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Recent content by Progiraffe

  1. P

    Proposal [PROPOSAL] Lazarene Elections Act Amendment

    yea my problem with this is that not everyone checks discord/forums every day so it could easily take 2+ days for someone to learn of the election which under the new proposal would mean that person doesn't even have a chance to run for the position
  2. P

    Proposal The Lazarene Card Guild Charter (April 2022)

    another nit pick to the one i've already provided on discord, in section 1, cause 3. Wouldn't be better worded if instead of 'Minister or Deputy Minister' the PM appointed a 'Minister and if desired a deputy minster'? cause if the PM appoints a solely a deputy minister without a minister isn't...
  3. P

    [Archive] Ministry and Other Applications

    Have you been part of a Culture Ministry in another region? If so, what area did you like most? no Are you interested in regional role-playing? (Yes/No) No Are you good at making graphics? no Do you like writing? no Do you like welcoming nations to a region? (Yes/No) No
  4. P

    Mandate [A.M.A. 8] RMB Rules and Regional Bans Clarification Amendment (February 2022)

    yes (definitely not saying aye or for to be annoying)
  5. P

    Proposal [Proposal] RMB Rules and Regional Bans Clarification Amendment (February 2022)

    ok, so what i'm getting is that this change is reducing the amount of baeacuracy that is needed to preform a action
  6. P

    Proposal [Proposal] RMB Rules and Regional Bans Clarification Amendment (February 2022)

    can i ask the reasoning why we are removing the assembly's power to overturn decisions in section 2? also what does the change in section 8 achieve?
  7. P

    [Archive] Ex-Citizen Applications (2018-2023)

    What is your nation in Lazarus? Giraffe Lazarus Did you submit this using a IP proxy? No What is your World Assembly (WA) nation? Giraffeton Do you have any other nations? (Yes/No) Yes If so, what are they? Giraffe Pacific (lots of card farming puppets) Do you have any other Nationstates...