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  1. E

    Assembly Speaker Eligibility Amendment

    "A motion to vote may only be made by the initial author of a proposal unless the initial author is no longer a citizen or has not posted on the off-site regional forum for more than seven days without posting a leave of absence and has not logged on to their on-site account for more than seven...
  2. E

    Assembly Speaker Eligibility Amendment

    I second the motion to vote.
  3. E

    [Archive] Ministry and Other Applications

    Do you have previous experience as an ambassador?: I served as head of foreign affairs for the United Nations of Liberalia for three different governments, and also served for a while as Liaison to the Roman-Byzantine Union (once again for the United Nations of Liberalia). But for a GCR or a...
  4. E

    [Archive] Ex-Citizen Applications (2018-2023)

    Thank you very much!
  5. E

    [Archive] Ex-Citizen Applications (2018-2023)

    Sorry for the really late reply. I just recently moved to a different state, so I was off of NS for a while while packing/moving/unpacking, etc. So, as for the timeline: - The accusation of slander took place in November 2019 - The set of assorted charges was made in June 2020 (though, being...
  6. E

    Mmph mmph MMPH?

  7. E

    [Archive] Ex-Citizen Applications (2018-2023)

    Nation in Lazarus: An Enigmatic Mongoose WA Nation: An Enigmatic Mongoose NS Identities: An Enigmatic Mongoose, Rebels and Saints, Doctor Fitz, Hamilton Fans. There are older ones from before I made Rebels and Saints, but I don't remember most of them. Have you been accused of any crime/s in...
  8. E

    Forum Permissions (Report Issues)

    Well, looks like all applications (including citizenship applications, where I had intended to apply) are marked as private and are non-viewable, at least for me.