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[FAILED] Commend Confederation of Corrupt Dictators


Lazarene (15%)
Jul 16, 2018
Commend Confederation of Corrupt Dictators

A resolution to recognize outstanding contribution by a nation or region.

Category: Commendation

Nominee: Confederation of Corrupt Dictators

Proposed by: ShrewLlamaLand

The Security Council,

Acknowleding the efforts made by the Confederation of Corrupt Dictators (herein the Confederation) in creating the most populous collective of fascist nations in the world;

Believing that the Security Council has the responsibility to recoginise contributions of regions founded on less conventional systems of government;

Applauding the great contributions made to the fascist community by the Confederation, in particular the efforts of the Supreme Council led by the regional founder, Jocospor;

Noting that the Confederation is an old region with a very rich history, which has recently seen immense growth and now ranks among the most populous regions in the world;

Admiring the great contributions of the Confederation to the World Assembly; in particular, by encouraging less-prominent factions within both the General Assembly and Security Council not to be misled by influental magnates;

Recognising that the Confederation has exercised its international power to promote the spread of fascism and dictatorial governance throughout the world, and in doing so has provided a new home for many hundreds of like-minded nations;

Hereby commends the Confederation of Corrupt Dictators.
Personally, I'd suggest voting against a fascist region trying to self-commend themselves, and I really hope that's not just me.
It's not just you. Self- commendations and commendations of fascist regions are reasons for no votes alone.
Shame on the delegates who approved this going to a vote.