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First Citizen (PM) Announcements


First speech as First Citizen: New Rogernomics

Thank you for electing me as First Citizen or Prime Minister.

I would also like to thank the outgoing First Citizen, Custadia, for allowing me to be Foreign Minister of Lazarus during his term.

Firstly, during the first month of my term I will be putting forward a resolution in the Lazarene Assembly to establish a stronghold that could eventually be converted into a frontier, and putting in the effort to establish the regional guard of Lazarus into a regional military that could participate in operations with our regional allies and friends. This is no easy task and I readily admit that.

Secondly, I will be establishing in-game regional representatives who will be elected by in-game polls and have regional powers to create polls in Lazarus, and perhaps further powers if it is reasonable to do so. This will be a way I believe to establish more of a say of our residents in the region and make residents and citizens feel more included.

Lastly, Lazarus will establish a new regional motto as the last one has been long since retired with the end of LazCorp theme.

It is also clear to me that Lazarus will face challenges in regards to the Brotherhood of Malice, The Communist Bloc, and perhaps Osiris too. I hope certainly that Lazarus will be prepared to meet these challenges if they should arise and support our regional allies and friends.

Lazarus has a clear opportunity to realize itself as a more prominent region in Nationstates though this is going to take a lot of hard work and effort during to my term to achieve, and during the coming weeks I will be putting together my cabinet to take a shot at this.

I hope that you have a great weekend, and may Lazarus prevail! Until we find a new regional motto and have something more fun to shout!

New Rogernomics
First Citizen (PM) of Lazarus
First Citizen's Residence, Capital District, Lazarus

Many of you in the region are concerned about the direction of our region and this is something I feel I should address. I'm still committed to making this region work, though I had to take a mental health break due to my relationship and move cities. I expect to be back in the game next month, and you'll be seeing more activity from me.

This is the first speech I have made in a long time.

No one likes to take ownership for not doing enough for the region, but I feel I should because of the sway and power I have in the region, whether as First Citizen or Prime Minister, Vice Delegate, or even as a citizen of the region.

I have been through many iterations of Lazarus, and I've walked through being a defender, being a raider, and then turning un-aligned. I respect defenders, raiders, and those that haven't picked a side and won't be likely to. I have criticisms of both defenders and raiders throughout my time in the game, and I do not want Lazarus to become a purely defender or raider controlled region.

The mistake of heavily going in one direction cost us dearly in the past, and resulted in the driving away of active players who we will never likely see again for various reasons, and turn others into threats to regional security that we would let back in at our own peril – due to their actions in the wider Nationstates community towards certain major regional friends.

I have tried to rebuild our community from that and give us stability, and that meant me burning bridges with raider friends I had and putting this region first, as well as making tough choices to build alliances and create friendships or alliances with regions at the cost of relations with others. (edited)

I must admit now that while Lazarus has won the war to endure it has not won the peace and proven itself a vibrant community once more. The hardest part of leadership is finding the right people to take charge and directing them to do what is right or necessary, rather than what is easy or convenient.

The hardest part for me as Lazarene was having to say farewell to the democratic basis of our region we had with elected Delegacies, and to see that aspect of our region fade away, even though I feel it had to fade away because of the new realities of the game that a restorer or sinker was not defendable without a stable Delegacy, and that regional elections for the Delegacy could tragically imperil our regional security as it had in the past.

So, we have tried to build a region around a community that is in a half-way house between full democracy and a defacto monarchy, and I feel that this sort of attempt has failed to bring us the activity we looked for. No one will accept us as a full democracy and people expect to be rewarded for their activity, not merely given the ability to run for office as a token gesture.

I think it is time we restored the Lazarene monarchy in terms of titles and nobility, and put our regional theme to use, and that means from now I will not be speaking to you as someone purely Out of Character anymore, except in situations where I am required to as an administrator or for in-game moderation purposes.

I started the game as an in-character player, and I am prepared to return to that because I feel that it is what the region needs now. That means I'll gradually start doing regular speeches and try to be the more fun player I really could be if I returned to those roots.

I have come to accept the reality that Lazarus is only going to gain a presence again in Nationstates through military actions and roleplaying activity, and so that is the direction I will push us to follow, until the rest of the regional institutions can be driven back into activity.

I cannot do this alone, though I can lead by example, which might mean ruffling a few feathers in the defender or raider world or pushing some boundaries of regionalism for regional pride or inspiration. In words of Jesus to Saint Lazarus I would say, "Lazarus, come out!" and let's build the community we should be and could be if we have the faith to try.
I think a Democracy could still work. Everyone may not participate in it but if a portion does then It could work. The workload has to be shared and cannot just rely on one person.

Maybe it is time to open elections again to see if people would be interested in running for a last ditch attempt.
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@Domais reelected as First Citizen (Prime Minister)
@Wang Yao appointed as Minister of Foreign Affairs
@Angel aka Xara (Shinseikoku) named Minister of Internal Affairs
@Ellenburg#8639 (Extrememeasures) named Minister of World Assembly Affairs
@Vleerian (Cut Me Some Slackerie) and @Slavanias to serve as Deputy Ministers of Internal Affairs
@Eldarion to oversee Roleplay as Deputy Minister within Internal Affairs
@Andards aka Prov named Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs
Leadership roles for the Ministry of Recruitment and the Regional Guard remain vacant

The Inaugural address of the First Citizen and his Cabinet
Domais, the newly reelected First Citizen, addressed the citizens of the League of Lazarus from a freshly erected podium in Imki Square, flanked by the members of his soon-to-be-announced cabinet.

“Fellow residents and citizens,” he began, “Lazarus, our beloved home, has been rocked by recent events. Just last month, long-time native Debussy—a former Assembly Speaker, incumbent Epilektoi (Councilor on the Council of Lazarene Security) and First Citizen—was revealed to be one of the many shapes of the infamous—condemnable even—shapeshifter Feux. I thank the Council for its decisive action in dismissing him from the government and banishing him from Lazarus.”

Domais’ tone grew more serious as he continued, “As if that wasn’t enough turmoil, just over a week ago, another Epilektoi, instead of working to restore Lazarene harmony after Feux’s banishment, sought to exploit the situation for personal gain. He attempted to unseat a fellow Epilektoi with baseless allegations of association with Feux—a move that could have fractured Lazarus. When everyone saw through his ploy and his so-called ‘evidence,’ rather than accepting accountability, he resigned from the Council in disgrace and launched public attacks on our Hegemon (Delegate) and Herald (Vice Delegate), sowing further discord within our community.”

He paused, his voice steady but resolute. “Yes, my friends, these have been challenging times. But, Lazarus—oh, Lazarus—all is not lost! Lazarus is still home to motivated citizens ready to rebuild. Together, we will forge a new Lazarus—a legacy to last the ages! The road ahead won't be easy; it will demand our blood, sweat, and tears. But I believe in Lazarus—in our resilience and determination to rise to the occasion!”

Unlike his predecessor, Domais pledged to be a catalyst for change, activity and stability, “The previous First Citizen sought to dismantle our government and eventually rule as dictator. Today, I stand here with a different mission: revival. Lazarus will rise again, like a phoenix reborn from the ashes, with renewed strength and vitality! I have already taken the first steps to spark this —revival. The recruitment drive is underway, and our stamp campaign is now live. Within the last week and a half, I have sent over two thousand manual recruitment telegrams.”

Addressing the leadership vacuum created by the recent turmoil, Domais declared, “For over a month, Lazarus has lacked an effective cabinet. That ends today! It is my honor to announce the formation of a new cabinet.”

He smiled as he revealed a key appointment. “I am pleased to announce that a suspiciously familiar face will lead the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Wang Yao, a long-time resident of—how many years? Three? Five? Maybe ten? Nobody knows for sure. I’m dead serious. What matters is that he’s a former First Citizen, a current Court Justice, and an incumbent Epilektoi. He will serve as our new Minister of Foreign Affairs. Supporting him in this role will be Prov, who has once again been appointed as Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs.”

He continued, “I am also proud to name Ellenburg, a former First Citizen, as Minister of World Assembly Affairs. His experience and leadership will be a great asset to our team.”

Domais then turned to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, “I am also delighted to announce that Xara, who previously served as Deputy Minister for Roleplay, will be promoted to Minister of Internal Affairs. She will be supported by two Deputy Ministers: Vleerian, returning to the role, and Slavanias, joining us for the first time. And a third extremely familiar face, Eldarion, overseeing regional roleplay, ”

He acknowledged the vacancies in the cabinet, stating, “We are still searching for a Minister of Recruitment and a Regional Guard Commander. While these positions may remain unfilled for now, their existence paves the way for junior appointments. Additionally, I will personally oversee the recruitment program in the interim.”

Concluding his address, Domais said, “With all that being said, I look forward to the next four months and what we, together, can build here in Lazarus!”

Following Domais’ address, Wang Yao stepped to the podium, delivering his vision for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. “In my new role, I will use my experience in foreign affairs to revamp the Ministry's operations. Lazarus will focus on establishing a stronger, more efficient ambassador network. We will also create opportunities for citizens interested in foreign affairs to gain experience and prove themselves as ambassadors. Recognition through awards and promotions will honor those who excel. Furthermore, as we work to regenerate Lazarus, we will strengthen our region's voice as an independent region and solidify its position in Gameplay.”

Ellenburg followed, pledging to revitalize the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs. “I have been in Nationstates for many years! I have done so much for a few different regions around the NS world. I bring my many years to Lazarus’s World Assembly Ministry with hopes of reviving and energizing the ministry to ensure our voting power in the chambers is utilized and the voice of our region is heard. This can be done by listening to our citizens and making strategic choices when it comes to World Assembly recommendations. I would also like to explore how Lazarus can grow within the World Assembly by producing some of our World Assembly authors if there is interest from the citizens of Lazarus in doing such things. I come to this position with energy and determination to make a difference. Let our voices be heard in the World Assembly!”

Xara, as Minister of Internal Affairs, followed, emphasizing community building. “In my new role, I am committed to making Lazarus a vibrant and engaging region to all. We will continue to put more effort in entertaining and inclusive activities through regular Discord events, and a stream of engaging regional polls, which brings the community closer to one another. The Gazette shall be revitalized with fresh stories and creative contributions from the citizens. Also, we are going to arrange a grand festival together with our partners, showing our mutual spirit. To make sure it keeps growing, I'll be stimulating the collaboration in recruiting efforts, making newcomers welcome and engaged. Together we will make Lazarus a successful and vibrant home for all.”
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Guidelines for each ministry in the current cabinet.

Office of the First Citizen (Prime Minister)​

The First Citizen holds jurisdiction and oversight over all cabinet affairs, including but not limited to:
  • Ministerial Appointments: The First Citizen appoints all Ministers and appoints deputy ministers, when possible, with the advice and consent of the relevant Minister.
  • Ministerial Removal: The First Citizen is responsible for the removal of Ministers and may dismiss deputies on the advice and consent of the relevant Minister. However, the First Citizen retains the unilateral authority to dismiss deputies.
  • Delegation of Authority: While the First Citizen generally delegates powers to Ministers, they retain the authority to unilaterally act when necessary and act as the Minister for any vacant Ministry to ensure the continuance of Lazarus.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs​

The Minister of Foreign Affairs has jurisdiction over the following duties and responsibilities:
  • Managing the duties of deputies unless the First Citizen intervenes.
  • Appointment and removal of diplomats to foreign regions, along with defining their duties.
  • Subject to the approval of the First Citizen, creation of jobs (other than diplomats) and hiring decisions for those jobs.
  • Treaty negotiations and initiation of festivals with foreign regions.
  • Collaborating with other Ministries:
    • Organizing interregional festivals with the Minister of Internal Affairs.
    • Advising the First Citizen on World Assembly requests from foreign regions with the Minister of World Assembly Affairs.
    • Subject to the approval of the First Citizen, making recommendations to the Delegate on Security Council votes with the Minister of World Assembly Affairs.
  • Drafting regional telegrams to recruit diplomats and employees, with regional telegrams sent by the First Citizen.

Ministry of Internal Affairs​

The Minister of Internal Affairs has jurisdiction over the following duties and responsibilities:
  • Managing the duties of deputies unless the First Citizen intervenes.
  • Subject to the approval of the First Citizen, creation of jobs and hiring decisions for those jobs.
  • Assisting with RMB (Regional Message Board) moderation in accordance with established rules.
  • Organizing:
    • Regional polls, internal cultural events, games, and activities across platforms.
    • New issues of the Lazarene Gazette.
    • Regional roleplay, to the extent permitted by the First Citizen.
  • Collaborating with the Minister of Foreign Affairs on interregional festivals.
  • Drafting regional telegrams to recruit employees, with regional telegrams sent by the First Citizen.

Ministry of World Assembly Affairs​

The Minister of World Assembly Affairs has jurisdiction over the following duties and responsibilities:
  • Managing the duties of deputies unless the First Citizen intervenes.
  • Subject to the approval of the First Citizen, creation of jobs and hiring decisions for those jobs.
  • Recommendations to the Delegate on General Assembly votes.
  • Drafting and organizing proposals for the World Assembly and Security Council.
  • Collaborating with:
    • Advising the First Citizen on World Assembly requests from foreign regions with the Minister of Foreign Affairs.
    • Subject to the approval of the First Citizen, making recommendations to the Delegate on Security Council votes with the Minister of Foreign Affairs.
  • Drafting regional telegrams to recruit employees, with regional telegrams sent by the First Citizen.

Ministry of Recruitment​

The Minister of Recruitment has jurisdiction over the following duties and responsibilities:
  • Managing the duties of deputies unless the First Citizen intervenes.
  • Appointment and removal of manual recruiters, along with defining their duties.
  • Subject to the approval of the First Citizen, creation of jobs (other than manual recruiter) and hiring decisions for those jobs.
  • Subject to the approval of the First Citizen, drafting recruitment telegram templates targeting new nations.
  • Organizing:
    • Internal recruitment events.
    • Regional recruitment efforts using stamps, APIs, or manually, where possible.
  • Drafting regional telegrams to recruit manual recruiters and employees, with regional telegrams sent by the First Citizen.

By order of Domais,
First Citizen of Lazarus
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During this current term, the staff of the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs has consisted solely of Minister @Ellenburg#8639. To strengthen the Ministry's capacity, additional support is necessary.

Therefore, I am appointing @Feux as Deputy Minister of World Assembly Affairs, with a specific focus on resolution drafting.

By order of Domais,
First Citizen of Lazarus

Establishment of the Ministry of Cards: @Feux appointed Minister of Cards​

With the necessary personnel now in place, I hereby establish a the Ministry of Cards, tasked with overseeing regional card activity. As of now, the Cards Guild is placed under the jurisdiction of this new ministry.

Currently, there is no better person to lead this ministry than Feux, one of our resident card farmers, and as of today our Minister of Cards.

Feux prepared an introduction to the Ministry:

What are cards? Well, cards, if you haven't already discovered them, are pieces of art that are shared on a market place between nations. This art is based on the nations they created them. Take a look. Now, cards are not a super easy thing to collect, particularly if you have a big collection in mind. That is where this department comes in! We are responsible for facilitating your growth and aims for your collection, and maintaining high market valve for particular Lazarene cards. There are several tools to help you do so, and they aren't always so easy to understand. Our department is here to help with that. We will help you walk your way through the setup, tools, and everything else that can be required to reach your goals. Furthermore, we are here to work together, promote your card collection, and further Lazarene interests.

If cards are of some interest to you, it is highly suggested you join the discord if you haven't already. In addition, we encourage you to join the official card community discord. You will have access to numerous resources and important card community members that can help you along the way to your goals. The cards community is a very open, welcoming place with all kinds of characters. Card collecting is often much more than a regional project, but an international one. Your work in this department may and can help the Lazarene Foreign Affairs Department, so we expect you to be on your best behavior.

Further, Feux continues to serve as Deputy Minister of World Assembly Affairs, as previous announced.

By order of Domais,
First Citizen of Lazarus