region and questions our very right to exist, let alone co-exist?. With NPO being an existential threat to all UCRs and with other UCRs following our lead already in pushing for war against their ideology, all UCRs in NationStates now have a common enemy to fight. Having this common enemy presents us the opportunity to continue taking the lead through the ERN with TBH in the fight against Francoism, and to build new ties with other regions to take our place once again as [i]the[/i] UCR of UCRs. While we should not abandon our allies, Europeia must continue to network and seek out new friendships and alliances to increase its influence as a prominent Independent and political UCR; having dialogue with new regions does not necessarily mean that we are turning our backs on our allies, but it means that we do not hold ourselves exclusive to the established orders and that we?re able to make proactive foreign policy decisions ourselves. If any of our current allies find this problematic, then we must begin to question exactly what sort of relationship we have with allied regions and the influential policymakers behind them. By networking with these new and rising regions, we expand our prominence beyond simply the old powers and cliques of already powerful GCRs and UCRs, some of which such as Osiris who have taken note. By opening the necessary dialogue to expand our prominence and taking a lead in the War on Francoism, we will be able to take the mantle in order to become a leading region with a powerful voice at the table, a similar vision that we had at the beginnings of the IJCC.
[CENTER][b]Interview with Cormac[/b][/CENTER][RIGHT]=1Interview By: HEM[/RIGHT][b]HEM:[/b] Hey Cormac, thanks for agreeing to this interview! A little context for you and the readers: I'm looking on doing a series of interviews with traditional "adversaries" of Europeia as an opportunity to both create dialogue and hopefully exchange ideas between folks who don't always get to have civil discourse that often! For you, particularly, I'd be interested in starting at the beginning. The wayyyy beginning, you were actually a Senator in Europeia. In broad strokes, could you take us from your journey of being a officeholder in Europeia to being a little more Euro-skeptical (lol) over the years? [b]Cormac:[/b] Happy to participate! Sure. Well, I should start by saying despite being an adversary there are still many things I respect about Europeia. That doesn't always come across in the heat of the moment. But I did have some very nice things to say about Europeia in a newspaper article I wrote quite some time ago, and I stand by those. That said, I think the beginning of my issues with Europeia was after I made a decision years ago to become a defender. Despite the region billing itself as an independent region, my experience of that was Europeia was incredibly hostile to defenders even if defenders weren't particularly hostile to Europeia. I think over time that just spiraled into noticing more inconsistencies about Europeia's approach, particularly in foreign affairs but internally as well. It bothers me when people say they're about one thing but turn out to be about something else entirely, and I feel like there are elements of that in Europeia. [b]HEM:[/b] Well, I'm not sure there is any person or ideology in Nationstates that has ever been perfectly consistent. I remember not so long ago writing a series of articles that laid out occasions in which the Founderless Region Alliance (FRA) invaded regions. I'm wondering if you'd be willing to be a little more specific on the inconsistencies so we might be able to talk through some of them? [b]Cormac:[/b] Well, I should note when I talk about inconsistency I don't just mean changing one's mind about something. I would be the last one to be critical of that. :p I just mean inconsistency in the sense of there being a divide between the message and the action, if that makes sense. Some other examples of inconsistency include Europeia's opposition to interregional organizations in its treaties, which at one point nearly became an issue for regions that joined Sovereign Confederation, but not having any issue with the UIAF, the ISRA, or more recently, the IJCC which Europeia itself joined. There were also the times that Europeia first supported a coup of Osiris in 2013, then opposed one in 2016 despite the reasoning behind them being broadly similar. It has always seemed to me that Europeia's standards shift and are very situational. But that is somewhat to be expected in a democracy where leadership changes and maybe perspectives change over time. The issue in Europeia is it seems like no one wants to acknowledge there has been any change and wants to pretend everything is still consistent with past actions and philosophies. Another recent example is of course the issue with Osiris, where we saw inconsistencies in Europeia's stance on maintaining sovereignty over its military, and its moderate raiding principles and when those principles apply and don't apply. [b]HEM:[/b] In regards to the Osiris situation, having a sheer three years between two events can make it pretty difficult to be fully consistent haha. I mean our leadership turned over, there are different actors involved, and things might've changed. EDIT: I wasn't fully active in 2013, so I don't know the full particulars of that situation, but I think it's a bit unfair comparing events that far apart With the IJCC I think the fact that we specifically revised past agreements to emphasize ultimate sovereignty with the respective regions would show folks our commitment to regional sovereignty. We ensured that it was possible for friends to deal with Europeia and not with the IJCC if they chose, and ensured that we had the ultimate say in whatever our troops did or did not do. Maybe that could've been communicated more proactively? I definitely agree that there's been some communication problem in that regards. [b]Cormac:[/b] It's true that the passage of time definitely makes a comparison of Europeia's differing responses to the two coups in Osiris complicated. To be fair, there were also key differences that likely contributed to a differing response, but the difference in approach was so night and day that it was jarring. Is it really relevant now? Not particularly, except in response to how my own history of an adversarial relationship with Europeia came about. I do think sometimes the biggest problem for Europeia is a lack of communication, which again, I do think is somewhat owed to the frequent changes in leadership resulting from your democratic system. It can be hard to always keep straight who has communicated what and with whom. Communication definitely seemed to play a role in the IJCC problem with Osiris, and I think it has at other times as well. Communication is obviously a two-way street, but sometimes other regions don't know what they should be communicating with Europeia about until a contentious issue has already developed. I think particularly at a time Europeia is considering reforms, it may want to look at making sure there is more institutional continuity in terms of foreign affairs, so communication can be improved. [b]HEM:[/b] I don't disagree there. Pivoting to a new topic, how do you see a region like Europeia which has been predominately political fitting into a Nationstates that seems to be tilting a bit more toward casual, social activities rather than hardcore political ones. Even more broadly speaking, what do you see the game as a whole looking like? [b]Cormac:[/b] That tilt has been bad for gameplay, in my view. It has made everything more personal, far too often these days even on an OOC level, and it has really dragged down the game. I would ideally like to see Europeia resisting that trend, as Europeia has always been one of the more politically oriented regions. That said, I'm not sure anyone can really resist it. Sometimes cultural change is so strong that you just have to adapt to it, and I interpret your question as being more how can we adapt to this change than stop it. I don't really know the answer to that. I think it has to involve finding some aspect of the game that can interest people politically, but without personal toxicity entering into it. The old gameplay interests aren't doing that anymore. I think the key might be in focusing more on the World Assembly, because I think there is still enough distance between what the WA does and the social aspects of gameplay that there is room for political intrigue there without a lot of hurt feelings and OOC toxicity. I definitely think regions are going to have to find a way to move past old ways of doing things though, because those just aren't working with the new social media-like environment. [b]HEM:[/b] I definitely agree that the increased OOC-ness of the game has led to more nastiness, and quite frankly a game that resembles more of a high school cafeteria that a political simulation game. What do you think has led to some of these changes? I know someone people (me) have placed some blame on the proliferation of Discord, but I'm also sure it's more complicated than just that. [b]Cormac:[/b] I think it's a broader trend on the internet. Everything has become so much more personal now compared to several years ago. You often can't get in a RL political debate with people without them getting personally offended and thinking you're a terrible person either. I do think Discord has contributed to the problem, in that it has become a medium for NS that is similar to the role played by Facebook and Twitter in RL. It has brought everyone together more, which is good, but it has also contributed to everyone being everyone's friend and feeling close with them, which can make politics quite difficult. It's much easier to separate being political rivals with someone from any personal feelings when they're not telling you their life story like a friend would in RL. We've always had communication mediums, like IRC and Skype, but they weren't as accessible and user-friendly as Discord. So everyone wasn't using them constantly, and more time was spent on the actual game. That has changed thanks to Discord, in my view. [b]HEM:[/b] Pivoting back to gameplay, how would you go about describing the current geopolitical situation of NS? There has clearly been a bit of a shift over the past few years, and I'm interested to know who you see as key players and key regions. [b]Cormac:[/b] The GCRs are really dominating the geopolitical scene. I think you still have spheres of influence that go back quite a long time, even though the more traditional R/D dichotomy has mostly broken down by now. For example, in TSP and TRR, which I would identify as key players for their sphere, you have many of the same people you had in the FRA and UDL or people who think broadly like them. And then on the other side of the coin you have Balder, Europeia, and The LKE. So there are a bit of the old rivalries, transferred to new regions. But a lot has changed too. I think you see regions like TEP, TWP, and Osiris occupying a middle ground that makes them more interesting than they have been in a while, because they could determine who ends up being able to wield geopolitical power to their benefit. [b]HEM:[/b] Yeah, I broadly agree with that assessment. Speaking of some of those regions, you and others have launched a lot of accusations about the Europeia-Balder-LKE sphere, often claiming that certain regions control the others. Would you still say that's true today, and if so, would you elaborate? [b]Cormac:[/b] That's a tough answer to pin down, honestly, because I think it's a fluid situation. There's a lot of overlap between those three regions, and I think you end up with different players having more influence at different times. Right now, it seems like The LKE's interests are moving more to the forefront, because the emphasis on power projection through the IJCC and exclusionary policies like the many PNGs in Balder are much more The LKE's M.O. It's unusual to see Europeia participating in an interregional organization at all, as it was skeptical of them for years. And Balder used to be a much more open region, and I'm not even talking about the distant past -- this has been a change that's happened just over the past year or two. So I think The LKE is definitely in the driver's seat, to a degree. That said, I don't think it's totally accurate to ever say one region controls the others. It's more that there's so much overlap that a particular culture and way of thinking becomes dominant in all three regions. Right now, it seems like that's The LKE's culture and way of thinking, but in the past I've seen Europeia play a bigger role. Oddly, I've never really observed Balder having much of that influence over the other two regions. [b]HEM:[/b] Your analysis above seems like an even-keeled and thoughtful response regardless of if I totally agree or not. But it seems like some of the public rhetoric is much more explosive, openly calling for couping Balder and overthrowing it's userrite captors. Do you think people are just being dramatic, or do folks believe that? [b]Cormac:[/b] Public rhetoric often tends to happen in the heat of the moment these days. I do think a lot of people do see UCRs exerting a lot of influence over a Sinker, and that bothers them, primarily because they've never seen it reciprocated. As I mentioned, I can't think of a time I've seen Balder influencing the other two regions the same way they sometimes influence Balder and each other. I think there's a general feeling that Balder should be more than it is, and that it's being held back from its full potential. So I think that part is real. Some of the rhetoric I think is hyperbole. I think many people wish Balderans themselves, including the Queen, would do more to shake things up in Balder and wield more influence. We want to see Balder reach its real potential. I also think there are many people who believe Solorni simply isn't going to do that, and that others are either incapable of doing it because Onder and NES exercise so much political power there, or are in league with them and don't want to try to make changes. So I think that's why you see people wanting Balder to be "couped," or "liberated" as some have put it. Because they think there is no hope for meaningful change through any peaceful means. [b]HEM:[/b] Yeah, I just think it's very difficult to have reasonable discourse about Balder. I know I made a few posts during one of the more explosive arguments and I basically got ignored. Specifically, I responded to Altino's assertions that multiple natives have gone to her saying that their region is under siege from the LKE ? which I found pretty implausible. I guess I'm skeptical of Balder being worse off than most generic feeders/sinkers and see this more as pointed criticism toward players who just aren't "popular" in the public sphere. Honestly speaking, in the long arc of history, most feeders/sinkers have been inactive most of the time. [b]Cormac:[/b] That's true. The natural state of Sinkers, in particular, is to be inactive -- I'm convinced of that. Sinker communities are always struggling against that natural tendency toward inactivity. That isn't just true of Balder, by any means. I think a lot of the issue with Balder is seeing people at the top who are so strongly connected to The LKE and Europeia. Although we've seen that in other Feeders and Sinkers in the past, we don't see it much anymore. We don't see people who are prominent and very involved in UCRs at the top of Feeders and Sinkers much these days. So I think when people see that, and maybe see them doing more in those UCRs than they're doing in Balder, it leads to frustration that they should get out of the way and let people who are exclusively - or at least primarily - involved in Balder take the reins. And people can start to feel like it's a bit malicious when some of the same people are in the legislature over and over again, rotating the office of Statsminister between them. So there is a lot of frustration about Balder, and when frustration grows it can be hard for reasonable conversations to happen. For what it's worth, there are natives of Balder who complain about it, and especially people who were once in Balder and have since moved on to other regions. There is a feeling among some that if they speak out about their dissatisfaction with Balder they will be pushed out. That has happened before, with Ikania and others. [b]HEM:[/b] I mean, I think it's a fine line? Because people can have dual citizenship, and the natural state of gameplay is for people to join multiple regions and get involved. Indeed, it seems to me that that's true in this age of Discord more than ever. From my perspective, it seems like some are being selectively outraged about this in regards to Balder in part because of personal unpopularity of the players involved. [b]Cormac:[/b] There could be a bit of that going on. There is also some resentment on the part of longtime players who were once targeted by people like Onder and NES for being involved elsewhere and being "insufficiently loyal." For example, NES was one of the people who helped drive that narrative about the UDL in TNP back in 2013. So there has always been this pushback against cosmopolitanism in the GCRs, and sometimes that has been driven by people in the independent and imperialist sphere. So I think now there's a bit of payback going on. People who have been targeted with questions and insinuations about their loyalties are returning that in kind now that Balder's leadership is comprised of so many people prominent in UCRs. [b]HEM:[/b] Yeah, that's why I find the whole situation really difficult to resolve, but ultimately so long as Balder is a democracy it's really tough to argue that the region isn't pursuing the destiny it wants. That's where I usually settle it in my mind, at least. [b]Cormac:[/b] I think it would be very helpful if their democracy was more open. Not to the outside world, to the people in Balder. It would improve perceptions a lot, I think. But that is ultimately something they'll have to decide for themselves, at least until some external force causes change, if that ever happens. [b]HEM:[/b] Yeah, I mean I'm not an expert on Balder's government but I know there are elections and the people keep returning the same folks to government. Unless there's like a wide range of people disenfranchised from citizenship or voting, I'm not sure how an unpopular cabal is staying in power :p [b]Cormac:[/b] Well, I think certain things can discourage participation. The Statsminister being elected only by the very small legislature, the same people running for and being elected to the legislature, etc. It's true voters are choosing them, but one wonders how many more voters there might be, and how much more participation there might be, with a system more open to participation. Even Europeia's system is more open, despite having an elected legislature as well. So it need not mean getting rid of the elected legislature, but more could be done to encourage participation, in my view. [b]HEM:[/b] Fair enough, fair enough. [b]Cormac:[/b] But, as I said, I think ultimately that's going to be up to Balder. As much as some may wish to see change through other means, it's probably not going to happen any way but internally through their own processes. [b]HEM:[/b] I know I've brought up my feeling that "personal unpopularity" rather than strategic decisions or ideology is driving a lot of gameplay today. Would you agree with that, or push back? [b]Cormac:[/b] I agree that has a lot to do with it. I think the new emphasis on socializing that we talked about earlier has a lot to do with it. I also think it has a lot to do with the staleness of gameplay. In many cases the ideologies are the same, the decisions made are unsurprising, the blocs that form are exactly what one would predict. That leads to boredom, and boredom leads to more interpersonal conflict, and more of gameplay being based on popularity and unpopularity. We need something to breathe new life into gameplay. I really feel that needs to be top-down technical change, but that's unlikely, so another idea I've had is to focus more on the World Assembly, including the General Assembly, as I briefly touched on earlier. I think that could lead to more interest in real gameplay again, and start moving us away from popularity and interpersonal conflict. [b]HEM:[/b] Phew, okay well this has been really interesting. I'm going to end with a softball (for me!!) that I'm going to ask all participants of this interview series. What is one piece of advice you would give us Europeians on improving our region? AND What is one piece of advice you'd give a new player in general who just joined the game and is looking at getting involved in gameplay? [b]Cormac:[/b] My advice is to really shake things up! I know you've been having a debate lately about reform, and while I don't know all the details of what you're considering, I think drastic reform is exactly what Europeia needs - and what most regions need. Things have become too stale and predictable. We need to liven things up with changes that will bring people's interest back to gameplay, and make people who are bored with the game think maybe there's something new here instead of just the same old, same old. I think major reforms will not only help Europeia, but by helping Europeia and getting it focused more on gameplay again, help gameplay overall. My advice for a new player is not to be timid. This is supposed to be a game, and people should play it like a game. Don't be afraid to have fun with it because that's what we're supposed to be doing here. And if you're not having fun doing what you're doing, do something else! Don't be discouraged by people telling you that you can't or shouldn't. As long as it's within the bounds of OOC rules and whatnot, go for it. You decide how you play the game. [b]HEM:[/b] Love it! Thanks for your time Cormac, and I'm sure we'll be sniping at each other in the NSGP forum v soon [b]Cormac:[/b] Probably! Thanks for interviewing me, it's been fun.[/hr][/hr][/hr]?
=1Produced By: JayDee​

Where To Go From Here
=1Written By: Pierce​
Interview with Cormac
=1Interview By: HEM​
HEM: Hey Cormac, thanks for agreeing to this interview! A little context for you and the readers: I'm looking on doing a series of interviews with traditional "adversaries" of Europeia as an opportunity to both create dialogue and hopefully exchange ideas between folks who don't always get to have civil discourse that often! For you, particularly, I'd be interested in starting at the beginning. The wayyyy beginning, you were actually a Senator in Europeia. In broad strokes, could you take us from your journey of being a officeholder in Europeia to being a little more Euro-skeptical (lol) over the years? Cormac: Happy to participate! Sure. Well, I should start by saying despite being an adversary there are still many things I respect about Europeia. That doesn't always come across in the heat of the moment. But I did have some very nice things to say about Europeia in a newspaper article I wrote quite some time ago, and I stand by those. That said, I think the beginning of my issues with Europeia was after I made a decision years ago to become a defender. Despite the region billing itself as an independent region, my experience of that was Europeia was incredibly hostile to defenders even if defenders weren't particularly hostile to Europeia. I think over time that just spiraled into noticing more inconsistencies about Europeia's approach, particularly in foreign affairs but internally as well. It bothers me when people say they're about one thing but turn out to be about something else entirely, and I feel like there are elements of that in Europeia. HEM: Well, I'm not sure there is any person or ideology in Nationstates that has ever been perfectly consistent. I remember not so long ago writing a series of articles that laid out occasions in which the Founderless Region Alliance (FRA) invaded regions. I'm wondering if you'd be willing to be a little more specific on the inconsistencies so we might be able to talk through some of them? Cormac: Well, I should note when I talk about inconsistency I don't just mean changing one's mind about something. I would be the last one to be critical of that. :p I just mean inconsistency in the sense of there being a divide between the message and the action, if that makes sense. Some other examples of inconsistency include Europeia's opposition to interregional organizations in its treaties, which at one point nearly became an issue for regions that joined Sovereign Confederation, but not having any issue with the UIAF, the ISRA, or more recently, the IJCC which Europeia itself joined. There were also the times that Europeia first supported a coup of Osiris in 2013, then opposed one in 2016 despite the reasoning behind them being broadly similar. It has always seemed to me that Europeia's standards shift and are very situational. But that is somewhat to be expected in a democracy where leadership changes and maybe perspectives change over time. The issue in Europeia is it seems like no one wants to acknowledge there has been any change and wants to pretend everything is still consistent with past actions and philosophies. Another recent example is of course the issue with Osiris, where we saw inconsistencies in Europeia's stance on maintaining sovereignty over its military, and its moderate raiding principles and when those principles apply and don't apply. HEM: In regards to the Osiris situation, having a sheer three years between two events can make it pretty difficult to be fully consistent haha. I mean our leadership turned over, there are different actors involved, and things might've changed. EDIT: I wasn't fully active in 2013, so I don't know the full particulars of that situation, but I think it's a bit unfair comparing events that far apart With the IJCC I think the fact that we specifically revised past agreements to emphasize ultimate sovereignty with the respective regions would show folks our commitment to regional sovereignty. We ensured that it was possible for friends to deal with Europeia and not with the IJCC if they chose, and ensured that we had the ultimate say in whatever our troops did or did not do. Maybe that could've been communicated more proactively? I definitely agree that there's been some communication problem in that regards. Cormac: It's true that the passage of time definitely makes a comparison of Europeia's differing responses to the two coups in Osiris complicated. To be fair, there were also key differences that likely contributed to a differing response, but the difference in approach was so night and day that it was jarring. Is it really relevant now? Not particularly, except in response to how my own history of an adversarial relationship with Europeia came about. I do think sometimes the biggest problem for Europeia is a lack of communication, which again, I do think is somewhat owed to the frequent changes in leadership resulting from your democratic system. It can be hard to always keep straight who has communicated what and with whom. Communication definitely seemed to play a role in the IJCC problem with Osiris, and I think it has at other times as well. Communication is obviously a two-way street, but sometimes other regions don't know what they should be communicating with Europeia about until a contentious issue has already developed. I think particularly at a time Europeia is considering reforms, it may want to look at making sure there is more institutional continuity in terms of foreign affairs, so communication can be improved. HEM: I don't disagree there. Pivoting to a new topic, how do you see a region like Europeia which has been predominately political fitting into a Nationstates that seems to be tilting a bit more toward casual, social activities rather than hardcore political ones. Even more broadly speaking, what do you see the game as a whole looking like? Cormac: That tilt has been bad for gameplay, in my view. It has made everything more personal, far too often these days even on an OOC level, and it has really dragged down the game. I would ideally like to see Europeia resisting that trend, as Europeia has always been one of the more politically oriented regions. That said, I'm not sure anyone can really resist it. Sometimes cultural change is so strong that you just have to adapt to it, and I interpret your question as being more how can we adapt to this change than stop it. I don't really know the answer to that. I think it has to involve finding some aspect of the game that can interest people politically, but without personal toxicity entering into it. The old gameplay interests aren't doing that anymore. I think the key might be in focusing more on the World Assembly, because I think there is still enough distance between what the WA does and the social aspects of gameplay that there is room for political intrigue there without a lot of hurt feelings and OOC toxicity. I definitely think regions are going to have to find a way to move past old ways of doing things though, because those just aren't working with the new social media-like environment. HEM: I definitely agree that the increased OOC-ness of the game has led to more nastiness, and quite frankly a game that resembles more of a high school cafeteria that a political simulation game. What do you think has led to some of these changes? I know someone people (me) have placed some blame on the proliferation of Discord, but I'm also sure it's more complicated than just that. Cormac: I think it's a broader trend on the internet. Everything has become so much more personal now compared to several years ago. You often can't get in a RL political debate with people without them getting personally offended and thinking you're a terrible person either. I do think Discord has contributed to the problem, in that it has become a medium for NS that is similar to the role played by Facebook and Twitter in RL. It has brought everyone together more, which is good, but it has also contributed to everyone being everyone's friend and feeling close with them, which can make politics quite difficult. It's much easier to separate being political rivals with someone from any personal feelings when they're not telling you their life story like a friend would in RL. We've always had communication mediums, like IRC and Skype, but they weren't as accessible and user-friendly as Discord. So everyone wasn't using them constantly, and more time was spent on the actual game. That has changed thanks to Discord, in my view. HEM: Pivoting back to gameplay, how would you go about describing the current geopolitical situation of NS? There has clearly been a bit of a shift over the past few years, and I'm interested to know who you see as key players and key regions. Cormac: The GCRs are really dominating the geopolitical scene. I think you still have spheres of influence that go back quite a long time, even though the more traditional R/D dichotomy has mostly broken down by now. For example, in TSP and TRR, which I would identify as key players for their sphere, you have many of the same people you had in the FRA and UDL or people who think broadly like them. And then on the other side of the coin you have Balder, Europeia, and The LKE. So there are a bit of the old rivalries, transferred to new regions. But a lot has changed too. I think you see regions like TEP, TWP, and Osiris occupying a middle ground that makes them more interesting than they have been in a while, because they could determine who ends up being able to wield geopolitical power to their benefit. HEM: Yeah, I broadly agree with that assessment. Speaking of some of those regions, you and others have launched a lot of accusations about the Europeia-Balder-LKE sphere, often claiming that certain regions control the others. Would you still say that's true today, and if so, would you elaborate? Cormac: That's a tough answer to pin down, honestly, because I think it's a fluid situation. There's a lot of overlap between those three regions, and I think you end up with different players having more influence at different times. Right now, it seems like The LKE's interests are moving more to the forefront, because the emphasis on power projection through the IJCC and exclusionary policies like the many PNGs in Balder are much more The LKE's M.O. It's unusual to see Europeia participating in an interregional organization at all, as it was skeptical of them for years. And Balder used to be a much more open region, and I'm not even talking about the distant past -- this has been a change that's happened just over the past year or two. So I think The LKE is definitely in the driver's seat, to a degree. That said, I don't think it's totally accurate to ever say one region controls the others. It's more that there's so much overlap that a particular culture and way of thinking becomes dominant in all three regions. Right now, it seems like that's The LKE's culture and way of thinking, but in the past I've seen Europeia play a bigger role. Oddly, I've never really observed Balder having much of that influence over the other two regions. HEM: Your analysis above seems like an even-keeled and thoughtful response regardless of if I totally agree or not. But it seems like some of the public rhetoric is much more explosive, openly calling for couping Balder and overthrowing it's userrite captors. Do you think people are just being dramatic, or do folks believe that? Cormac: Public rhetoric often tends to happen in the heat of the moment these days. I do think a lot of people do see UCRs exerting a lot of influence over a Sinker, and that bothers them, primarily because they've never seen it reciprocated. As I mentioned, I can't think of a time I've seen Balder influencing the other two regions the same way they sometimes influence Balder and each other. I think there's a general feeling that Balder should be more than it is, and that it's being held back from its full potential. So I think that part is real. Some of the rhetoric I think is hyperbole. I think many people wish Balderans themselves, including the Queen, would do more to shake things up in Balder and wield more influence. We want to see Balder reach its real potential. I also think there are many people who believe Solorni simply isn't going to do that, and that others are either incapable of doing it because Onder and NES exercise so much political power there, or are in league with them and don't want to try to make changes. So I think that's why you see people wanting Balder to be "couped," or "liberated" as some have put it. Because they think there is no hope for meaningful change through any peaceful means. HEM:Cormac: That's true. The natural state of Sinkers, in particular, is to be inactive -- I'm convinced of that. Sinker communities are always struggling against that natural tendency toward inactivity. That isn't just true of Balder, by any means. I think a lot of the issue with Balder is seeing people at the top who are so strongly connected to The LKE and Europeia. Although we've seen that in other Feeders and Sinkers in the past, we don't see it much anymore. We don't see people who are prominent and very involved in UCRs at the top of Feeders and Sinkers much these days. So I think when people see that, and maybe see them doing more in those UCRs than they're doing in Balder, it leads to frustration that they should get out of the way and let people who are exclusively - or at least primarily - involved in Balder take the reins. And people can start to feel like it's a bit malicious when some of the same people are in the legislature over and over again, rotating the office of Statsminister between them. So there is a lot of frustration about Balder, and when frustration grows it can be hard for reasonable conversations to happen. For what it's worth, there are natives of Balder who complain about it, and especially people who were once in Balder and have since moved on to other regions. There is a feeling among some that if they speak out about their dissatisfaction with Balder they will be pushed out. That has happened before, with Ikania and others. HEM: I mean, I think it's a fine line? Because people can have dual citizenship, and the natural state of gameplay is for people to join multiple regions and get involved. Indeed, it seems to me that that's true in this age of Discord more than ever. From my perspective, it seems like some are being selectively outraged about this in regards to Balder in part because of personal unpopularity of the players involved. Cormac: There could be a bit of that going on. There is also some resentment on the part of longtime players who were once targeted by people like Onder and NES for being involved elsewhere and being "insufficiently loyal." For example, NES was one of the people who helped drive that narrative about the UDL in TNP back in 2013. So there has always been this pushback against cosmopolitanism in the GCRs, and sometimes that has been driven by people in the independent and imperialist sphere. So I think now there's a bit of payback going on. People who have been targeted with questions and insinuations about their loyalties are returning that in kind now that Balder's leadership is comprised of so many people prominent in UCRs. HEM: Yeah, that's why I find the whole situation really difficult to resolve, but ultimately so long as Balder is a democracy it's really tough to argue that the region isn't pursuing the destiny it wants. That's where I usually settle it in my mind, at least. Cormac: I think it would be very helpful if their democracy was more open. Not to the outside world, to the people in Balder. It would improve perceptions a lot, I think. But that is ultimately something they'll have to decide for themselves, at least until some external force causes change, if that ever happens. HEM: Yeah, I mean I'm not an expert on Balder's government but I know there are elections and the people keep returning the same folks to government. Unless there's like a wide range of people disenfranchised from citizenship or voting, I'm not sure how an unpopular cabal is staying in power :p Cormac: Well, I think certain things can discourage participation. The Statsminister being elected only by the very small legislature, the same people running for and being elected to the legislature, etc. It's true voters are choosing them, but one wonders how many more voters there might be, and how much more participation there might be, with a system more open to participation. Even Europeia's system is more open, despite having an elected legislature as well. So it need not mean getting rid of the elected legislature, but more could be done to encourage participation, in my view. HEM: Fair enough, fair enough. Cormac: But, as I said, I think ultimately that's going to be up to Balder. As much as some may wish to see change through other means, it's probably not going to happen any way but internally through their own processes. HEM: I know I've brought up my feeling that "personal unpopularity" rather than strategic decisions or ideology is driving a lot of gameplay today. Would you agree with that, or push back? Cormac: I agree that has a lot to do with it. I think the new emphasis on socializing that we talked about earlier has a lot to do with it. I also think it has a lot to do with the staleness of gameplay. In many cases the ideologies are the same, the decisions made are unsurprising, the blocs that form are exactly what one would predict. That leads to boredom, and boredom leads to more interpersonal conflict, and more of gameplay being based on popularity and unpopularity. We need something to breathe new life into gameplay. I really feel that needs to be top-down technical change, but that's unlikely, so another idea I've had is to focus more on the World Assembly, including the General Assembly, as I briefly touched on earlier. I think that could lead to more interest in real gameplay again, and start moving us away from popularity and interpersonal conflict. HEM: Phew, okay well this has been really interesting. I'm going to end with a softball (for me!!) that I'm going to ask all participants of this interview series. What is one piece of advice you would give us Europeians on improving our region? AND What is one piece of advice you'd give a new player in general who just joined the game and is looking at getting involved in gameplay? Cormac: My advice is to really shake things up! I know you've been having a debate lately about reform, and while I don't know all the details of what you're considering, I think drastic reform is exactly what Europeia needs - and what most regions need. Things have become too stale and predictable. We need to liven things up with changes that will bring people's interest back to gameplay, and make people who are bored with the game think maybe there's something new here instead of just the same old, same old. I think major reforms will not only help Europeia, but by helping Europeia and getting it focused more on gameplay again, help gameplay overall. My advice for a new player is not to be timid. This is supposed to be a game, and people should play it like a game. Don't be afraid to have fun with it because that's what we're supposed to be doing here. And if you're not having fun doing what you're doing, do something else! Don't be discouraged by people telling you that you can't or shouldn't. As long as it's within the bounds of OOC rules and whatnot, go for it. You decide how you play the game. HEM: Love it! Thanks for your time Cormac, and I'm sure we'll be sniping at each other in the NSGP forum v soon Cormac: Probably! Thanks for interviewing me, it's been fun.[/hr][/hr][/hr]

Welcome to Europeia's Embassy in Lazarus!Europeia Leadership

Founder: HEM
Chief of State: Kuramia
First Minister: Pichtonia


Europeia to Lazarus: Olde Delaware

Please post updates as new threads. This post will be edited as needed. If you have any questions, feel free to PM me or a forum administrator.​


Thank you for the update. Interesting interview!

[align=center]What the Hell is a War?[/hr]​

=1erview By: Rach​
=1aelRachael: For newer players to the game, what are NS Wars like?

Altino: Well, this is my first NS War! I've only been playing NS for a couple of years, I think your guess is as good as mine. Osiris and Antipac are handling this war in particular on a few levels, but the most important one has been the PR stage, which on a forum based game is I think the loudest stage we have to offer. Are there WA shenanigans and military plans going on? Yes, of course. But the part of this war that's been the most consuming is in informational integrity while fighting an enemy that is not concerned about what is true. Antipac is spending time trying to get the truest version of this story out to Pacific natives so that they can decide their own loyalties and respond to their governments' actions in the way that they deem most appropriate. That's a bit of a grind, but we're doing it. :) It's sad to see natives being banned from their own region for asking the wrong questions, but they were only going to be NPO indoctrinated anyway. Better to go ahead and ask their questions now, then move on to regions that handle their business with a bit more integrity.

Rachael: What's more important in an NS war? Pen or sword?

Altino: That depends on the War. Take TBH's attempt to return Topid to St Abbaddon, for example. The Pen was certainly important, and TGs sent out by both NPO and Topid brought in a few extra pilers for both sides to subsidize their holds - and had TBH taken St Abbaddon, the Pen would have been their weapon of choice when the battle was inevitably brought to the World Assembly. At the end of the day, though, that was a pile-off. No amount of screaming on either side would amount to anything if they didn't have the numbers. Our current situation, however, began with information, and information is our greatest weapon in it.

Rachael: What do you expect from this war?

Altino: I expect NPO to either realize that it cannot exist as a deceitful, subversive state with its hands in everyone's cookie jars anymore or die trying. NPO has thought itself invincible for over a decade and spent years infiltrating our regions, getting caught, saying sorry, and hitting the refresh button on their whole routine. No one in their government should be trusted. They treat their citizens as expendable, while at the same time pressing NPO loyalty into all of their minds. They preach about the superiority of GCRs and danger that Userites pose to us, while infiltrating and attempting to control the GCRs themselves. If we gain nothing else from this war, I hope to create a NS where this kind of destructive duality can no longer exist and that all GCRs will unite together against it.

Rachael: Why did you feel it was important to bring Osiris into this war?

Altino: Osiris had to be brought into the war to protect itself. As long as NPO is allowed to go on believing that it's entitled to the Sinkers - that we are property of the Feeders - we will never be safe. NPO has abused every GCR in the game, and for our own independence and in support of the sovereignty of our fellow GCRs, neutrality wasn't an option. Sitting idly by will only allow NPO's cycle to continue. We cannot let that happen.

Rachael: What was the biggest event that led you to believe going to war was best?

Altino: If NPO had been more inclined to honesty, I would not have bothered them. Frankly I'm an easygoing person, I prefer to work within my own borders, and with so many friends in NPO, I would like to be able to take the path to forgiveness. When pressed, though, NPO has spouted a constant stream of lies and misdirections. You can't convince me that you won't be dangerous to my region in the future if you won't admit that you were dangerous in the first place. They just kept telling lies, and then more evidence would come out to refute what they were saying, and at a certain point the lies themselves became aggressions that had to be reacted to.

Rachael: For newer players to the game, what are NS Wars like?

Sopo: Honestly? This is the first one I've really been involved with. The last war that I really recall even thinking about was between The New Inquisition and The Founderless Regions Alliance, where TNI essentially just raided FRA-associated regions. I've never seen anything like this particular conflict, and the various avenues in which it has been fought this far have already surprised me. We've seen a lot of commitment from multiple regions now against the NPO and because of the passion behind it, I don't expect this war to be like any of its predecessors.

Rachael: What's more important in an NS war? Pen or sword?

Sopo: In this case especially, I would say the pen. We can't reasonably raid the NPO. A lot of this war will be fought by informing NPO citizens of what their government has done and convincing them to leave. The propaganda coming out of the NPO thus far has been strong, and they've avoided putting it in places easily accessible to the NS community at-large, making it harder to counter. We have to convince everyone, whether it be NPO citizens or people who doubt the justness of this war, that we are in the right and that the NPO can't be allowed to move past this without serious concessions.

Rachael: What do you expect from this war?

Sopo: I expect a lot of proxy battles over regions such as St. Abbaddon and other regions that might be important to the NPO. I expect a condemnation of The Pacific and other WA/SC moves to name and shame the NPO. I expect continued diplomatic pressure on the NPO, not only from regions at war, but also from regions who have made demands that have not yet been met, such as Lazarus and The North Pacific. Many regions not actively engaged in war have nonetheless decried the actions of the NPO and canceled treaties or closed embassies. We need to continue to build the pressure. I expect a lot of scapegoating and insincere apologies from the new NPO emperor and his government as the citizens of NPO and high ranking officials continue to shirk any responsibility and blame us for finally calling out their insidious behavior.

Rachael: Why did you feel it was important to bring Europeia into this war?

Sopo: Europeia is a strong, democratic UCR at the forefront of Independence. We are exactly the kind of region that the NPO wants to bring down and subjugate. We've seen how they've treated our friends and allies, such as The North Pacific and The Black Hawks. While empowering Francoist rhetoric and labeling us as "userite subversives," they have been the true subversives all along. They have weaponized their Francoist ideology against UCRs and GCRs alike. I couldn't sit idly by and allow their behavior to go unpunished when it is clear threat to our region and all we hold dear.

Rachael: What was the biggest event that led you to believe going to war was best?

Sopo: The discussion of war began with the NPO's declaration of war against The Black Hawks, as it put us directly into their line of fire. While that along with their past behavior and continued anti-UCR rhetoric and actions was enough on its own, we had no choice when the subversives in Osiris were revealed. That was the real nail in the coffin, and, as it turns out, was only the first in a deluge of revealed misdeeds. Though our treaty with Osiris ended earlier this year, the NPO's actions there proved what a real and present danger they are to NationStates.

[align=center]Why the Hell is a War?[/hr][/hr][/hr]
Thrilling Senate By-Election Delivers Decisive Results
[align=center]War with New Pacific Order Driving Increase in Force Strength[/hr]
Thanks for the report! I hope your new reforms work out well. :)
Europeian Republican Navy Sails to Another Victory in War Against New Pacific Order

Europeian Senate Passes Executive Split Omnibus Bill [/hr]
Thanks for the letter! I hope your new government reforms work well. :)
The Europeian Letter

Former President Writinglegend Retires from Public ServiceFirst Minister Rand Settles Into Office
Thanks for the update! Wishing First Minister Rand a successful term. \o/
[b][size=150]The Europeian Wire: Edition One[/size] Recruiting Contest Underway: Will HEM finally succeed at something?[/b] By Sopo Minister of Interior Rand announced a new 1v1 recruiting contest on January 5 to kick off the new year. With 12 initial participants including First Minister Calvin Coolidge and Chief of State HEM, one question remains: will HEM finally succeed at something? The Europeian founder and general meme-ified punching bag is thus far facing tough competition from his first week?s foe, Rachael. All eyes are on HEM to see if he can finally manage not to screw things up the way he screwed up our miraculously enduring 13-year old region. [b]The City-State of Arnhelm[/b] By Prim Over the past few months, Europeia has been working on its newest addition to the legislative arena, the City-State of Arnhelm. This new independent legislative body is a mix of legislative training ground and Real-Life political simulation. Every citizen of Europeia who joins the City Council can discuss real-life legislation, vote on bills and ordinances, propose a budget, elect the mayor, or even become the city manager through crafty legislative maneuvering. Arnhelm is open for creative role-players and serious policy wonks alike! [b]Invading Iran: Living the Trumpian Dream[/b] By Sopo Supporting our allies in The North Pacific, Europeia is proud to be engaged in a hold of Iran, commended region and generally non-controversial vacation spot. While real-world drama surrounds the region?s namesake, Europeian sailors are enjoying their stay. This marks the second hold operation for Europeia since Chief of State HEM and Grand Admiral Bowzin took office, with Iran following a successful week-long Europeia-led hold of North Ustaynga. [b]A Yule Ball Yule Be Sad Yule Missed[/b] By Xecrio/Nate Europeians brought out the festivity in the weeks surrounding Christmas with the launch of the Yule Ball. A successor event to perhaps Europeia?s most successful festival of all time in 2014, Christmas again merged with Harry Potter, a favorite Europeian theme. Citizens spent time in their Hogwarts houses while playing a variety of festive games to truly get them in the Christmas mood. Hogwarts House Spam Points dominated the spam games, with Ravenclaw wiping the floor with the competition. After perhaps a bit too much holiday cheer, some people simply refused to leave the server? Read the full event recap from the Europeian Broadcasting Corporation [url=https://forums.europeians.com/index.php?threads/at-home-in-europeia-the-yule-ball-a-recap.10049126/]here[/url]. [b]Best of the EBC[/b] [list][*]Former Minister of Communications Istillian [url=https://forums.europeians.com/index.php?threads/at-home-in-europeia-ambition-and-reality-from-the-shadows.10049201/]explores[/url] returning to Europeia after a hiatus. [*]Attorney General Prim [url=https://forums.europeians.com/index.php?threads/a-little-legalese-mens-rea-in-the-spotlight-the-unique-case-of-europeia-v-bri-shakespeare.10049183/]examines[/url] the concept of Mens Rea after the conclusion of Europeia v. Bri Shakespeare. [*]First Minister Calvin Coolidge [url=https://forums.europeians.com/index.php?threads/at-home-in-europeia-the-importance-of-radio.10049065/]summarizes[/url] the importance of Europeia?s radio efforts.[/list]

I am a new Ambassador from Europeia to Lazarus. I noticed the last edit to the embassy page was last July. I have some updates for the Chief of Staff, and First Minister. The CoS is now Pichtonia, and the First Minister is now Dax. I am still awaiting an update on Old Delaware. I wasn't sure who to message so I am making this thread. Once the Embassy page is updated, feel free to delete this thread.

Thank you,
-Shattered Skies
Greetings, quarantined NSers!

It is my honor to formally invite you to Paradoxical'20, a historically themed event hosted by a joint team of Organizers from Europeia, The North Pacific, and The East Pacific. In this event, you can compete as a Poet, Role Player, and/or Artist for various prizes related to Paradox Interactive Games!

If you don't want to compete, come on down anyway for some nice friendly spam, trivia, historical talk, discussions on various Paradox games, and At-War multiplayer matches! The top prize is a nice shiny edition of Europa Universalis IV with five must-have DLCs available through the Roleplay Competition. However you can still win other PI Games by competing in other categories! So come on down, have some fun, watch the show, and consider gunning for the awesome prizes put together by our team. What's the best part? Even if you won't participate in any competition, you will still be able to win game in a lottery!

The event shall begin on 28th of March at 10:00 a.m. GMT-4 (East Coast Time) and end on 3rd of April at 11:59 p.m. GMT-4 (East Coast Time).

Discord Server: https://discord.gg/hB6qMGu


New Chief of State to Tackle Nation States Fascism
written by Minister of Communications Istillianpusblished a fascinatingTwo Birds of a Feather[/size]
Europeia discovers its interest in birds thanks to Speaker Lloenflys
written by Chief of State Pichtonia****

Europeians are known to take keen interest in political simulation. Our primary - and state - news media organization, the Europeian Broadcasting Corporation, exemplifies this interest with a great variety of articles on the latest news, controversy or polling analysis.

But one citizen awoke something in us we didn't know we had: A love for birds. That citizen is former First Minister Lloenflys.

On July 26nd, 2019, he released the first edition of "A Modest Ornithological Proposal" for the Europeian Broadcasting Corporation; an article in which he would assign five famous Europeians a bird. For the potentially most famous Europeian, its founder HEM, Lloenflys analyzed:
The Rock Pigeon is nothing if not ubiquitous. Whether in a city, where it can be seen eating the remains of stale donuts off the streets, or in the countryside where it is gathered around silos and other piles of grain gorging itself to stupefaction, the Rock Pigeon is the most jort-like of birds. Not necessarily ugly, but unnecessarily vulgar. Far more common than one would hope. Utilitarian in the extreme. No bird could more effectively represent our dear founder quite so elegantly.

Overall, throughout three articles, Lloenflys assigned seventeen birds to sixteen individual Europeians. Only Vice Chancellor and legal mastermind Drecq (Great Tit and the Turkey Vulture) and the writer of this article (European Blue Tit and Amazonian Royal Flycatcher) received two birds.

An eighteenth bird was assigned to OnderKelkia at his ovation, the Resplendent Quetzal, with Lloenflys stating that a "bird symbolizing justice and liberty is a perfect bird to represent a Europeian whose tenure has been all about those subjects".

As Europeians of all backgrounds celebrate the creativity and thoughtfulness of Lloenflys and his articles, eagerly awaiting the day that they might be assigned a bird from Lloenflys, we talked to him to further introduce him and his project to our friends and allies in other regions.

Question 1: What raised your interest in birds?

Lloenflys: As I kid I always enjoyed observing birds, but I wasn't a bird-watcher in an organized sense because I didn't know that was a thing. I was lucky that both sets of grandparents liked birds and put out feeders, so I was exposed to birds at an early age, and I was also lucky enough to own a pair of cockatiels for awhile when I was growing up, and I really loved that. I discovered bird-watching while I was living in Colorado in law school, and the combination of spending time in nature, checking things off a list (which is very satisfying for me), and looking for rare or unusual species really appealed to me.

Question 2: What has been your favourite bird encounter in the non-virtual world?

Lloenflys: For the most part, the most exciting moments are when I know I am seeing something new that is going to be a life bird for me. That is especially the case if I just go out to the wilderness somewhere and wander across something that I don't recognize. I don't count any of my sightings unless I get an identifiable picture of the bird (this is stricter than what the "big time birders" do, but I frankly don't trust my sound identifications or fleeting images of something), so the most exciting time while birding often comes after I get home and put the pictures in my computer and have a chance to really analyse them to see what exactly I spotted when I was out in the field.

I'll briefly give you three other fun moments that I enjoyed while birding - use any, all, or none of these, as you wish! First, one of the birds I really wanted to see was an Indigo Bunting, a beautiful, strikingly blue bird. After having sought it for half a summer, I came downstairs one morning when I was staying at my dad's house to see one on his feeder. This was a life bird that I had been actively searching for, and it came to me! Another very interesting time was when I wandered onto a back road in the winder and came to some kind agricultural building that must have been putting out an irresistible smell for predator birds because there were at least 100 Bald Eagles right around that building in the trees. It was incredibly intimidating! Finally, (and don't try this at home), when driving in the countryside up in northern Minnesota I came across a Northern Harrier (a type of hawk) that was hunting by flying along a ditch next to the road. I was able to pace the bird for probably 3 or four miles while taking pictures (no, this is not safe - no, you should not do it). It was an incredible experience. Thankfully in that part of the state there is very, very little traffic.

Question 3: What gave you the idea for your series?

Lloenflys: I wanted to write something for the region that I thought was fun and amusing, and this was something that I certainly knew no one else was going to do. I thought it was could a chuckle or two, but I think it's probably the most popular thing I've done in the region, and for people who haven't had a bird assigned to them yet it is something of a sore point as I am regularly pushed to do the next one!

Question 4: How do you decide what bird to assign to someone?

Lloenflys: I actually spend a lot of time thinking about that. I try to think about a feature of the person in question that defines them or that people will see as being associated with them, and then I try to tie that into the choice. Sometimes it is how a bird looks, sometimes how a bird acts, sometimes it is about how a bird is perceived. On rare occasions I happen across a picture of a bird and think I absolutely use that bird for someone, but much more often I'm looking for traits of the person that I can then match to a bird.

Question 5: Did you ever wonder what your own bird would be? Your own avatar, famously, is a snowy owl.

Lloenflys: There are times when I feel like all sorts of birds, but an owl is probably what I most closely identify with. I happened to pick a Snowy due to an avatar contest that was underway to do something "snowy" but now I've started identifying closely with it so I'm not feeling any reason to switch!

Lloenflys: I would say that the sheer number and variety of Kingfishers in the world is one thing that astonished me. Kingfishers are my favorite birds, but while I knew a bit about the international varieties, I had no idea quite *how many* or *how gorgeous* they would be. That research just cemented my overall love of Kingfishers!

The Shock of Resignations:
Overcoming Adversity
written by IstillianFirst Minister Election[/size]
A Recap
Written by Xecrio and Cookiespagientland

You couldn't describe this as a two-horse race; the first minister election of February 2020 was dominated by the citizen who now finds herself in the top position. That, however, does not mean that this election was easy, for the journey from how we began to where we are now is full of twists and turns. In what was characterised by radio shows, debate, and confusion, the Europeian Broadcasting Corporation presents you with this special to enlighten you with how we got here.

To really get a grip of what happened, we have to go back to Calvin Coolidge's (Calvin) first minister address. This was the address that would ultimately set the precedent for who would run. Calvin announced, quite simply, that he would not run. This opened up a window of opportunity for many new citizens who were eyeing up the big prize. In a "Get to Know Your Executive" radio show, Xecrio revealed he would run in the election, while others kept quiet for the time being. It was also interesting to note that Calvin mentioned in a different radio show that the candidates who were standing had revealed to him prior to the show that they would not stand if he stood.

Standingopinion pollMaowi and Xecrio both releasing theirs on January 22. A day later, on January 23 cookies released her platform. Then, on January 27, a new poll was released, this time including cookies/cuddles, Maowi/Sopo, and Xecrio/GraVandius. Maowi led by 10 points, with 50 percent, whilst Xecrio had 40 percent. Cookies was far behind with 10 percent. However, interestingly, it seemed as though the majority of Xecrio's supporters did not think he would win - he only polled at 10 percent when participants were asked who they thought would win. Cookies was at 15 percent, and, unsurprisingly, Maowi was at 75 percent.

The candidates went on to answer questions asked of their platforms. Then, on January 28, the second ministerial candidates Sopo, cuddles, and GraVandius participated in a second minister debate over radio. This allowed all Europeians to hear from all candidates, one of whom would eventually go on to become second minister.

On January 29, all three first ministerial candidates participated on a debate over Discord text. The debate covered many topics - from the EuroChoice Awards, to the Ministry of the Interior, to dispatches. The Panda's Pen released an article in which Calvin, Pichtonia, and Common-Sense Politics rated the performance of each candidate; overall, Maowi came out on top, although all three of the debaters had weaker and stronger moments.

Just three days later, on January 31, the election was officially held. The results were not too surprising, with Maowi officially being elected as first minister after racking up 24 votes, which gave her 68.6 percent of the vote share. Xecrio came second, with 17.1 percent, and cookies was in a distant third with just 5.7 percent

Overall, this was an extremely eventful and interesting race, with many unexpected twists and turns.

The Nation of the People of the Nation
Classification: Democratic Socialists
Motto: "Yes We Can"
Population: 3.39 billion
Currency: Paw Print
Animal: Bear
Leading Cause of Death: Old Age (74.5%)
Notable Ranking:

The Republic of Europeia is pleased to announce that it is hosting it's second ever EuroPride festival!

In the midst of the current crisis, many in-person events, festivals, and celebrations have unfortunately been
canceled. We still want to celebrate Pride in NationStates online however


*special thanks for the Ministry of Culture for planning this event
Hello there Lazarus!

Recently in Europeia, the region has been consumed by a very difficult (or not so difficult) question: what is a sandwich? We're looking forward to hearing your responses to this very important question, and hope that you'll be able to help us find an answer.

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