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Recent content by Mysterious Player

  1. M

    [Archive] Introductions

  2. M

    [Discussion] Proscription of the New Pacific Order

    A proscription of the NPO sounds good to me. Most of them aren't trustworthy to me, and while there are some of them that are, I don't think picking favorites in situations such as these is a good thing.
  3. M

    [PASSED] Repeal "Condemn Macedon"

  4. M

    Hegemon (Delegate) Announcements

    Congratulations to all!
  5. M

    Guess the next person to post

    Nope Atlantica?
  6. M

    Slap Above Poster

    *slaps Imaginary with imagination*
  7. M


    OBJECTION: 3=4 is correct, not 3=2. 3=4
  8. M

    Guess the next person to post

    Nope Imaginary?