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  1. C

    Ruling [QUESTION] Deputy Speaker Elligibility

    Under the 12th Mandate of Lazarus, Article I Section 13 establishes the requirements to be Assembly Speaker, the section reads as follows: However, the Assembly Procedure Act does not specify any requirements for Deputy speaker beyond being appointed by the Speaker. As such I present the...
  2. C

    Ruling [QUESTION] Constitutional Amendment Majority Counting

    Under the 12th Mandate of Lazarus Amendments to the Mandate and other Constitutional Laws are governed by the following Article I, Sections 8 and 9. The text of which is quoted here: Given the vague nature of the text, should abstains be counted or not? Furthermore, if abstains should not be...
  3. C

    Discussion Resolution to Establish a Committee on Constitutional Change and Reform

    This is an idea that I've had for a minute and decided to propose. I'm not married to this, nor am I sure this is a good idea, but it might help us come up with some ideas to move the region forward.
  4. C

    Proposal Concurrent Prohibition Waiver Amendment

    I put this forward to the Assembly for consideration. This proposal is to create a mechanism to allow for people who would otherwise be unable to serve in other positions due to holding other positions to temporarily serve in that position under certain circumstances.
  5. C

    Discussion Commonwealth of Lazarus Theme Act

    This js an alternative theme I've cooked up. Thanks to Wym for reviewing the act for any errors. Also formatting will be fixed when I get home.
  6. C

    Discussion Lazarus Corporation Restructuring Act (2021)

    I present this theme act to the Assembly, it renames LazCorp/Lazarene Corporation to the Lazarus Corporation and also restructures some things. I will note I'm generally on the fence about Delegate/Vice Delegate naming and the Minister/Prime Minister naming. Alternatives I've considered is as...
  7. C

    Discussion Prime Minister's Question Time

    So, I floated this idea on the Discord, but it seems to have just been dropped so figured I would open a topic here.
  8. C

    Chanku for PM - April 2020 General Election Campaign Thread

    Chanku For Prime Minister It is election time once again, and I firmly believe that I am not only qualified to be the Prime Minister, but to campaign with my fullest efforts. Therefore everyone must be wondering what I intend to do as Prime Minister, and what my goals are. Here is a quick...
  9. C

    [Proposal] Procedural Rules of the Assembly Act

    So I figured I should introduce this here now, I was holding off, however given a different draft has been posted, here we go: