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Mandate of Lazarus (2005)


Councilor (75%)
Staff member
Assembly Speaker
D. Minister
Councillor (CLS)
Internal Affairs
Jun 12, 2018
Mandate of Lazarus
-Nex est Tantum a Pupillus Obstaculum-

I. Preamble
Recognizing the unique and inherant responsibility of authority in Lazarus, we lay forth the following government, to be known as the Lazarus Mandate, along with such policies that will ensure efficient management and orientation of those nations that find themselves amongst the reborn of Lazarus.

II. Acronyms
The following acronyms are used in this document, or are understood among the citizens or Lazarus.
  • FAC - Foreign Affairs Commission(er)
  • HC - High Commission(er)
  • IC - Interior Commission(er)
  • NS - NationStates
  • PIC - Public Interest Commission(er)
  • PM - Private Message
  • RV - Registered Voter(s)
  • SC - Security Commission(er)
  • UDH - Undead Hordes
  • UN - United Nations
  • YC - Yaman Council
III. Commissions and Commissioners-The High Commissioner, is the UN Delegate's direct deputy, appointed to continual service during his or her delegacy. The High Commissioner is responsible for serving as a liaison between the Commissions, the Delegacy, and the people of Lazarus. The High Commissioner also exercises oversight of the other Commissions and Commissioners, ensuring that they maintain their offices properly and actively.

-The Interior Commission-The Security Commission-The Foreign Affairs Commission, to be led by the Foreign Affairs Commissioner appointed by the UN Delegate, is responsible for negotiating treaties and alliances at the pleasure of the UN Delegate and the oversight of the Council. In addition, it shall found and maintain embassies in all available or diplomatically related regions.

-The Public Interest Commission, to be led by the Public Interest Commissioner appointed by the UN Delegate, is responsible for maintaining the content of the Regional Headquarters according to independent Commission guidelines, subject to Delegacy and Council oversight.

IV. The United Nations DelegacyV. The Yaman CouncilVI. Voter RegistrationVII. ElectionsVIII. The Undead HordesIX. Mandate Amendments