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Repeal "Liberate The East Pacific"
A resolution to repeal previously passed legislation.
Category: Repeal Resolution: SC#247 Proposed by: Tinhampton
Security Council Resolution #247 ?Liberate The East Pacific? shall be struck out and rendered null and void.
AWARE that SC#247, a light-hearted and admittedly symbolic jibe at The East Pacific's (TEP) then-government penned by a vassal state of United Massachussetts (now TEP's Minister of World Assembly Affairs), focused almost entirely on the actions of then-WA Delegate Queen Yuno (Yuno) at the cost of virtually ignoring the manoeuvres of other TEP officials; its arguments shall be fully refuted below;
RECALLING that a new administration led by WA Delegate Fedele (which has, similarly to Yuno, expressed their support for a repeal of SC#247) came into force in TEP in October 2018, which was quick to change TEP's colour scheme from pink to a more traditional green, as well as both lifting the old ban on emigration and removing bans for those nations that had left TEP upon their request;
OBSERVING that, despite Yuno having previously been a Sergeant in The Black Hawks as well as a major influence in moulding The West Pacific's modern military, neither region ever capitalised on Yuno's year-long delegacy to hijack TEP and there was certainly no conspiracy amongst raiders to truly wreak merry hell upon it during this time; indeed, the East Pacific Sovereign Army has remained able to be flexible between invasion and defence;
ADAMANT, therefore, that the first three points that this august body used to liberate TEP - i.e. that it banned emigration, used the colour of pink on its official documents, and was allegedly in thrall to The Black Hawks and The West Pacific - are now of little or no significance in light of a recent East Pacifican changing of the guard; but
BELIEVING that it is standard practice for a feeder Delegate to send out many mass telegrams that might be relevant to other nations' day-to-day cultural experience (such as informing them about new, fun regional events) or to bear many endorsements to keep their region secure; the fact that they do so should not be isolated to paint them as evil tyrants out to defeat their underlings with their verbosity and voting power; and
CONCLUDING that many of the arguments made in SC#247, whilst delightfully humourous, must be seen in both the historical context in which they applied as well as in the modern era, where they are now less visible:
HEREBY REPEALS SC#247 "Liberate The East Pacific."
A resolution to repeal previously passed legislation.
Category: Repeal Resolution: SC#247 Proposed by: Tinhampton
Security Council Resolution #247 ?Liberate The East Pacific? shall be struck out and rendered null and void.
AWARE that SC#247, a light-hearted and admittedly symbolic jibe at The East Pacific's (TEP) then-government penned by a vassal state of United Massachussetts (now TEP's Minister of World Assembly Affairs), focused almost entirely on the actions of then-WA Delegate Queen Yuno (Yuno) at the cost of virtually ignoring the manoeuvres of other TEP officials; its arguments shall be fully refuted below;
RECALLING that a new administration led by WA Delegate Fedele (which has, similarly to Yuno, expressed their support for a repeal of SC#247) came into force in TEP in October 2018, which was quick to change TEP's colour scheme from pink to a more traditional green, as well as both lifting the old ban on emigration and removing bans for those nations that had left TEP upon their request;
OBSERVING that, despite Yuno having previously been a Sergeant in The Black Hawks as well as a major influence in moulding The West Pacific's modern military, neither region ever capitalised on Yuno's year-long delegacy to hijack TEP and there was certainly no conspiracy amongst raiders to truly wreak merry hell upon it during this time; indeed, the East Pacific Sovereign Army has remained able to be flexible between invasion and defence;
ADAMANT, therefore, that the first three points that this august body used to liberate TEP - i.e. that it banned emigration, used the colour of pink on its official documents, and was allegedly in thrall to The Black Hawks and The West Pacific - are now of little or no significance in light of a recent East Pacifican changing of the guard; but
BELIEVING that it is standard practice for a feeder Delegate to send out many mass telegrams that might be relevant to other nations' day-to-day cultural experience (such as informing them about new, fun regional events) or to bear many endorsements to keep their region secure; the fact that they do so should not be isolated to paint them as evil tyrants out to defeat their underlings with their verbosity and voting power; and
CONCLUDING that many of the arguments made in SC#247, whilst delightfully humourous, must be seen in both the historical context in which they applied as well as in the modern era, where they are now less visible:
HEREBY REPEALS SC#247 "Liberate The East Pacific."