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[Discussion] Europeia-NPO War, OFO Debacle

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Resident Attaché (15%)
Jun 27, 2018
Probably something we as a citizenry should discuss.

1) The OFO stuff was moronic: Why go after Osiris? Not to mention how much of a disaster getting caught is. At least had it been Balder there'd be some continuity of rhetoric.

2)EDIT: To be clear, I strongly oppose the notion that GCRs owe it to each other to be allies, friends, or whatever.
I am hoping to leverage my history in The Pacific to have a conversation with Aleisyr directly. I want a clearer picture of what's going on over there.

Until then I'm going to refrain from commenting further.
Oh wow, I had no idea Stu became delegate again.
We should not get involved in the slightest. But the OFO affair is concerning indeed...

We have not developed relations to any side at this point, so far as I know. Neutrality is best. But I am opposed to pursuing any relationship with the NPO due to the war (which may complicate relations with other regions) and this entire spying debacle (which is abhorrent and an outright insult to Osiris and other targets).
Ryccia;4530 said:
We should not get involved in the slightest. But the OFO affair is concerning indeed...

We have not developed relations to any side at this point, so far as I know. Neutrality is best.

I definitely think it's worth doing something about the fact that the NPO spied on a region very similar to ours, after couping our region and apologizing for it 3 years before (and then infiltrating our region again anyway.)
Certainly it would be so if we were a continuing government. But that is not the case. We are a clean slate, disconnected from the past. It is useful to learn of our history, but I do not see any benefits on taking a stance as of now. We, as the Twelfth Mandate, a regime with no connections to the past, have no concrete relations to any side as of now, and if we take a stance as of this time, we will only incur the wrath of the NPO (which is very good at infiltration, I hear!) and not much else. Statements must have a practical reason. If we are just to condemn with no practicality, what use is there for it? Let us have friends first to back.

From what I know, this affair was not sanctioned officially (but Aleisyr certainly knew in April 2018 and never told a single word!), but it is still a horrific act by top officials in the NPO, yes. I am enraged at the Pacific for this act of aggression and negligence against Osiris. But feelings should not determine official policy. Neutrality is best, and so is disavowing any further relations with the NPO. We should not have friendly connections to this serial, lying aggressor who is incapable and unwilling to control its officials. But we should not be caught in this mess either with no practical reason.
Constitutional Resolution to Clarify Continuity with Past Governments ActAdministrative Bans
FeuxA mean old manStujenskeWeast Jurmany

4. We won't be going to war over this or breaking off diplomatic relations (at least at this point), and it is pretty firm so far that we will be maintaining a policy of neutrality, where possible, but there is for sure plenty of sympathy for Osiris, where we do have a good diplomatic relationship.

5. What we are still deciding upon will be up to a review of evidence, but it seems realistic that a diplomatic protest at most will be our response at this time, the nature of which is still being discussed.
I agree with these sentiments. I personally feel that, given our position as a region, we should mainly focus on not being a weak target for the NPO. Plenty of other regions are declaring war, and I know there are many within the region who will join those efforts of their own accord. As a region, however, we should avoid aggression in a war with the kind of potential to turn deadly, especially after the region has gone nearly a year without a stable government.
Galiantus;4556 said:
I agree with these sentiments. I personally feel that, given our position as a region, we should mainly focus on not being a weak target for the NPO. Plenty of other regions are declaring war, and I know there are many within the region who will join those efforts of their own accord. As a region, however, we should avoid aggression in a war with the kind of potential to turn deadly, especially after the region has gone nearly a year without a stable government.

Regardless of whether we declare war or not, we are a weak target for the NPO from their perspective, as shown by how often they meddle in our internal affairs. We are better off showing that we don't tolerate their actions towards us in solidarity with others, rather than being sitting ducks.

Also, their willingness to seek the support (and conceal the identity of) universally blacklisted players is something that needs to be dealt with in it's own right.
Do you guys think the NLO was an NPO operation? In my mind, it wasn't: I just considered it similar thematically, and my hope in supporting it was to have a NPO-NLO Union where the two regions were equals. 

If you think NLO was an NPO operation, then I think we have some obligation to issue a statement, even if we're not the same government.

I'm fine either way. I'm still a member of the NPO -- and honestly, I don't plan on changing that -- but I have increasing confidence that they're going to right the ship. Clearly, mistakes were made, and I don't think they're going to be satisfied with the status quo as it currently stands.

Nonetheless, that's just my two cents.
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