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  1. Fluffiness

    Mmph mmph MMPH?

    MMPHHH ! Mmmphh mmphhhhhh...
  2. Fluffiness

    Proposal [Proposal] Lazarene Flag Act (2022)

    I second the motion to vote.
  3. Fluffiness

    [Archive] Poll Ideas Thread

    Now, I know that such a poll may interest only a couple of rock nerds like me, and maybe it's not the best question to ask in a poll. (It lacks the usual comic side.) So I've come up with another better idea : I still don't know how interesting this would be. Feel free to edit it !
  4. Fluffiness

    [Archive] Introductions

    I'm interested !
  5. Fluffiness

    Word Association

  6. Fluffiness

    Mmph mmph MMPH?

  7. Fluffiness

    PM Nomination [PMN. 28] [Passed] Confirmation of Cabinet Vote

    Clorinda: Aye Deadeye Jack: Aye McChimp: Aye JoWhatup: Aye
  8. Fluffiness

    What's on your mind?

    I'm happy I've reached the Stockholder of the Week position ! This badge is so beautiful !
  9. Fluffiness

    Election General Election (December 2021)

    1. Domais 2. Deadeye Jack 3. Abstain
  10. Fluffiness

    Mmph mmph MMPH?

  11. Fluffiness

    Spam Spammity Spam; (Multi-Post Enabled)

    16, soon 17 ?
  12. Fluffiness

    Spam Spammity Spam; (Multi-Post Enabled)

    I can play that game too, see ?