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Recent content by The Pharcyde

  1. The Pharcyde

    [Archive] Rejected Applications (2018-2023)

    Did you submit this using a IP proxy?: No Nation in Lazarus: [nation=The Fire Republic] WA Nation: [nation=The Pharcyde] NS Identities: The Pharcyde Have you been accused of any crime/s in other regions?: No Have you participated in any other region/s?: The Rejected Realms - Officer Lazarus Do...
  2. The Pharcyde

    [Discussion] Delegate Recall

    I withdraw this proposal.
  3. The Pharcyde

    [Archive] Ex-Citizen Applications (2018-2023)

    I resign my citizenship.
  4. The Pharcyde

    [Discussion] Appointments (July 2019)

    I’m fine with these nominations.
  5. The Pharcyde

    [Archive] Introductions

    [Welcome! What’s up?
  6. The Pharcyde

    [Discussion] Delegate Recall

    A punishment is “the infliction or imposition of a penalty as retribution for an offense.” I do not think Tubbius has committed a offense. He hasn’t been negligent or conducted himself poorly, and I didn’t imply such. On the contrary, I think he is diligent and upstanding.
  7. The Pharcyde

    [Discussion] Delegate Recall

    What we’ve been doing hasn’t been enough.
  8. The Pharcyde

    [Discussion] Delegate Recall

    Fellow shareholders, I propose a recall of Treadwellia, Chief Executive Officer of Lazarus. I am deeply unsatisfied with the state of internal affairs in Lazarus, and lack confidence that the change I want to see is realizable under Treadwellia’s leadership. In the past couple months, I have...
  9. The Pharcyde

    [Proposal] Anti-Pacific Coalition Treaty Text and Discussion Thread

    I see. Thank you for explaining!
  10. The Pharcyde

    Number Count

  11. The Pharcyde

    Count to 1000

  12. The Pharcyde

    What's on your mind?
